Friday, July 19th 2024

Author iconFrancis Berger - Blog
Francis Berger

This post addresses the much-touted and utterly misguided argument that ideas are ultimate and matter far more than people who express the ideas.

The argument comes in many shapes and flavors. Still, they all convey the same assumption—truth does not need people to be true. Ideas and truth exist independently ...

1.5m (510 words)
Author iconFrom the Narrow Desert
Wm Jas Tychonievich

On the A page of Animalia, an Ace of Hearts is near a picture of a running man whom I interpreted as a reference to Arnold Schwarzenegger. Today I realized that the actor’s initials, AS, coincide with the French word from which our word ace derives. The Ace of Hearts, for example, is As de cœur. This made me ...

2m (540 words)
Author iconTrees and Triads

Text within this block will maintain its original spacing when published*

everything is prayer, except work, which is penance

i have God as my witness, judge, jury and executioner. a devil's advocate.

die as if your life depended on it

granted, it was before my time, but politics used to be good bad theater. now ...

2m (550 words)
Author iconMeeting The Masters
William Wildblood


My book By No Means Equal was published a few months ago and the advent of a new government in the UK brings its message to the fore because this government is motivated, theoretically, at least, by the principle of equality. To a degree, this principle drives all Western liberal democracies but ...

1.5m (510 words)
Author iconBruce Charlton's Notions
Bruce Charlton

It's an interesting question as to whether it is worth having the mass of average stuff (not to mention bad stuff) in the arts - or whether we only really-need the really-good stuff?

Of course, it may be argued that the really-good stuff could not be produced without the average (and bad) stuff - because people need ...

2m (610 words)
Author iconFrom the Narrow Desert
Wm Jas Tychonievich

My last post linked Emmett Brown, from the Back to the Future movies, with the brown emmets, or ants, on the A page of Animalia:


As the syncs drew my attention to the word brown, I remembered that its curious etymology had come up on this blog before, in the October 2021 post "Bern, baby, bern!" ...

2m (670 words)
Author iconBruce Charlton's Notions
Bruce Charlton

Most people seem to regard ultimate questions, metaphysics or "the cosmic perspective" as irrelevant frills (for people with too little to do, too much time on their hands) at best - but more likely as delusional nonsense, and something that ought to be avoided.

The subject certainly is avoided (except to warn ...

2m (580 words)

Thursday, July 18th 2024

Author iconFrancis Berger - Blog
Francis Berger

About five years ago, I documented the following observations on the subject of wisdom and old age:

That people inevitably grow wiser as they age is a cliché and a misconception. More often than not, my life experience has revealed the opposite to be the case. Most people I know from the older generations ...

1.5m (400 words)
Author iconBruce Charlton's Notions
Bruce Charlton


"Big Jack" Charlton and "wor kid" (i.e. my little brother) Bobby - 1966 Soccer World Cup winners feted in their home town of Ashington

This is a marvellous half-hour 1971 "fly on the wall" TV documentary about the 1966 England football world cup winner Jackie Charlton, visiting his childhood home ...

Author iconFrom the Narrow Desert
Wm Jas Tychonievich

I'm not sure if it came from a forgotten dream or what, but I woke up this morning with a strange image in my mind: I was sitting at a card table, and opposite me was a yak, standing on the floor on all fours, with its head over the table. I had a small tumbler in front of me, and the yak had a shallow bowl, and we ...

5.5m (1,600 words)
Author iconBruce Charlton's Notions
Bruce Charlton

For me, much of the mass media output is ruined and made intolerable because populated entirely by dislikeable characters.

Indeed "dislikeable" is putting it mildly! Most media dramatis personae (whether in TV, movies, songs, plays or novels) are people I regard as actively loathsome individuals!

I used to theorize ...

1.5m (470 words)

Wednesday, July 17th 2024

Author iconBruce Charlton's Notions
Bruce Charlton


Does anyone vaguely recall those remote, almost legendary, days of 2020-22? The birdemic and the peck campaign...

(And in the midst of it all, the lying, resentment, and spite of the "MLB" antiracism debacle of later summer 2020, and its permanent sequelae in law and regulations and social ...

1.5m (400 words)
Author iconFrom the Narrow Desert
Wm Jas Tychonievich

Yesterday I started reading the Old Testament. This morning I picked up where I had left off, with Genesis 8. Thus it was that today, July 17, I read this verse:

And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat (Gen. 8:4).

Tuesday, July 16th 2024

Author iconFrancis Berger - Blog
Francis Berger

About a week ago, I described how a pair of nesting swallows had clandestinely made themselves at home in my workshop. Well, the nest now contains four eggs.

So far so good. I just have to ensure my cat doesn't find a creative way to access the nest.



Author iconFrom the Narrow Desert
Wm Jas Tychonievich

I dreamed that I was in a cabin in a rural area, and a black bear cub wandered into the front room. I was a bit afraid of it but figured it could be mollified by feeding it. My wife said that was a bad idea, but I insisted. Looking around the cabin, I found a tray of tofu and congealed duck blood and fed it to the ...

1m (320 words)
Author iconFrancis Berger - Blog
Francis Berger

Summer has been and continues to be home renovation time for me. That's what happens when you buy an old house in rural Hungary. Long-time readers of this blog will recall some of my previous renovation adventures like the henhouse, greenhouse, workshop, and block fence.

Well, this year I have tackled a tool shed, ...

1m (340 words)
Author iconBruce Charlton's Notions
Bruce Charlton

When I was a late teenager and young adult; I envisaged being "a writer"; by which I meant some kind of creative writer - if not as a living, as a significant side-line to my job.

Aside from a few comedy sketches for performance in revues, and scientific articles for journals (which were collaborative) I did not ...

2m (660 words)

Monday, July 15th 2024

Author iconFrancis Berger - Blog
Francis Berger

My job involves revising manuscripts (I know, I know), entailing that I spend much time at the computer reading documents and articles for which I have zero interest. Thoroughly reading texts one finds inherently uninteresting requires epic levels of concentration. Oddly enough, I have found that playing background ...

Author iconTrees and Triads

Text within this block will maintain its original spacing when published*

it is what it is. not what it was.

for me, Jesus was the missing piece. and it was Joseph Smith who turned the puzzle around so i could finally see what it depicted.

how tragic to be a product of one's time, when the time is one of mass ...

1m (350 words)
Author iconMeeting The Masters
William Wildblood

There's nothing like being wise after the event but no astrologer will be surprised by the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, given the planetary patterns of the time. Below is the chart of President Trump with the transits of the day added. The important thing to note is the Mars/Uranus conjunction in 26 Taurus ...

1.5m (410 words)
Author iconFrom the Narrow Desert
Wm Jas Tychonievich

Continuing from my last post, "Visions as irruptions of dreaming consciousness into waking life":

In Joseph Smith's account of the visit of Moroni, I think we can see a distinction between the visitation of the angel, which was an actual experience, and a vision which occurred during that visitation. Here is how the ...

1.5m (410 words)
Author iconBruce Charlton's Notions
Bruce Charlton

I have been very un-impressed by what I know of the "results" of group prayer, or meditation - especially when groups are arranged to pray "for" something or another.

Such things seem recurrently popular - among Christians, and also in the New Age and occult world. Those involved in group prayer/meditation/ ritual ...

1.5m (460 words)

Sunday, July 14th 2024

Author iconBruce Charlton's Notions
Bruce Charlton



There is an apocryphal story hereabouts (recalled from memory) about Wittgenstein when he was working as a laboratory assistant in the Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne during the second world war (lodging in the Jesmond house - illustrated above - that is currently, ...

1.5m (440 words)
Author iconFrom the Narrow Desert
Wm Jas Tychonievich

There's a theory -- I'm not sure who deserves credit for it -- that dreaming goes on all the time, but that it is imperceptible when we are awake because it is drowned out by the much "brighter" and "louder" stimuli of waking consciousness -- much as the stars are always there but only become visible when there is no ...

2m (610 words)

Saturday, July 13th 2024

Author iconFrancis Berger - Blog
Francis Berger

There’s this line of thinking, mostly among secular alt-right, anti-woke, dissident type bloggers, that believes that going along to get along with the System publicly is acceptable as long such plain public submission is balanced out by private objection or anonymous/pseudonymous public dissent.

The ...

8.5m (2,600 words)
Author iconFrom the Narrow Desert
Wm Jas Tychonievich

I dreamed that representatives of a secretive organization were going around to elementary schools and interviewing the “gifted and talented” kids, trying to identify individuals of possible interest to their group.

Part of the interview involved playing brief clips of various national anthems and noting in ...

Author iconBruce Charlton's Notions
Bruce Charlton


Although apparently designed in the 60s; at the time when I was in my teens during the 1970s the Trimphone still seemed the height of Space Age sophistication.

My best friend's family had one; and when I was visiting I got great satisfaction from its electronic trill (with volume control!), its ...

1m (370 words)
Author iconBruce Charlton's Notions
Bruce Charlton

Following up on a post of mine from a few days ago; William James Tychonievich challenged the coherence of my statement that I believe in the reality of many supernatural/ paranormal/ occult phenomena - while disbelieving nearly all specific reports of such phenomena.

How - he asked - could I believe in the reality ...

2.5m (740 words)
Author iconFrom the Narrow Desert
Wm Jas Tychonievich

Today I was once again trying to go to, but autocomplete sent me to instead. The random post it served up was this:
