Analytics Bundle

Maximize your impact.

Fine-tune your content and better understand your business with a bundle of services including Newspack’s Data Dashboard, content analytics, and dedicated training to help you get the most out of both.


Business Metrics

Newspack Data Dashboard

Use our Data Dashboard to view all of the key metrics for your business and site performance in one place.

Newsroom Performance Content Analytics

Get access to the industry-leading content analytics tool used by some of the largest newsrooms.

Data Literacy

Analytics Training Session

Dedicated training helps your team get the most out of these tools, turning insights into action.


What will the price be?

The pricing schedule for Newspack Analytics will be as follows:

For publishers with annual revenue below $250,000:
Analytics Bundle: $50 per month

For publishers with annual revenue between $250k and $500k:
Analytics Bundle: $250 per month
Data Dashboard only: $150 per month

For publishers with revenue between $500k and $1m:
Analytics Bundle: $500 per month
Data Dashboard only: $300 per month

For publishers with revenue above $1m:

Analytics Bundle: $1,000 per month for the first site, $250 per month for each affiliated site
Data Dashboard only: $600 per month

What is included in the analytics training session?

How are conversion rates calculated? What can I do to increase my metrics to bypass the benchmark? How do I navigate through the different elements of We’ll walk through how you and your team can best use this data to inform your business and content strategy.

What is makes working with data easy for newsrooms and marketers, giving you the insights you need to focus your content strategy and prove ROI.

What is the Newspack Data Dashboard?

The Newspack Data Dashboard pulls together data from a variety of third-party services allowing you to compare your performance against that of similar publishers by size and by nonprofit/for-profit status.

You get a comprehensive view of your top-line data, not just a collection of disparate metrics. And we’ll show how you’re progressing toward specific goals. Those include user acquisition, engagement and conversion, newsletter engagement, advertising and reader revenue performance, and site performance.

How do I sign up?

Fill out the Analytics Bundle subscription form linked below to start your subscription!



Fast, flexible

Audience development

Seamless reader activation

Advertising and sponsorship

Simplified ad


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