GameJournoPros January 2014

Today’s Topic Summary


  • Time reporters reporting to business execs [3 Updates]
  • Polygon seeking weekend reporter [1 Update]
  • RIP PAR & PATV [2 Updates]
  • Moving and shaking at GI International [1 Update]

Time reporters reporting to business execs

Kyle Orland <> Jan 02 12:23PM -0500: Might have gotten lost in the holidays: Pretty worrying, from where I’m sitting. …more

Jared Newman <> Jan 02 12:55PM -0800: I suppose I could weigh in, but keep in mind I am a freelance contributor, not an employee. -I don’t believe Kyle’s subject line (newsroom reporters reporting to business execs) is accurate. …more

Ben Gilbert <> Jan 02 03:59PM -0500: I’m honestly missing the change here. There’s no way that every individual editor is reporting to business execs (ain’t no way the biz execs would EVER agree to that), and as Jared says, every EIC …more

Polygon seeking weekend reporter

Kyle Orland <> Jan 02 03:37PM -0500: They’re gonna employ us all soon enough anyway, so why not join up now?


Kyle Orland <> Jan 02 01:25PM -0500: Chalk up another to the Polygon beast! Ben has landed on his feet as opinion editor over there: …more

James Fudge <> Jan 02 01:39PM -0500: This is great news! Thanks for sharing, Kyle 🙂

Moving and shaking at GI International

Kyle Orland <> Jan 02 10:41AM -0500: European Editor Matt Martin is out at, in at VG247. Taking over for founder Patrick Garratt, who is becoming “publisher.” …more

Today’s Topic Summary


  • On anger (and quite a bit more) [3 Updates]
  • Which one of you is organizing this? [4 Updates]

On anger (and quite a bit more)

Kyle Orland <> Jan 03 11:46PM -0500: These posts are ostensibly about Ben Kuchera’s hiring at Polygon, but the most interesting parts of them are really about the business of game journalism, the importance of tone in fighting for your …more

Daniel Starkey <> Jan 04 03:55AM -0600: I have… A lot of problems with a lot of this. Diversity is super-important, but I’ve found that advocates of diversity never consider their own privileges and frequently ignore issues with which …more

Chris Dahlen <> Jan 04 09:30AM -0500: Mattie is a really interesting personality. There’s so much to unpack here that while I could quibble with the stuff that I disagree with – Polygon invited her to write opinions at the same rate they …more

Which one of you is organizing this?

Devin Connors <> Jan 03 01:52PM -0800: I can get you all on the VIP list. Just email BigPoppaConnors69@gmail.comwith your name, desired role, and a FULL BODY PIC. …more

Michael Rougeau <> Jan 03 02:25PM -0800: *NO FACE

Matt Hawkins <> Jan 03 05:35PM -0500: *opens up Craigslist link **searches for “butt play” ***sees no mention; no longer feels bad that he’s not going to CES this year

Jared Newman <> Jan 03 04:10PM -0800: Perfectly timed for right after CES Unveiled. Whoever planned this knew what they were doing. I’m glad it doesn’t interfere with our buffet dinner.

Today’s Topic Summary


  • GameJournoFeasting [3 Updates]


Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 06 09:30PM -0800: Since CES is in full swing now, this seems like a good time to send out a reminder. Tomorrow. 8:30pm. Wynn buffet. There will be gorging. …more

Daniel Starkey <> Jan 07 01:08AM -0600: So jealous of food.

Ben Gilbert <> Jan 07 01:42AM -0800: I’ll likely be entrenched in CES awards stuff after Showstoppers, but maybe! Hopefully! Anyone still around on Wednesday and Thursday?

Today’s Topic Summary


  • One-day Game Criticism Conference before GDC [3 Updates]
  • GameJournoFeasting 2: Electric Boogaloo [13 Updates]
  • Madden NFL exhibit at Museum of the Moving Image in NYC [1 Update]
  • AO Scott’s edited tweet-ad in the NYT [2 Updates]
  • Matt Lees says goodbye to VideoGamer [1 Update]
  • Neat game book on Kickstarter [1 Update]
  • GameJournoFeasting [11 Updates]

One-day Game Criticism Conference before GDC

Kyle Orland <> Jan 08 08:08AM -0800: Organized by the somewhat polarizing Mattie Brice. Not many details yet, but seems like a good excuse to get together with other game-writery people to me. Yesterday there were 70 tickets left, …more

Dennis Scimeca <> Jan 08 12:36PM -0800: I thought this was Zoya Street’s baby?

Andrew Groen <> Jan 08 01:14PM -0800: I’m almost certain that’s accurate, Dennis. It’s just been heavily advertised by Mattie.

GameJournoFeasting 2: Electric Boogaloo

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 08 06:11AM -0800: Last night’s gorgefest was a resounding success. A bunch of us converged on the Wynn’s buffet and proceeded to CRUSH it. You always learn so much about a person by observing their buffet feeding …more

Dale North <> Jan 08 11:30AM -0600: As I already said, I’m in. Let’s get fat

Matt Hawkins <> Jan 08 12:36PM -0500 …more

Jonathan Deesing <> Jan 08 10:01AM -0800: I’m heading home Thursday. Eat a dozen crab legs in my honor.

Ben Gilbert <> Jan 08 10:06AM -0800: Other folks will still be here on Thursday! Yes! I can probably go to this!

Mike Rougeau <> Jan 08 11:48AM -0800: Oh yeah. I’m in. …more

James Fudge <> Jan 08 03:07PM -0500: Please eat a pound of bacon in my honor.

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 08 12:08PM -0800: DONE… but only because it’s you, James. …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 08 12:09PM -0800: Since Adam is organizing, he can sit in the Fearless Leader chair in my absence. -KO

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 08 12:10PM -0800: Are you giving me power, or absolute power? …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 08 12:19PM -0800: I’m giving you a chair, but I’ll take it back if you’re gonna start plotting my overthrow or something =P -KO

Devin Connors <> Jan 08 12:23PM -0800: I sense a bloodless, smothering-type coup coming on… I am in for Thursday as well! …more

Devin Connors <> Jan 08 12:24PM -0800: I sense a bloodless, smothering-type coup coming on… I am in for Thursday as well! …more

Madden NFL exhibit at Museum of the Moving Image in NYC

Samit Sarkar <> Jan 08 03:14PM -0500: Hey all, It’s time for that thing we all love to partake in from time to time: shameless self-promotion! For the past month and a half, I’ve been working with the Museum of the …more

AO Scott’s edited tweet-ad in the NYT

Kyle Orland <> Jan 08 08:32AM -0800: A lot of interesting issues raised here that seems relevant to us game reviewers as well. …more

Patrick Klepek <> Jan 08 10:42AM -0600: I don’t think a publisher *should *have to ask for permission, but it’s nice. If you say it in public, it’s public. It’s not yours. …more

Matt Lees says goodbye to VideoGamer

Kyle Orland <> Jan 08 08:05AM -0800: Kind of came out of nowhere, especially since the site seemed to be taking off with some great original video content from him: …more

Neat game book on Kickstarter

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 08 06:33AM -0800: Just spotted this on the Twitters (via Mike Bithell). Seems worth mentioning here: …more


Jared Newman <> Jan 07 02:24PM -0800: I’ll be at the dinner, but Wednesday is when I will actually touch booze if anyone wants to try and meet up. …more

Jonathan Deesing <> Jan 07 04:15PM -0800: Yeah this is around the same time as the Tech Radar party so I would totally be down to meet up Wednesday as well.

Devin Connors <> Jan 07 04:30PM -0800: The TechRadar party goes pretty late, so I think many of us will head over to it after we are done feasting. …more

Jonathan Deesing <> Jan 07 04:47PM -0800: Cool. See you guys at the Wynn. I’m at the Excalibur if anyone’s nearby and wants to split a cab

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 07 07:24PM -0800: Trying to get a sense of the party size. Here’s who we’ve got, as far as I know: Myself Dale N Jonathan D Devin C Andrea R Jared N Ryan F Kyle Anyone else?

Dale <> Jan 07 07:29PM -0800: If you guys wanna eat earlier I’m game. ShowStoppers was miserable . I’m gambling for now …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 07 07:29PM -0800: Seconded. Starving.

Kyle Orland <> Jan 07 07:34PM -0800: Also starving and hating this Sony cocktail thing. Heading over now.

Jared Newman <> Jan 07 07:40PM -0800: Yeah showstoppers blows. 8ish? …more

Dale North <> Jan 07 07:47PM -0800: 8 sounds good to me …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 07 07:54PM -0800: The line is nuts. We’re in it now.

Today’s Topic Summary


  • AO Scott’s edited tweet-ad in the NYT [2 Updates]
  • IGN Looking For News Freelancers [1 Update]
  • GameJournoFeasting 2: Electric Boogaloo [6 Updates]
  • Matt Lees says goodbye to VideoGamer [2 Updates]
  • Madden NFL exhibit at Museum of the Moving Image in NYC [3 Updates]
  • One-day Game Criticism Conference before GDC [4 Updates]

AO Scott’s edited tweet-ad in the NYT

Andy Eddy <> Jan 09 10:01AM -0800: I think it’d be a legal risk not to ask permission, because a “public” article is still copyrighted text, and used in an advertising/marketing context is using that text for a purpose. …more

“K. Cox” <> Jan 09 03:07PM -0500: Consumer Reports *is* very protective of how its text is used, and companies aren’t allowed to use it in advertising.   (They are my current parent company now, heh. I see the policies floating …more

IGN Looking For News Freelancers

Leah Jackson <> Jan 09 11:48AM -0800: Hey Guys! I just wanted to let you know that IGN is on the lookout for news freelancers. 10% for Kyle. Any questions, let me know …more

GameJournoFeasting 2: Electric Boogaloo

“Timothy J. Seppala” <> Jan 09 04:43AM -0800: More than anything else, this makes me sad I’m not in Vegas this week. #meatsweats …more

Dale North <> Jan 09 09:23AM -0800: What time, friends? I’d like to see an earlier time to get away from 30 min line waits. Also, digestion before sleep. At 6:30 I went to Wicked Spoon last night — one of the most popular buffets …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 09 09:30AM -0800: I was thinking 7pm-ish, but I’m flexible? I think? I honestly have no idea what time I’ll be wrapping at the convention center today. …more

Dale <> Jan 09 09:32AM -0800: Let’s do 7. Cool? …more

Devin Connors <> Jan 09 09:35AM -0800: 7 works for me. …more

Andy Eddy <> Jan 09 10:25AM -0800: Remember Kyle’s 10% rule…and the front desk at most major hotels will happily assist you with an outgoing FedEx. Protip: Use separate Ziploc bags for dinner rolls and mashed potatoes.

Matt Lees says goodbye to VideoGamer

Andrew Groen <> Jan 08 02:33PM -0800: Good for him. It’s not easy to step away from something you’ve built, and I respect the courage it takes to potentially start over. Frankly, I’m kind of surprised VideoGamer didn’t give him a …more

Andy Eddy <> Jan 09 10:18AM -0800: I’m reading between the lines here, but I wouldn’t think the company had a choice in retaining him. I’d imagine that most of us, given the opportunity, would love to take a three-month sabbatical …more

Madden NFL exhibit at Museum of the Moving Image in NYC

Patrick Klepek <> Jan 09 11:24AM -0600: Congrats, Samit! …more

Dale North <> Jan 09 09:33AM -0800: Dude, that’s awesome! Congrats …more

Britton Peele <> Jan 09 11:42AM -0600: I’m super bummed that I won’t be able to see this in person. Congrats! Seems like a cool project. *—*

One-day Game Criticism Conference before GDC

Kyle Orland <> Jan 08 02:21PM -0800: My mistake. I saw it tweeted by Mattie and assumed. -KO

Britton Peele <> Jan 08 04:28PM -0600: [image: Inline image 1] *—*

Kyle Orland <> Jan 08 02:33PM -0800: I loose one turn.

Britton Peele <> Jan 08 04:35PM -0600: On a more serious note, this does seem like something I’d be interested in going to if I was going to GDC. I hope anyone who goes has a good time. *—*

Today’s Topic Summary


  • All Games Beta at it again [1 Update]
  • GameJournoFeasting 2: Electric Boogaloo [14 Updates]

All Games Beta at it again

Mike Futter <> Jan 10 12:46PM -0800: FYI, it looks like All Games Beta is lifting full articles again (and posting uncredited fan art, etc). The owner’s email address is if you find anything of yours up there. …more

GameJournoFeasting 2: Electric Boogaloo

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 09 04:29PM -0800: I hate to do this as one of the people who called for this to happen, but I’m going to have to bow out. The DT team was going to join us, but the wait time scared everyone off. Know that, wherever I …more

Devin Connors <> Jan 09 04:35PM -0800: Tell them to stop being buffet cowards, please. …more

ryanflemingpdx <> Jan 09 04:51PM -0800: According to Yelp and other reviews, you have to grab a ticket when you get there, then the wait is in the hours. With CES in town, I believe it now. Anyone going out gambling/mayheming later …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 09 04:52PM -0800: I like mayhem-infused gambling. …more

Devin Connors <> Jan 09 04:54PM -0800: There are two parties I know about, and neither should give you any flak at the door. Lenovo at the Venetian (Aquaknox), and IGN’s thing at Insert Coin. …more

Kevin Kelly <> Jan 09 04:55PM -0800: Insert Coin is a VERY cool place. Although the owner, Chris something (Lord?), will hound you for coverage if he finds out you’re press. Nice guy, but you know what I mean. …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 09 04:56PM -0800: Oh yeah, Scott Lowe hyped me on Insert Coin. I’m afraid it’ll be a somewhat early night for me with my 10am flight tomorrow and my old man bones, but I’m up for early evening gambling-slash-mayhem. …more

Devin Connors <> Jan 09 04:59PM -0800: My flight is at 6:20am. If you go to bed before me, I won’t be mad, just… *disappointed*.

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 09 05:01PM -0800: Then prepare to be disappointed. I’m wiped out. I still love you though? …more

Dale North <> Jan 09 05:02PM -0800: You are Wussies. I would bet you dinner that there is no longer than 30 min …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 09 05:03PM -0800: I’m sure you’re right, but it’s the final night. I’ve got to go with the team. …more

Dale North <> Jan 09 05:05PM -0800: I’m still doing it …more

Devin Connors <> Jan 09 05:17PM -0800: Dale — Mike and I are still in, and the INTREPID Dave Oshry might make an appearance.

Kevin Kelly <> Jan 09 05:29PM -0800: Just rest assured that I’m jealous of all of you. With my new job, I won’t be at CES, GDC, DICE, E3, etc. PAX for sure, but otherwise, NEIN. …more

Today’s Topic Summary


  • GameJournoFeasting 2: Electric Boogaloo [2 Updates]

GameJournoFeasting 2: Electric Boogaloo

“Timothy J. Seppala” <> Jan 10 08:44PM -0800: What’s the new gig? WHY WASN’T THERE A THREAD?! …more

“Timothy J. Seppala” <> Jan 10 08:44PM -0800: What’s the new gig? WHY WASN’T THERE A THREAD?! …more

Today’s Topic Summary


  • When online harassment becomes real world harassment [1 Update]

When online harassment becomes real world harassment

Kyle Orland <> Jan 11 04:35PM -0800: A lot of the stuff in here is going to be painfully familiar to some in this group, I fear, but I hope the …more

Today’s Topic Summary


  • Broken Age’s insane embargo [19 Updates]
  • Talking about games we haven’t played [2 Updates]
  • IT BEGINS [8 Updates]
  • GameJournoFeasting 2: Electric Boogaloo [1 Update]
  • When online harassment becomes real world harassment [2 Updates]

Broken Age’s insane embargo

Kyle Orland <> Jan 13 03:46PM -0500: I’m not a backer, but word is leaking out about this: “We’re also preparing to send out review codes to press, who will be under review embargo until January 27. This embargo also applies to any …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 13 12:47PM -0800: Yeah, no. I’m happy to agree to an embargo when I’m receiving privileged content. But I paid for this with my own money, and I’m damn sure going to write about it if I so choose. …more

Daniel Starkey <> Jan 13 02:49PM -0600: I’m also a backer, and when I saw the embargo I just thought “hey, maybe I’ll have time to kick out another review this month”. That is pretty lengthy and it’s an odd date to pick, but I just don’t …more

Sam Machkovech <> Jan 13 12:50PM -0800: I would assume their half-assed logic is, the game is not available for anyone-can-buy purchase, and therefore, they have all the right to ask for such silence in the meantime. But nope, if you …more

Michael Futter <> Jan 13 03:52PM -0500: This has been an ongoing problem with Double Fine. They send information to backers (and not to press), press finds out and is, of course, under no obligation to keep quiet, DF gets mad. …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 13 03:52PM -0500: “Not available to buy/purchase” doesn’t really work when 30,000 people have it through what is essentially pre-orders. See also: the Vita launch that was a week earlier for pre-orderers. -KO

Michael Futter <> Jan 13 03:53PM -0500: I’m with Adam, btw. I am a backer. I will damn well talk about it. …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 13 03:54PM -0500: I mean, it’s an embargo in the same way that any embargo is; i.e. if you break it you might get on the company’s shit list in the future. Then again, if they’re just giving thousand of people access …more

Michael Futter <> Jan 13 03:56PM -0500: Not really. You cannot “embargo” paying customers. I’m not going to be getting a press code. I’m going to be playing off my paid-for copy. That’s like telling people who pre-ordered a PS4 …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 13 03:58PM -0500: I understand what you’re saying, Mike; as an matter of principle, they can’t really ask this. But as a practical matter, the way they’ll enforce this embargo is the same as the way anyone enforces …more

Daniel Starkey <> Jan 13 03:01PM -0600: Anyone know why they posted the embargo so late after thousands of people will be getting their copies? That’s the one thing that’s weird to me. Embargoes during E3 or whatever event are welcome …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 13 01:03PM -0800: Dan– the embargo came in today’s update to backers. It’s not on the original Kickstarter page. …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 13 04:06PM -0500: Yeah, Dan, that’s kind of the whole point of what makes this ridiculous. Like Sam said, it’s probably because non-backers can’t buy it until the embargo date (or thereabouts). But the whole point of …more

Daniel Starkey <> Jan 13 03:07PM -0600: I know that, I read it same as you. I’m just wondering why it’s there. How does it benefit them? What do they stand to gain from it? I tend to think that people are rational and that they make …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 13 04:09PM -0500: I’m guessing they think they can get the pro press to play ball, so then after the low buzz of backers talkign it up on social media there’s a flood of big coverage right before the public release, …more

Daniel Starkey <> Jan 13 03:07PM -0600: Right. There has to be some reason for this. I just can’t for the life of me think of what it is. …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 13 01:12PM -0800: Either that, or they don’t have much faith in it. For you in the press that are also backers– do you intend to play ball? …more

Daniel Starkey <> Jan 13 03:15PM -0600: Eh… Like I said I can see why it’s drawing ire, but I don’t personally mind it. If it’s ridiculously good or awful I might make some vague comments on some social media thing and leave it there. …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 13 01:17PM -0800: What an interesting turnaround here. Remember all of the heated talk we had on GJP about the potential complications of backing something as a member of the press when this Kickstarter first ran? …more

Talking about games we haven’t played

Kyle Orland <> Jan 13 10:03AM -0500: Dovetails nicely into the eternal debate about finishing games before reviewing them: …more

Jason Venter <> Jan 13 12:50PM -0800: I don’t think Poole’s view gives context enough credit. Too often, if people talk about games, it’s to line up on the offense or the defense, and the game is caught in the middle. …more


Kyle Orland <> Jan 13 08:46AM -0800: I’m sure you all got this, but I thought we could all use a collective, cathartic bout of “WHAT? ALREADY?!” -KO

Kevin Kelly <> Jan 13 08:48AM -0800: You thought wrong. …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 13 08:49AM -0800: I got that this morning, but the one last week was worse. There’s nothing more bone-chilling than receiving an “E3 registration is now open” email while your trapped in the CES death grip. …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 13 08:49AM -0800: In what way, Kevin? -KO

Kevin Kelly <> Jan 13 08:52AM -0800: That we all did not get that. In that way. …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 13 11:53AM -0500: Well in that case, you’re welcome for the important information! -KO

Jared Newman <> Jan 13 10:27AM -0800: fuuuuuuuuuu Also, I missed whatever email went out during CES because I was deleting anything that vaguely looked like a press release.

“William O’Neal” <> Jan 13 10:43AM -0800: The Fig is already sold out!

GameJournoFeasting 2: Electric Boogaloo

Kevin Kelly <> Jan 13 08:52AM -0800: I recently joined Riot Games as a broadcast writer for their eSports show. It is EXTREMELY different than any sort of writing that I’ve ever done, and the control room it has more pressure than an …more

When online harassment becomes real world harassment

Susan Arendt <> Jan 13 06:33AM -0800: If you’ve been the victim of physical abuse, you may want to tread carefully in that article. There’s a trigger or two lurking. *He was a big dude and he was blocking the doorway, and a friend of …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 13 10:04AM -0500: Apologies for not highlighting that initially.

Today’s Topic Summary


  • Broken Age’s insane embargo [22 Updates]
  • Print… ISN’T dead?!?!?!?! [3 Updates]
  • Another jumper to the development side [1 Update]
  • Publishers “avoiding journalists” for native ads [1 Update]
  • IT BEGINS [4 Updates]
  • Armond White out of the NY film critic’s circle [8 Updates]
  • Talking about games we haven’t played [1 Update]
  • GameJournoFeasting 2: Electric Boogaloo [2 Updates]

Broken Age’s insane embargo

Kyle Orland <> Jan 13 04:18PM -0500: Backing doesn’t really put you in a WORSE position than not backing, in this case, Adam, so it seems kind of orthogonal to that whole conversation. But the irony is there. -KO

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 13 01:21PM -0800: I respectfully disagree. Backers have an advantage here in the sense that they can step up and actually challenge this embargo by defying requests to hold off on coverage. If someone in the press …more

Daniel Starkey <> Jan 13 03:25PM -0600: I backed this project during my sophomore year of college, and I did so with full consideration of the risks. At the time I was only tangentially involved with the gaming press, but to me it was an …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 13 04:27PM -0500: Fair point, but it’s unclear to me if the press is really going to have to formally agree to the embargo before getting a (non-backer) copy, or if DF is just gonna send it to select people while …more

Daniel Starkey <> Jan 13 03:27PM -0600: Adam: I guess I missed what you were saying. I thought you were suggesting that press who are also backers were placed at a disadvantage, but I don’t think that’s the case. If you backed it, you …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 13 01:29PM -0800: That’s my point exactly. As a backer, I INTEND to dispute this embargo. …more

Michael Futter <> Jan 13 04:30PM -0500: The other problem that has emerged from these backer emails is their requests for the information not to be shared widely. They aren’t putting press under embargo, but they get very snippy if we get …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 13 01:32PM -0800: I never got those requests when I reported on backer emails at G4, though maybe it helped that I always noted I was a backer? Or maybe Stephen Johnson got angry emails and just ignored them because …more

Michael Futter <> Jan 13 04:34PM -0500: I never got the requests directly. They went to others and I simply needed to confirm that we were not placed under embargo ourselves and are, therefore, not obligated to play the quiet game because …more

Julian Murdoch <> Jan 13 04:37PM -0500: Exactly nobody is going to respect the embargo, that’s my prediction. And thus DF can be snippy all they want, and it doesn’t matter. …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 13 04:37PM -0500: I’m not sure it really makes sense to essentially say “Shhhhhh” to thousands of people who paid for the product they paid for and that you are delivering. Does anyone really expect backers aren’t …more

Michael Futter <> Jan 13 04:38PM -0500: Let’s not forget about the backers who don’t read all their emails… there are going to be a lot of people who are surprised when the game shows up tomorrow and immediately play/talk about it. …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 13 01:39PM -0800: That’s assuming DF tracks them all down. Which isn’t going to happen. This is just bonkers. …more

Daniel Starkey <> Jan 13 03:41PM -0600: Thread summary: This is bonkers.

Julian Murdoch <> Jan 13 04:41PM -0500: Let me put it this way — I am not on DF’s press list, haven’t read any of the emails, and have a podcast to record on Sunday morning. Guess which side of this mythical embargo I’m on. …more

Sebastian Haley <> Jan 13 04:01PM -0800: Review embargoes have increasingly become a way for suits and their PR minions to attempt to manipulate the press and public perception, so it’s weird to see a company Double Fine entangled in …more

Scott Nichols <> Jan 14 11:07AM -0800: Receiving an early copy of the game at no charge for the expressed purpose of writing a review, and after replying with an agreement to an embargo: embargo ok. Paying for a copy that you receive …more

Mark Burnham <> Jan 14 12:17PM -0800: “embargo” broken.

Mark Burnham <> Jan 14 12:18PM -0800: Ah, never mind. Embargo copy specifies “all formal reviews,” which this is not.

Jason Schreier <> Jan 14 03:27PM -0500: Broken Age more like Broken Embargo try the veal …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 14 03:31PM -0500: Yeah, the “formal reviews” bit offers a lot of wiggle room. I expect a lot of “reviews” to take the form of “impressions” before the mystical date. -KO

Kyle Orland <> Jan 14 03:37PM -0500: Also, nothing has been broken. From low in their “hands on”: “Whether it succeeds at exploring these themes, whether these ideas of seeking identity as a young person continue to be explored in a …more

Print… ISN’T dead?!?!?!?!

Kyle Orland <> Jan 14 03:00PM -0500: Looks like that Retro magazine Kickstarter is delivering its first issues in both hard copies and digital. Worth checking out if you haven’t already. Loads of big names on the masthead. …more

Britton Peele <> Jan 14 02:01PM -0600: I got my print issue in the mail last night. Haven’t had a chance to dive too deep into it yet, but it seems fantastic. *—*

Daniel Starkey <> Jan 14 02:31PM -0600: This stands as one of only four kickstarters I’ve donated to, and while I’ve got access to the digital copy inclement weather continues to delay my mail. I’m excited though. …more

Another jumper to the development side

Kyle Orland <> Jan 14 12:53PM -0500: “Cat’s out of the mag: I’ve taken a job as a Senior Writer with Riot Games’ EU HQ in Dublin, last day at Future is 31st Jan. …more

Publishers “avoiding journalists” for native ads

Jared Newman <> Jan 14 07:31AM -0800: This article makes it seem like publishers are “skimping” by not paying …more


Dalibor Dimovski <> Jan 13 01:44PM -0800: My first thought: OH NO HOTEL! Then, I remembered that Media gets separate booked rooms. Like the cattle we are, herded into one or two pens with crappy hotel wifi and bed bugs. …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 13 04:47PM -0500: Media gets what now? -KO

“William O’Neal” <> Jan 13 01:50PM -0800: I just booked a loft in downtown on AirBnB. $800 for five nights. I suggest going that route.

Harold Goldberg <> Jan 13 07:11PM -0500: Yep. Was sold out last week when I tried.

Armond White out of the NY film critic’s circle

Kyle Orland <> Jan 13 04:20PM -0500: We’ve talked about the controversial White in this group before, so I thought you’d find this interesting: …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 13 05:15PM -0500: This adds some more context and makes White seems a bit paranoid: -KO

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 13 02:20PM -0800: I can’t say much about what I wasn’t there to see, so I’ll just offer this observation: I’m friends with a few people in the NY film press scene who were there, and some who sat close enough to …more

Sebastian Haley <> Jan 13 03:53PM -0800: Verified reports that I just made up are reporting that White was heard loudly commenting on McQueen’s dongle, according to reports.

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 13 06:59PM -0500: That seems a little uncalled for, Sebastian. I only offered up an observation, and I was super-clear about not having been there.

Kyle Orland <> Jan 13 07:01PM -0500: I think Sebastian was just making a poor joke, and possibly a not-very-timely reference to this:

Sebastian Haley <> Jan 13 04:03PM -0800: I stand by my assertion that Donglegate is timeless, but yes, that wasn’t at all a knock at you, Adam. Looking back, I can certainly see how it came off like that though. Sorry! 🙂 …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 13 07:05PM -0500: All good. I’m busy being mad about an embargo, because nerd.

Talking about games we haven’t played

Richard Mitchell <> Jan 13 04:13PM -0600: It’s not the point of this piece, but I’m sure all of us have dealt with the public perception that since playing video games is “your job,” you must play ALL of them. That you aren’t “doing your …more

GameJournoFeasting 2: Electric Boogaloo

Devin Connors <> Jan 13 01:49PM -0800: Awesome, Kevin! Also you’re probably working with/near one of my roommates (three of them work on LCS or other Riot video stuff).

Matt Cabral <> Jan 13 05:00PM -0500: Congrats on the new gig, Kevin!

Today’s Topic Summary


  • The struggles of eSports journalism [10 Updates]
  • GameJournoFeasting 3: D.I.C.E. Summit 2014 [1 Update]
  • New York Videogame Critics Circle VIP Tix [1 Update]
  • Talking about games we haven’t played [2 Updates]
  • Broken Age’s insane embargo [11 Updates]
  • Print… ISN’T dead?!?!?!?! [1 Update]

The struggles of eSports journalism

Kyle Orland <> Jan 15 11:42AM -0500: Great piece by Cassandra Khaw:–gosugamers-breslau/ The discussion about lack of standards, the expectation of PR support by …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 15 01:32PM -0500: Interesting tweet on this issue, tying back to another favorite topic of this group: “E-sports has a massive audience … of gamers that use ad-block on content that makes money from ads.” …more

Kevin Kelly <> Jan 15 10:37AM -0800: All I know is that 32 million people watched the LoL World Finals last season, vs. 11 million for the MLB All-Star Game. So I’m not sure “There’s no video game that compares to even the smallest of …more

Harold Goldberg <> Jan 15 01:42PM -0500: I’m on board with this, but the MLB All Star game may not be the best analogy. MLB World Series would be.
Kevin Kelly <> Jan 15 10:43AM -0800: Only for straight-up championship purposes, but my point is that one audience dwarfed the other. …more

Kevin Kelly <> Jan 15 10:44AM -0800: But that’s a good point. Only 19.2 million watched Game 6 of last year’s World Series. I just grabbed the quickest number I happened to have at hand. …more

Greg Tito <> Jan 15 01:54PM -0500: I’m not sure those numbers are comparable though, Kevin. Having a streaming window open while you play games is very different than sitting on your couch watching a sporting event.…more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 15 10:55AM -0800: If you go by total man-hours watched, I’d put the entirety of the MLB season against the entirety of an LoL pro season any day. But maybe I am off. -KO

Kevin Kelly <> Jan 15 10:56AM -0800: I agree, the problem is the word “sports” in eSports. But the one thing you can’t do is say that eSports has a trivial-sized audience. …more

Ryan Smith <> Jan 15 03:14PM -0600: Ok, this topic is right in my wheelhouse:  –First, eSports journalists not getting paid well isn’t a surprising thing. As you guys all know, pay for journalists isn’t awesome in the first …more

GameJournoFeasting 3: D.I.C.E. Summit 2014

Dale <> Jan 15 01:12PM -0800: I’m kicking this off because I had the Bacchanal Buffet at Caesar’s on the last night of CES and I’m STILL thinking about it. I want to go back! So some of us have already agreed to do it up …more

New York Videogame Critics Circle VIP Tix

Harold Goldberg <> Jan 15 09:19AM -0800: Folks, If any of you would like VIP tickets to the 3rd Annual NY Videogame Critics Circle Awards on Feb. 11th, we’d love to have you. So email me for VIP tickets. If you just want to go sans …more

Talking about games we haven’t played

Andy Eddy <> Jan 14 05:17PM -0800: Not having played a game doesn’t necessarily prevent a writer from covering content, such as a storyline–with that GTA scene, for instance, watching it over someone’s shoulder or on YouTube would …more

Mark Burnham <> Jan 14 05:50PM -0800: Interesting article. I think we’ve all probably been in situations where we feel as though we can’t contribute to a conversation (podcast, op-ed, bar chatter, etc.) due to having never played …more

Broken Age’s insane embargo

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 14 04:18PM -0500: We’re posting a “formal” review. And we already posted a note explaining why we’re not recognizing the backer email as an embargo agreement. I’ve also been contacted privately by Double Fine and …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 14 04:28PM -0500: I saw some other people on Twitter hinting/saying similar, but no confirmation here, no. -KO

Patrick Klepek <> Jan 14 03:30PM -0600: It’s true.

Kevin Kelly <> Jan 14 01:31PM -0800: From an email to Backers: Hey all, I just wanted to write and let you know that we have decided to go ahead and lift the embargo on Broken Age reviews. The decision to set this originally was not …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 14 04:32PM -0500: Yep, just got that too. …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 14 04:37PM -0500: And thus our long national nightmare is over. Seriously, it sounds like they could have gone with a message to the press and backers saying “We know you’re excited, but please don’t spoil the …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 14 04:38PM -0500: This times one fucking million. Holy shit. …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 14 04:45PM -0500: Also, if they didn’t want the press to feel rushed, um, maybe give it to us before releasing it widely? I understand that kind of goes against the kickstarter backer ethos and all (i.e. …more

Cory Banks <> Jan 14 01:49PM -0800: My take was that DF wanted the backers to feel special, but the wording of its announcement was too harsh. I dunno. Worse things have happened. On the upside, it sounds like the game is fun. …more

Britton Peele <> Jan 14 03:54PM -0600: I totally get wanting the backers to feel special. I think that’s completely valid and even noble — they’re trying to do right by their fans. But yeah, the language was way too harsh. …more

Andy Eddy <> Jan 14 05:42PM -0800: This was certainly a unique situation to deal with, and I’m sure that embargo on such things will evolve from the disaster DF unfortunately created. (hehe)

Print… ISN’T dead?!?!?!?!

“Mr. Man” <> Jan 14 04:29PM -0500: Thanks for the plug, Kyle! Our first issue is finally hitting the west coast as of yesterday, so it’s been exciting to see people respond to the work that’s been done. …more

Today’s Topic Summary


  • Area 5’s Outerlands [1 Update]
  • New Managing Editor at RPS [3 Updates]
  • GameJournoFeasting 3: D.I.C.E. Summit 2014 [7 Updates]
  • IT BEGINS [1 Update]
  • Booth babes are bad for business [1 Update]
  • The struggles of eSports journalism [9 Updates]

Area 5’s Outerlands

Kyle Orland <> Jan 16 01:20PM -0500: 6-episode documentary series on kickstarter, from the makers of the 1UP Shows. Inspired by “This American Life, Radiolab, Objectified and Helvetica, A Life Well Wasted, 99% Invisible, Polygon’s …more

New Managing Editor at RPS

Kyle Orland <> Jan 16 09:47AM -0500: Freelancer Graham Smith is moving on up (and presumably stopping contributing to PC Gamer, Edge, etc.): …more

“Cory Banks” <> Jan 16 09:06AM -0800: Worth noting that Graham was Editor of PC Gamer’s UK operation for seven years. He’s not an unknown quantity in the UK scene, and he’s a great guy, too. —

Kyle Orland <> Jan 16 12:31PM -0500: Indeed, indeed. -KO

GameJournoFeasting 3: D.I.C.E. Summit 2014

Susan Arendt <> Jan 15 01:24PM -0800: How early is early? I don’t get in until late afternoon.

Dale <> Jan 15 01:28PM -0800: 5:30 okay? by 6 it’s nuts. Yeah. I don’t get in until about 4:30 anyway.

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 15 04:30PM -0500: I’ll be in Vegas starting on Sunday, and I’ll have a rental car by the 4th for sure. 5:30 works for me, and I can pick up whoever fits for the trek over to Caesar’s. …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 15 06:52PM -0800: Still getting my flight confirmed, but I’m hoping to make it in time (it’s out of my hands). In any case, who’s up for a group trip to the Pinball Hall of Fame afterwards? A small group of us did it …more

Dale North <> Jan 16 08:58AM -0600: Cool. I like the idea of going to Insert Coins let’s do it

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 16 09:59AM -0500: Works for me. As with the buffet, seats in my car are open to all until we fill it. …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 16 09:59AM -0500: Looks like I’m not getting in until 10:30 Pacific on the 4th, so I think I’m out for any pre-show activities. If people want to do something the evening of the 5th, though, I’m in. -KO


“Timothy J. Seppala” <> Jan 16 12:05AM -0800: Last year I put my name in for “in case anything openes up” and got a call back sometime around March or April. The Fig blocks stuff off for E3, I think they give preference to return customers …more

Booth babes are bad for business

Kyle Orland <> Jan 15 08:56PM -0800:  I’ve been going to gaming conferences for ten years now, and I feel there’s been a trend towards more sanely dressed …more

The struggles of eSports journalism

Michael Rougeau <> Jan 15 02:35PM -0800: On the other side of the coin, as someone who was approached by Ryan and who would have loved to contribute more, there are good writers who simply don’t understand the scene at all. …more

Andrew Groen <> Jan 15 03:48PM -0800: “E-sports has a massive audience … of gamers that use ad-block on content that makes money from ads.” It’s a funny quip, but it’s not accurate. You can’t adblock a League of …more

Michael Futter <> Jan 15 06:49PM -0500: Well said, Andrew.
Kyle Orland <> Jan 15 06:48PM -0800: Sounds to me like there is (or is going to be) a growing market for people who know how to write and also know the esports scene. For most freelancers in this group, I’d say that means you should …more

Jason Schreier <> Jan 15 09:56PM -0500: I wonder when we’ll see an eSports news outlet designed to appeal to more than just dedicated eSports fans. It seems like there’s a lot of interesting drama in the world of competitive gaming, but …more

“Alex Rubens” <> Jan 15 07:19PM -0800: I write about eSports full-time now (after freelancing for Ryan for a little while).  It’s definitely difficult to write for a broader audience in eSports. It’s something that I’ve been trying …more

Ryan Smith <> Jan 15 09:21PM -0600: I wonder when we’ll see a gaming site designed to appeal to more than just dedicated gaming fans. It seems like there’s a lot of interesting articles in the world of gaming, but when I go to a site …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 15 07:31PM -0800: I know you’re being cute, Ryan, but the universe of people who understand what RPG means is incredibly larger than the universe of people who recognize the names of any big eSports players. …more

Ryan Smith <> Jan 15 09:47PM -0600: I tease, yes. Especially since my site is trying to bridge the gap somewhat. But that’s the thing is that we’ve been immersed in language of game speak and games journalism. eSports has a …more

Today’s Topic Summary


  • GameJournoFeasting 3: D.I.C.E. Summit 2014 [2 Updates]
  • Riot Games Jobs [11 Updates]
  • Booth babes are bad for business [2 Updates]
  • Ars Technica is hiring [1 Update]

GameJournoFeasting 3: D.I.C.E. Summit 2014

Dale North <> Jan 17 02:27PM -0600: damnit, kyle! Maybe we should do insert coins on the 5th so you can go!

Kyle Orland <> Jan 17 03:33PM -0500: I’m not saying no. -KO

Riot Games Jobs

Mark Burnham <> Jan 16 01:32PM -0800: We’ve been discussing eSports lately, and potential opportunities for gaming writers who know their way around that space. My god they are hiring a lot of …more

Daniel Starkey <> Jan 16 03:35PM -0600: Holy christ. That’s nuts. …more

Kevin Kelly <> Jan 16 01:37PM -0800: As someone who just got hired by Riot, some notes: They REALLY expect you to know the game. They want you to play a lot  (especially in eSports) and know the game very well. Employees are …more

Ben Gilbert <> Jan 16 05:07PM -0500: This is a PR gig, right? I don’t mean to be too dismissive, but…well, you’re writing copy for a company about their product. I’m not really sure how else to view this. — …more

Kevin Kelly <> Jan 16 02:10PM -0800: I wouldn’t classify it as that. Would would call Troy Aikman or Joe Buck PR guys? I mean, for their jobs all they do is talk about and cover the NFL. …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 16 05:12PM -0500: League analyst sounds pretty accurate. There’s some promotion in there, but i’d agree it’s different from pure PR. -KO

Ben Gilbert <> Jan 16 05:13PM -0500: Aren’t football/sportscasters employed by media organizations, not by the NFL? I think that’s the difference.

Kevin Kelly <> Jan 16 02:14PM -0800: It might seem like a gray area to some, but the work I’m doing is pure broadcast writing. …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 16 05:15PM -0500: The relationship between those media organizations and the NFL in broadcasting their games is not exactly a solid wall. Maybe it’s more like an analyst on the NFL Network? -KO

Andy Eddy <> Jan 16 05:20PM -0800: Yes, they already want you drinking the Kool-Aid and eating the dog food, and, as someone I know who works there told me, that extends all the way to the receptionist. I applied for a job a while …more

Daniel Starkey <> Jan 16 08:09PM -0600: I respect e-sports, but I’m personally strongly against online gaming in general. I was always a LAN kid, and I feel like a lot has been lost with online gaming. That, and the 20-45 games just don’t …more

Booth babes are bad for business

“Yanier Gonzalez (Niero)” <> Jan 16 05:55PM -0500: I have to disagree with the author’s conclusion. The real lesson here is that doing something disruptive like hiring a bunch of grandmas is better than blending in with the boobs. …more

Cory Banks <> Jan 16 02:57PM -0800: A trigger warning would been nice here. Robot velociraptors are my greatest fear. So insensitive.

Ars Technica is hiring

Kyle Orland <> Jan 16 04:42PM -0500: These positions are more general tech than gaming focused, bu might be a fit for some of you. …more

Today’s Topic Summary


  • Quote of the moment [4 Updates]
  • Booth babes are bad for business [1 Update]
  • IGN Looking For News Freelancers [2 Updates]

Quote of the moment

Kyle Orland <> Jan 18 09:44AM -0500: “PG needs to do an audit and background check of reviewers bank accounts each time they review a game to be safe.” From a comment on Pocket Gamer’s review of the new Rhythm Thief, via Mike Rose.…more

Jason Venter <> Jan 18 11:19AM -0800: I’m SO sick of accusations that we’ve accepted payola… because I’m worried it will force a change in how we do business! I mean sure, my account in the Caymans is fine now and would avoid …more

James Fudge <> Jan 18 02:25PM -0500: The accusation is so unoriginal. Couldn’t they accuse them of having sex with someone or doing coke with the PR people instead?

Devin Connors <> Jan 18 12:40PM -0800: No one will ever take my Iron Throne made from AMD GPUs away from me. Nvidia spent way too much money on it.

Booth babes are bad for business

Sebastian Haley <> Jan 17 01:48PM -0800: I look forward to the day that someone writes a blog about how “booth grandmas” are bad for business.

IGN Looking For News Freelancers

Mitch Dyer <> Jan 17 01:40PM -0800: Bumping this up, because we got some fucking hilarious applications and I know there are some of you more…qualified folk looking for more work (and some who’ve already applied, we see you). …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 17 04:42PM -0500: Oh man, can you share anonymously PLEASE? -KO

Today’s Topic Summary


  • Quote of the moment [12 Updates]
  • Amazon shopper review of the moment [1 Update]

Quote of the moment

Dale North <> Jan 20 07:19AM -0800: some of that is real -_-

Richard Mitchell <> Jan 20 09:47AM -0600: From what I’ve read, this actually does happen quite a lot in the mobile space.

Daniel Starkey <> Jan 20 02:37PM -0600: Yeah, I think Richard has got it. But I’ve seen a lot of unethical crap go down. A friend of mine is a mobile game reviewer and she took some money for review scores once, but writing was her only …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 20 03:43PM -0500: No offense to your friend, but as a reader I’m not sure “but the reviewer was really poor” would be important “full story” context that would make me reconsider how I felt about a score being paid …more

“William O’Neal” <> Jan 20 12:49PM -0800: *”The accusation is so unoriginal. Couldn’t they accuse them of having sex with someone or doing coke with the PR people instead?”* I’ve wondered about this very thing. It’s one thing to accept …more

Daniel Starkey <> Jan 20 02:49PM -0600: That’s fair. I’m not saying what she did was right, and I’m not saying that being poor justifies it completely, but I am stating that people do what they can to get by, and I get the feeling from …more

Jason Venter <> Jan 20 12:59PM -0800: Obviously, there are extremely rare cases where it can happen, but instances where cash exchanges hands to prompt a certain review score HAVE to be extremely uncommon for so many, many reasons. …more

James Fudge <> Jan 20 04:02PM -0500: I was kidding, but I suppose all kinds of crazy things can and do happen. I would only cheat on my wife with Beyonce, for the record – and she knows that. Also if she has a shot at Brad Pitt, she …more

“William O’Neal” <> Jan 20 01:04PM -0800: What if you were single 😉 …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 20 04:07PM -0500: How does Beyonce know that, James? =p Also, I’m not sure Beyonce cares if you approve of hear relationship with Brad Pitt. =p =p -KO

Daniel Starkey <> Jan 20 03:07PM -0600: Jason, Yeah, I get that, but I at the end of the day, what most people say doesn’t bother me. I remember being a fanboy back in the day, and I realize I was stupid and immature. …more

James Fudge <> Jan 20 04:12PM -0500: I’ll have my people talk to her people and we’ll get back to you on that, Kyle.

Amazon shopper review of the moment

Kyle Orland <> Jan 19 10:45PM -0500:

Today’s Topic Summary


  • Who are “they” [3 Updates]
  • Riot Games Jobs [28 Updates]
  • Looking for a freelancer to review Lightning Returns [1 Update]
  • Computers probably aren’t taking our jobs [2 Updates]
  • Freelancer applications [7 Updates]
  • Quote of the moment [13 Updates]

Who are “they”

Sebastian Haley <> Jan 21 11:06AM -0800: A common criticism developers make of “game journalists” is that they don’t understand the development process. The point being made is that, often, bloggers and journos literally don’t know what …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 21 02:11PM -0500: I think it varies depending on the decision/situation who has the final say. In the order you asked: marketing manager, high-level producer, CEO. If I had to guess. Good luck getting anyone to …more

Jared Newman <> Jan 21 01:15PM -0800: “Who decides to ruin your favorite video games” would be a pretty good feature pitch if you actually could find the answer.

Riot Games Jobs

Chris Plante <> Jan 21 06:36AM -0800: Riot’s recruiters tried to pillage the senior talent from a number of sites. Curious where that directive came from. They were offering an awful lot of people an awful lot of money. …more

Chris Plante <> Jan 21 06:37AM -0800: OH GOD I MADE A WHOSE / WHO’S GOOF ON THE CHAIN, PLEASE FORGIVE ME   …more

Kevin Kelly <> Jan 21 06:41AM -0800: Not that I’m trying to be combative at all, but this just sounds a bit strange coming from someone at Polygon.

Julian Murdoch <> Jan 21 09:54AM -0500: Really? You see working at Polygon as parallel with working for a game company? Huh. Not sure about that logic. If you mean “Polygon took a sack of cash and bought a lot of the best in …more

Chris Plante <> Jan 21 06:56AM -0800: I didn’t mean to sound like a jerk, but I think I did just that. Taking this off chain.

Chris Plante <> Jan 21 06:58AM -0800: Also Kevin and I are hugging this out right now in a private email and you’re missing it so be jealous! …more

Kevin Kelly <> Jan 21 07:01AM -0800: Julian, you sort of proved my point. Riot wanted to hire people they considered some of the best in the business, so they went after top-tier writers they new. It’s not like they were recruiting for …more

Harold Goldberg <> Jan 21 10:03AM -0500: Spelling, guys! Must be a Monday. PR emails are having the same problems.

Kevin Kelly <> Jan 21 07:12AM -0800: I’ve been up since 3:30am. FORGIVE ME, HERALD. …more

Harold Goldberg <> Jan 21 10:13AM -0500: Especially when they’re Tuesdays. Here’s what I think about this. Any company, new or old, wants the best they can get. That’s a given. …more

Chris Plante <> Jan 21 07:14AM -0800: <>

Kevin Kelly <> Jan 21 07:15AM -0800: Chris wins this round.

Harold Goldberg <> Jan 21 10:16AM -0500: Aww. Smells like love.
Kevin Kelly <> Jan 21 07:18AM -0800: There was never an absence of love. I’ve always loved the Plante. …more

Chris Plante <> Jan 21 07:19AM -0800: Took a real-time photo of GJP: <>

Scott Nichols <> Jan 21 08:36AM -0800: Haven’t played League of Legends much, but it’s kinda like Nier, right? I think I’ve got this job in the bag. …more

Andy Eddy <> Jan 21 09:17AM -0800: Still kind of baffles me that Google offers text editing in its Docs, G+ and Gmail products, but hasn’t moved that module to Groups. The company creates great tech, then doesn’t make sure it’s …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 21 12:27PM -0500: Just catching up here. So, to summarize, both Riot and Polygon have a lot of money and use it to hire big name journalists, and we’re now all happy and friendly about that fact. …more

Rod Breslau <> Jan 21 12:32PM -0500: As someone who knows Riot quite well, I don’t see much issue of working with them on the esports side of things at least. This is more akin’ to working for the NFL or NBA Network rather than a …more

Ben Gilbert <> Jan 21 02:20PM -0500: “barring not being able to report certain things about players/teams in the league” — that seems particularly huge given the still formative nature of this whole culture, let alone individual …more

Ben Gilbert <> Jan 21 02:21PM -0500: (And regardless of me, that seems a shame that Riot is hiring up smart writers/reporters and shackling them from being completely honest.)

Kevin Kelly <> Jan 21 11:22AM -0800: I love how you make it sound like they walk in unaware, and then are suddenly ambushed and chained to a desk while someone in the shadows goes “MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!” …more

Ben Gilbert <> Jan 21 02:24PM -0500: I don’t mean to make it sound that way, and I certainly understand the draw. I don’t think Riot’s doing it nefariously, but it does seem a shame.

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 21 02:43PM -0500: Ben, Kevin. Can you guys please just duel in Nidhogg and end this once and for all? …more

Kevin Kelly <> Jan 21 11:45AM -0800: Only if someone shoutcasts it.

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 21 02:46PM -0500: You’ll have to find someone since Riot stole all the talent. =D …more

Susan Arendt <> Jan 21 12:10PM -0800: Just want to pop in and point out that you can’t buy what isn’t for sale. These writers that Ben laments are lost to us chose to take the positions at Riot, so clearly they see some positive …more

Ben Gilbert <> Jan 21 03:25PM -0500: Yeah, I’m sorry if I’m pegging Riot as nefarious or evil here — def not my point or intent. Nor am I trying to argue with Kevin about something he seems to be totally happy with (I’d like to think …more

Looking for a freelancer to review Lightning Returns

ryanflemingpdx <> Jan 21 11:56AM -0800: Ahoy, We’re looking for a freelancer to brave the world of Lightning Returns – specifically I’m looking for someone that played FF XIII and FF XIII-2. Of all the freelancers we use, I have yet …more

Computers probably aren’t taking our jobs

Kyle Orland <> Jan 21 08:01AM -0500: Those poor telemarketers… (Via Jamin Warren)

Andy Eddy <> Jan 21 09:12AM -0800: I’m sure I got a call from a telemarketing bot last week that responded to basic questions from me pretty deftly. Given the quality of voice recognition that we’re seeing from Siri, Google Now and …more

Freelancer applications

Mitch Dyer <> Jan 20 06:41PM -0800: We can’t have a call for freelancers without a good number of abysmal applications. Fortunately, this means AMAZING QUOTES. We asked for experienced, 18+ writers. Obviously we got illiterate …more

Mitch Dyer <> Jan 20 06:42PM -0800: Oh, my favorite. No joke. this is fucking phenom *Long Running Series Gets Release Date, Probably To Keep It Long Running* Today, Rockstar Games has announced that *Grand Theft …more

Julian Murdoch <> Jan 20 09:46PM -0500: That’s some genius stuff right there. My kids are growing up in a house with two writers. I told my daughter when she discovered the word “fuck” (maybe 12, now she’s 14) that the …more

“Timothy J. Seppala” <> Jan 20 07:29PM -0800: I don’t know about you guys and gals, but now I feel *much *better about anything I’ve ever submitted for writing samples and a cover letter.
Andy Eddy <> Jan 21 08:51AM -0800: That one shows promise…kind of overreached and ended up with run-onsentencesoftoomanypunchlines, but put him/her in a cubicle with Altano for a month, and you’ll have a news person who’ll be a …more

Mike Wehner <> Jan 21 10:53AM -0600: Wow. WOW. Best quote ever: “Define experienced.” I’m putting that on my business card. -Mike

Andy Eddy <> Jan 21 09:00AM -0800: Brilliant. I told our daughter when she was younger that you can get into a physical fight with someone and probably win, but still end up bleeding yourself; or you could say something disarmingly …more

Quote of the moment

James Fudge <> Jan 20 04:20PM -0500: You know, honestly i’m not wired that way. But if something like that happened I just wouldn’t be able to deal with that person ever again on either a personal or professional level. …more

Sebastian Haley <> Jan 20 01:30PM -0800: This whole thing gets infinitely more complicated with the rise of streamers and YouTubers, and coincidentally just one of what is many shady happenings was brought to light just this morning: …more

Michael Futter <> Jan 20 04:39PM -0500: The two issues at play are that 1) YouTubers are not by definition “journalists.” They are entertainers and personalities. 2) Disclosure is crucial. …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 20 04:49PM -0500: I don’t know how useful it is to somehow set some new ethical standard for people on YouTube because they don’t call themselves “journalists.” To avoid a semantic debate on what that means (a debate …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 20 01:52PM -0800: This right here. Well said, Kyle. On all counts. …more

Michael Futter <> Jan 20 04:58PM -0500: My point is that it’s about time that readers/viewers start taking responsibility for what they consume. Slapping the label “journalism” on everything is the lazy way out for a lot of …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 20 05:02PM -0500: I think the debate about what it means to be a journalist is pretty tangential to the heart of what’s being discussed, which is the ethics of this ad program and the lack of disclosure inherent in …more

Michael Futter <> Jan 20 05:11PM -0500: I brought it up, because there seems to be assertion that YouTubers are obligated to subscribe to an ethical code similar to the one journalists follow. They don’t, nor are they required to. …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 20 06:06PM -0500: Obligated is a funny word. Legally, no, they aren’t obligated to refuse money from Microsoft offered in exchange for specific content requirements. But then again, neither are we. We don’t take direct …more

Michael Futter <> Jan 20 06:12PM -0500: That’s putting words in my mouth. My argument is that we shouldn’t expect a segment of the market that is brand new, has little to no ethical training, and almost no best practices to act like we …more

Andy Eddy <> Jan 20 05:20PM -0800: The challenge is to get these “content providers” to understand what their role–and its associated ethical behavior–is in the scheme of things. If you explained that creating videos that offer …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 21 09:07AM -0500: I apologize for misinterpreting your argument. I agree with pretty much everything in your last message. FRIENDS 4-EVA! -KO

Michael Futter <> Jan 21 09:09AM -0500: 🙂 …more

Today’s Topic Summary


  • About those Nintendo Fusion rumors… [1 Update]
  • Who are “they” [4 Updates]
  • Freelancer applications [1 Update]
  • Riot Games Jobs [1 Update]

About those Nintendo Fusion rumors…

Kyle Orland <> Jan 22 01:48PM -0500: Jason’s digging in to the original sources is… not encouraging, to say the least.

Who are “they”

WIlliam Usher <> Jan 21 01:31PM -0800: Actually, I really, really, want to know the answer to this question, too. …more

Daniel Starkey <> Jan 21 03:45PM -0600: I’ve found out quite a bit about my personal favorites with the help of alcohol and GDC parties. A lot of people in this industry have loose lips. Granted it’s nothing solid, certainly not enough to …more

Daniel Starkey <> Jan 21 03:51PM -0600: To clarify, I have no idea about the big questions of our day, just that I’ve learned a lot from drunk developers and PR folks. I typically get upset when they clam up because more than anything …more

Chris Dahlen <> Jan 22 09:41AM -0500: Maybe relevant to this discussion:

Freelancer applications

Samit Sarkar <> Jan 21 06:39PM -0500: Thank you for warming up this snowy day, Mitch. -Samit

Riot Games Jobs

Andrew Groen <> Jan 21 01:53PM -0800: Hit the nail on the head with the Jeff Green/Shawn Elliot reference. This is just the 2013/14 edition of game journalism’s perpetual brain drain.

Today’s Topic Summary


  • Who are “they” [15 Updates]
  • GameJournoFeasting 3: D.I.C.E. Summit 2014 [1 Update]
  • Looking for a freelancer to review Lightning Returns [1 Update]
  • #relevant [7 Updates]
  • About those Nintendo Fusion rumors… [1 Update]
  • Anyone else playing Bravely Default? [3 Updates]

Who are “they”

Nick Chester <> Jan 22 01:47PM -0800: This is a real can of worms and as Kyle mentioned, could really vary on a case-by-case basis. I’d say, for the most part, a lot of what you’re describing is informed by consumer insight focus …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 22 04:51PM -0500: I like the games where people shoot things.

Nick Chester <> Jan 22 01:54PM -0800: You don’t shoot a fucking thing in Olli Olli, which is a bunch of bullshit. But it’s pretty good, anyhow.

Devin Connors <> Jan 22 01:55PM -0800: What about games where things… …shoot people? …more

Sebastian Haley <> Jan 22 02:05PM -0800: Thanks for the insight. I just quoted your reply in its entirety on my blog titled “Nick Chester hates Jimmy Kimmel!” Also, for context with the Respawn/EA/MS thing: …more

Nick Chester <> Jan 22 02:16PM -0800: It seems pretty crazy that Vince actually wouldn’t know, to be honest. I guess it’s possible, but developing solely on a PC/Xbox One SKU internally (we know they’re not developing the 360 version, …more

Andy Eddy <> Jan 22 04:34PM -0800: The EA/Respawn relationship probably seemed like a great thing when they were fleeing from the Activision/Infinity Ward mushroom cloud.

Kyle Orland <> Jan 22 09:34PM -0500: Responding to just this one bit from Nick’s post: “Jimmy Kimmel doesn’t say “Sony is here to show off Killzone for PS4 which looks awesome and by the way, we’re pocketing hundreds of thousands of …more

Nick Chester <> Jan 23 08:12AM -0800: I don’t disagree with you that viewer expectation is different, but that should probably change. As YouTubers continue to (or start) to make real cash monetizing their content, many are far closer …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 23 11:22AM -0500: Saying, “it’s against our guidelines but not legally enforceable” is not exactly “all good in the hood,” but yeah, no one is going to jail over this (nor should they, probably). …more

Michael Futter <> Jan 23 11:25AM -0500: It’s not just message board trolls. We were directly accused by those who have been involved in this industry and should know better. …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 23 11:27AM -0500: Got some links or names for us, Mike? -KO

Jason Venter <> Jan 23 10:29AM -0800: “Side note: The message board trolls are using all of this as “proof” that this kind of undisclosed direct payment for specific content happens to all game journalists all the time, not just …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 23 01:41PM -0500: I’m not sure I agree that we live in “a world where most of our audience hasn’t the foggiest idea that things like journalistic integrity exist,” Jason. It’s a bummer to see that sort of talk, …more

Jason Venter <> Jan 23 11:09AM -0800: I agree with you up to a point, Adam, but I do think the belief that game journalists and critics are in some way corrupt and can’t offer the untainted perspective that an independent amateur can …more

GameJournoFeasting 3: D.I.C.E. Summit 2014

Susan Arendt <> Jan 23 08:47AM -0800: I’m in for 5:30 buffet on Tuesday, assuming my flight gets in on time, and all.

Looking for a freelancer to review Lightning Returns

Xav de Matos <> Jan 22 10:21PM -0800: I don’t know anything about this “universal font for sarcasm,” but will you accept Comic Sans? …more


Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 22 05:42PM -0500: Via the inestimable Shaun Norton. …more

Nick Chester <> Jan 22 02:44PM -0800: WHAT A GOD DAMNED DICK. <>
Kevin Kelly <> Jan 22 02:46PM -0800: My favorite: MAN WRITES WORDS

Devin Connors <> Jan 22 02:46PM -0800: Well, we’d better add this thread to the Gaming Drama site that Shaun found. …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 22 05:47PM -0500: HA! I asked him who shared it but he hasn’t replied yet. …more

Nick Chester <> Jan 22 02:50PM -0800: It’s because he’s dead now. After I killed him.

Andy Eddy <> Jan 22 04:38PM -0800: Waiting for the “Guy Kills Other Guy” post…

About those Nintendo Fusion rumors…

Scott Nichols <> Jan 22 03:54PM -0800: Are you trying to tell me that Nintendo might not actually be getting ready to launch a 4K capable console? …more

Anyone else playing Bravely Default?

Jason Schreier <> Jan 22 04:20PM -0500: Let’s get us some hot hot villagers. 1633-4525-1491 …more

Britton Peele <> Jan 22 03:24PM -0600: Jason and I connected via the magic of Twitter, but for anyone else: 3995-6515-2733 *—*

Danielle Riendeau <> Jan 22 02:27PM -0800: 0731-4759-5966 Let’s do this thing.

Today’s Topic Summary


  • How not to ask for an Xbox 360 [3 Updates]
  • Who are “they” [5 Updates]
  • TechRadar is hiring five new editors… [1 Update]
  • “Why Do Gamers Obsess Over Review Scores?” [1 Update]
  • How does I intervue more Gud? [1 Update]

How not to ask for an Xbox 360

Kyle Orland <> Jan 24 03:07PM -0500: Latest Game Over Greggy video has an interesting tidbit about journalistic ethics from his days at the Columbia Tribune. Video is only 4 minutes, and it’s an interesting story. …more

Mike Wehner <> Jan 24 02:19PM -0600: Small local paper, nobody else on staff seemed to have cared about games and sounds like there was next to zero oversight. I can only imagine the awkward email exchange when they found out. Gold. …more

Max Parker <> Jan 24 03:39PM -0500: I often wondered how much of the staff read my game-related stuff when I started out. I assumed none. That could’ve been the case with Greg. I imagine I would’ve been axed if I pulled that 360 …more

Who are “they”

Andy Eddy <> Jan 23 02:04PM -0800: On Thursday, January 23, 2014 10:41:33 AM UTC-8, Adam Rosenberg wrote:  > accept that angry idiots are going to say shitty things for whatever  > reason, and focus instead on communicating with and …more

Sebastian Haley <> Jan 23 02:37PM -0800: To Andy’s point, I actually dealt with this exact thing earlier this week. In 2012 I Kickstarted a project that is now running behind schedule, to no one’s surprise. I update the Kickstarter and …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 23 05:50PM -0500: That anecdote is perfect, Andy. PERFECT! I fully agree that it’s not constructive to dismiss all naysayers. To me, there’s a big difference between an all-caps-using, profanity-spewing, …more

Nick Chester <> Jan 24 12:02PM -0800: I’m really shocked people didn’t assume/know about this kind of stuff.

Kyle Orland <> Jan 24 03:15PM -0500: Yeah, like I said earlier, I have different expectations of a late night talk show than of a random guy chattering on YouTube. Still, I bet this gets a lot of play. -KO

TechRadar is hiring five new editors…

“William O’Neal” <> Jan 24 10:50AM -0800: Hey folks, TechRadar is hiring five new editors! Yeah, you heard it right. While none of them are gaming-specific I would love it if you all could share this within your circles: …more

“Why Do Gamers Obsess Over Review Scores?”

Kyle Orland <> Jan 24 12:09PM -0500: Good piece in the International Business Times (of all places) about why review scores get such outsized attention among gamers, particularly forum trolls. …more

How does I intervue more Gud?

Kyle Orland <> Jan 24 10:27AM -0500: Finally, a book that answers that question, from group member Nathan Meunier! …more

Today’s Topic Summary


  • How does I intervue more Gud? [6 Updates]
  • Freelancer applications [3 Updates]

How does I intervue more Gud?

Nathan Meunier <> Jan 24 01:24PM -0800: Oh hey, thanks! In addition to tips, horror stories, and advice culled from my own decade-long run as a writer (both as a “real world” newspaper reporter and as a freelance game journo), I also …more

Nathan Meunier <> Jan 24 01:25PM -0800: Also, it’s *actually* Chapter 1: Do The Kyle Orland
Daniel Starkey <> Jan 24 03:30PM -0600: I was actually really curious what your sales numbers looked like but I thought asking would be rude. Are you generally pretty satisfied with the reception from both so far?

Nathan Meunier <> Jan 25 10:27AM -0800: No worries! Anybody who knows me at all will find that such questions are far from taboo. I like talking shop and encourage folks to get in touch me about whatever. Beyond offering my own thoughts …more

Nathan Meunier <> Jan 25 10:33AM -0800: Oh also, RE: Interview Fu, it’s only been out a few days so I’m waiting to see how things go. Whether it does as well as UUDDLW or not isn’t a *huge*concern, as it’s sort of the next piece of a …more

Nathan Meunier <> Jan 25 10:35AM -0800: Also, pardon my typos here. I’m still caffeinating and shooting from the hip. Heh.

Freelancer applications

ryanflemingpdx <> Jan 24 02:29PM -0800: We’re hiring for an on air talent in Portland, and some of the replies are amazing. Our favorite so far is from an applicant that under “Technical Experience” put as the first entry – and I shit …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jan 24 05:31PM -0500: Dude. Fax machines are HARD. When was the last time you used one? …more

Harold Goldberg <> Jan 24 05:33PM -0500: Has far more experience than some on-air talent today. And the cash handling comes in handy for the payoffs he or she will get.

Today’s Topic Summary


  • Blast from the past [4 Updates]
  • Justin Carmical passes [1 Update]
  • GameJournoFeasting 3: D.I.C.E. Summit 2014 [1 Update]
  • How does I intervue more Gud? [1 Update]

Blast from the past

Kyle Orland <> Jan 25 05:40PM -0500: Not sure how many outlets and/or writers could get away with an intro like this these days: ” Too many shots of tequila. …more

Daniel Starkey <> Jan 25 04:43PM -0600: I really like that style. It’s a lot more honest and genuine. …more

Harold Goldberg <> Jan 25 07:46PM -0500: Doug is pretty dang brilliant in general. He’s at Reverb now, right?

Dale North <> Jan 26 03:06AM -0800: I am a massive Matsuura fan. Crazed almost. Jealous. But I’m meeting with him next month 🙂

Justin Carmical passes

Xav de Matos <> Jan 25 06:47PM -0800: From ScrewAttack: “Justin Carmical, the man behind the character JewWario, passed away Thursday. …more

GameJournoFeasting 3: D.I.C.E. Summit 2014

“Mr. Man” <> Jan 25 09:03PM -0500: I am game. …more

How does I intervue more Gud?

Jason Venter <> Jan 25 01:25PM -0800: “It’s kind of like playing a RTS…but with books. Fun!” An interesting comment that makes a lot of sense to me. With my HonestGamers site, I’ve long viewed it as–in some senses–a game …more

Today’s Topic Summary


  • Tim W wants your patronage to talk indie games [4 Updates]
  • Who are “they” [1 Update]
  • Do What You Love, Love What You Do [4 Updates]

Tim W wants your patronage to talk indie games

Kyle Orland <> Jan 27 09:57AM -0500: You know Tim’s stuff if you’ve ever read, and now he’s seeking micro-patronage to fund outside writing about Indie Games on his own. Seems like a good …more

Daniel Starkey <> Jan 27 09:09AM -0600: This is really interesting and it’s something I keep mentally toying with. It has a lot of advantages if you can make it work vs. traditional freelancing. Right now about half of all my time is …more

Jason Venter <> Jan 27 11:24AM -0800: Kyle, you hit the nail on the head when you said it seems to work best for people who already have an established brand. If I try to drum up support for such a project, I can count on finding that …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 27 03:56PM -0500: Mattie has a big list of game critics using Patreon: Group member Scott Nichols is on that list, apparently. If you’re reading …more

Who are “they”

Jared Newman <> Jan 27 12:48PM -0800: I kind of figured this was case, but I still appreciate a story that pulls back the curtain on this stuff. If you’re at all into showbiz, it’s just interesting to to see some details on the …more

Do What You Love, Love What You Do

Richard Mitchell <> Jan 26 06:27PM -0600: I don’t usually start conversations here, but my wife …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 26 07:46PM -0500: I think a quote I retweeted a few days ago is appropriate here: “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life, because that field isn’t hiring.”

Andy Eddy <> Jan 26 06:07PM -0800: Yeah, these kinds of proverbs are generally feel-good concepts, not necessarily real-world advice. <<I imagine anyone in a steady position in this industry feels the same.>> …more

Ben Gilbert <> Jan 27 07:36AM -0500: As another AOL employee, let me just go ahead and state that we could all be fired at any minute for no good reason. Maybe AOL decides that it’s suddenly in the pickle jarring business — that’s a …more

Today’s Topic Summary


  • She Was Harassed By A Games Reporter. Now She’s Speaking Out. [7 Updates]
  • Vox looking to reinvent the banner ad [1 Update]
  • GameJournoFeasting 3: D.I.C.E. Summit 2014 [1 Update]

She Was Harassed By A Games Reporter. Now She’s Speaking Out.

Kyle Orland <> Jan 28 12:58PM -0500: I somehow missed this when it first broke last week. Seriously sickening stuff from a member of our community. …more

James Fudge <> Jan 28 01:51PM -0500: He should step down again… from a height high enough to break both his legs but not enough to kill himself.

Andy Eddy <> Jan 28 10:56AM -0800: Wow. There’s crossing a line and showing bad judgment and then there’s this. And kudos to her for trying to ignore his comments throughout and keeping her conversation to the original …more

Daniel Starkey <> Jan 28 12:58PM -0600: I’ve noticed a pattern with Game Journos — getting really plastered and doing something profoundly stupid. …more

Richard Clark <> Jan 28 01:59PM -0500: And depression. 🙁 …more

Kevin Kelly <> Jan 28 11:11AM -0800: Uh, that’s a pattern with a lot of humans, I’ve found over the years. …more

Patrick Klepek <> Jan 28 01:40PM -0600: Good for her. I hope Josh gets help, but moments like this are important to take broader lessons from. It’s a teachable moment.

Vox looking to reinvent the banner ad

Kyle Orland <> Jan 28 11:30AM -0500: Most of you have probably heard of Polygon-owner Vox’s plan to launch a news/policy/analysis site with the Washington Post’s Ezra Klein. Of more interest to people here might be their plans to …more

GameJournoFeasting 3: D.I.C.E. Summit 2014

Dale North <> Jan 28 05:35AM -0600: Nice. See you all there. Anyone else?

Today’s Topic Summary


  • Commenting on GII [5 Updates]
  • GameJournoFeasting 3: D.I.C.E. Summit 2014 [1 Update]
  • She Was Harassed By A Games Reporter. Now She’s Speaking Out. [4 Updates]

Commenting on GII

James Fudge <> Jan 29 01:49PM -0500: This is interesting. In order to comment on articles at GamesIndustry International you have to work in the industry. Has it always been that way over there? …more

Daniel Starkey <> Jan 29 01:13PM -0600: Well that’s one way of doing it. …more

Richard Mitchell <> Jan 29 01:16PM -0600: I believe has always been like that, yes.

Kyle Orland <> Jan 29 02:20PM -0500: Yeah, that’s always been their policy. Always seemed kind of limiting and/or hard to enforce to me, and it sounds like they are having problems enforcing it ATM. -KO

James Fudge <> Jan 29 02:47PM -0500: I could see this policy at Gamasutra because they actually cater to industry professionals, but GII is more mainstream in its focus. Shrug. I guess Peter Moore won’t have to worry about being …more

GameJournoFeasting 3: D.I.C.E. Summit 2014

Garnett Lee <> Jan 28 03:13PM -0800: I’ll be there Wed afternoon through Friday noon fwiw

She Was Harassed By A Games Reporter. Now She’s Speaking Out.

Garnett Lee <> Jan 28 02:50PM -0800: In the way the Internet public reacts there’s no way to talk about his problems without seeming to make an excuse for his actions, for which there is no excuse. That said, depression and …more

Jonathan Ross <> Jan 28 02:57PM -0800: > kudos to her for trying to ignore his comments throughout and keeping her > conversation to the original topic–though that probably unintentionally > “enabled” him and gave him the feeling he …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 28 05:59PM -0500: Oh my god, as if I needed another reason to hate David Jaffe’s living guts. -KO

Kevin Kelly <> Jan 28 03:01PM -0800: I was just typing a less nice variation of Kyle’s sentence.…more

Today’s Topic Summary


  • “We’ve Disguised This Newcastle Ad as an Article to Get You to Click It” [3 Updates]
  • She Was Harassed By A Games Reporter. Now She’s Speaking Out. [12 Updates]
  • Commenting on GII [5 Updates]

“We’ve Disguised This Newcastle Ad as an Article to Get You to Click It”

Kyle Orland <> Jan 30 12:39PM -0500: So I’m usually all for extremely transparent disclosure for ads, especially in the case of native content. But this might be too cute by half: …more

Richard Clark <> Jan 30 12:43PM -0500: For the record, Newcastle was willing to pay for it because the meta thing is their whole super bowl ad campaign this year. See their actual Super Bowl, which is really just Anna Kendrick talking …more

Daniel Starkey <> Jan 30 11:53AM -0600: I’d rather drink Newcastle than most things. …more

She Was Harassed By A Games Reporter. Now She’s Speaking Out.

Andy Eddy <> Jan 29 01:12PM -0800: That’s sad. It’s like the “she asked for it because she dressed provocatively” argument. Her inaction doesn’t justify the harassment or how long he went on with it. It’s almost amazing to me–and …more

Susan Arendt <> Jan 29 01:27PM -0800: Depending on the situation, not responding *is* a response. Or should be, if the person offering penis service has any kind of self awareness. It’s not always appropriate to tell someone to knock …more

Julian Murdoch <> Jan 29 05:12PM -0500: I agree. There’s ZERO about this thats game industry. Everything about it asshole men, and likely booze. An yes, it’s profoundly depressing and I have nothing useful to say about it, and I’m …more

James Fudge <> Jan 29 05:27PM -0500: Julian I think we can all agree that this isn’t specific to the video game industry and it’s a problem with men acting like total scumbag losers. As someone who has three sisters and plenty of …more

Mark Burnham <> Jan 29 02:28PM -0800: “One small distinction I do want to make is that this isn’t a game industry thing, this is a guy thing. Guys do this.” Very, very true Susan and I’m glad you said that.

Kevin Kelly <> Jan 29 02:29PM -0800: It also only begins to scrape the surface of what female gamers have to deal with on Xbox Live. That place is a cesspit of this type of behavior. …more

Kyle Orland <> Jan 29 05:30PM -0500: Maybe it’s just because it’s where I focus a lot of my attention, but I feel like this kind of stuff is more prevalent in games/tech than in, say, the world of literary criticism. I’d guess that’s …more

Matt Hawkins <> Jan 29 05:31PM -0500: I have plenty of friends and colleagues who work in the world of print, and I can assure, such asinine behavior is alive and well in such industry as well. Same goes with film as well. …more

Britton Peele <> Jan 29 05:04PM -0600: And it’s not limited to the Internet, obviously.  When my wife worked at a deli restaurant during our college years, she had a customer — a visiting businessman, from what she could tell — call …more

Daniel Starkey <> Jan 29 05:16PM -0600: That’s just the world we live in, sadly. I went to a smoke shop once with a friend of mine, and the owner commented on her appearance, said his wife used to look like her, asked my permission to …more

Jason Fanelli <> Jan 29 03:36PM -0800: Retail can be downright gross. While working at GameStop a few years back, I had a customer who was short on funds tell a female co-worker “let me make up the rest with my d***.” She was stunned …more

“K. Cox” <> Jan 30 08:58AM -0500: It definitely happens more in games than in some other fields. (Amount of abuse I’ve received since switching off a 100% games beat to consumer journalism: 0. Amount of abuse I received while …more

Commenting on GII

Andy Eddy <> Jan 29 01:21PM -0800: That’s an interesting twist, to try to moderate the commenters instead of just the comments. I expect that’ll be quite a chore, and still probably not guarantee that the “comments section remains …more

James Fudge <> Jan 29 04:32PM -0500: It’s not like industry professionals can’t be jerks too. Let David Jaffe loose in there, or Derek Smart.

Mark Burnham <> Jan 29 02:13PM -0800: I don’t know, I’ve always liked it. Commenters on GI usually have really insightful things to say. It’s different.

Richard Mitchell <> Jan 29 06:17PM -0600: You have to be approved to post on NeoGAF too, right? 🙂

Andy Eddy <> Jan 30 12:39AM -0800: I believe that’s right…but I’m not sure, because I’ve never been approved. Not sure what their membership criteria are…

Today’s Topic Summary


  • Required to respond to the press [4 Updates]
  • Local freelancer wanted: PlayStation event in Santa Monica Feb. 10 [1 Update]
  • Revue Labs [1 Update]
  • “We’ve Disguised This Newcastle Ad as an Article to Get You to Click It” [2 Updates]
  • 1UP podcast archives taken down [1 Update]
  • She Was Harassed By A Games Reporter. Now She’s Speaking Out. [1 Update]
  • Commas are important! [1 Update]

Required to respond to the press

Kyle Orland <> Jan 31 12:48PM -0500: Think it would be great if developers were somehow forced to respond to our questions? The experience of NFL media day says otherwise: …more

Harold Goldberg <> Jan 31 01:15PM -0500: Having been able to get inside sometimes when others haven’t, I think they’re just not approaching him in the right way. And that takes effort far beyond spewing questions, which are often inane, on …more

Jason Wilson <> Jan 31 10:18AM -0800: He refuses to talk to the media, period. NFL made him talk at Media Day. He didn’t talk to the Seattle beat writers for the season. He got fined for it — belatedly. And the Seattle writers don’t …more

Alex Rubens <> Jan 31 10:23AM -0800: True. When approached by Barry Sanders (, he actually gave a good interview. It was true and wasn’t him answering questions like “How many cavities does …more

Local freelancer wanted: PlayStation event in Santa Monica Feb. 10

Kyle Orland <> Jan 31 12:36PM -0500: Hey write-for-hire types, Looking for someone to cover a PlayStation announcements/previews event in Santa Monica on Monday, February 10. Work would probably involve writing up …more

Revue Labs

Kyle Orland <> Jan 31 10:23AM -0500: Stumbled on this earlier in the week and forgot to share it: Basically, it’s a startup that wants to separate editors, writers, and the readers funding a …more

“We’ve Disguised This Newcastle Ad as an Article to Get You to Click It”

Andy Eddy <> Jan 30 04:39PM -0800: On Thursday, January 30, 2014 9:53:07 AM UTC-8, dancstarkey wrote:  > I’d rather drink Newcastle than most things. Were you paid to say that during this thread?

Daniel Starkey <> Jan 30 10:36PM -0600: I decline to answer the question on the grounds that I might incriminate myself. …more

1UP podcast archives taken down

Kyle Orland <> Jan 30 11:01PM -0500: Seems that this just happened tonight. None of the links work any longer. Just a reminder to back up your personal web work if it is important to you. Or let NeoGAF do it for you: …more

She Was Harassed By A Games Reporter. Now She’s Speaking Out.

Andy Eddy <> Jan 30 04:26PM -0800: On Thursday, January 30, 2014 5:58:08 AM UTC-8, Kate Cox wrote: > Every woman I know in any media field (film, TV, print, internet) has at > least one or two horror stories in her pocket. …more

Commas are important!

Kyle Orland <> Jan 30 05:03PM -0500: Just had to share this one with the group: Those poor non-white employees…