GameJournoPros July 2014

Today’s topic summary


  • Congratulations, Kyle!!!! [6 Updates]

Congratulations, Kyle!!!!

ryanflemingpdx <> Jun 30 02:33PM -0700: Congrats, Kyle! Well done on babying.

Richard Mitchell <> Jun 30 05:08PM -0500: Adorable!

Dan Starkey <> Jun 30 05:14PM -0500: Congrats!

Max Parker <> Jun 30 09:54PM -0400: Awesome, Kyle! Really exciting news! Congrats!

Andy Eddy <> Jul 01 08:03AM -0700: Congratulations on the new addition. Know that the roller coaster is just starting to click-clack up the hill. (hehe)

Britton Peele <> Jul 01 11:22AM -0500: Congrats, Kyle! Awesome news. *—*

Today’s topic summary


  • The next thing Silicon Valley needs to disrupt big time: its own culture… [1 Update]
  • How to deal with YouTube trolls [1 Update]

The next thing Silicon Valley needs to disrupt big time: its own culture…

“Timothy J. Seppala” <> Jul 03 12:59PM -0700: I’m 29 and I use the blanket term “pants” because they all look the same to me. …more

How to deal with YouTube trolls

Kyle Orland <> Jul 03 12:03PM -0400: Still in a baby induced haze, but while she was sleeping i watched this and simply had to share. Seems kind of standard and boring at first but really …more

Today’s topic summary


  • The next thing Silicon Valley needs to disrupt big time: its own culture… [2 Updates]

The next thing Silicon Valley needs to disrupt big time: its own culture…

Kyle Orland <> Jul 03 06:31PM -0400:

Jason Fanelli <> Jul 03 06:43PM -0400: My name is Jason, I’m 27 years old, and I call them “slacks.” My old-fashioned dad always said slacks, so I got it from him. Just for khaki pants though; jeans are jeans, shorts and shorts, and jorts …more

Today’s topic summary


  • The next thing Silicon Valley needs to disrupt big time: its own culture… [1 Update]

The next thing Silicon Valley needs to disrupt big time: its own culture…

Nick Chester <> Jul 04 06:44PM -0700: Using “slacks” is as bad as using “trousers.” Stop it. All of you.

Today’s topic summary


  • Going to PAX? Hate Doctor Who? Hit me up! [1 Update]
  • Game Journalist Simulator [24 Updates]

Going to PAX? Hate Doctor Who? Hit me up!

Susan Arendt <> Jul 10 01:56PM -0700: Hey, folks– I’m pitching a Doctor Who panel to PAX Prime, and I was hoping to have a balance on the panel between big-time fans and those who’ve tried the show and just plain don’t get the …more

Game Journalist Simulator

Jason Schreier <> Jul 09 04:12PM -0400: …more

Ben Gilbert <> Jul 09 04:31PM -0400: Goddammit

Devin Connors <> Jul 09 01:34PM -0700: Time to eject. Who wants to start a pot store with me in Colorado or Washington? …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jul 09 04:35PM -0400: In.

Michael Rougeau <> Jul 09 01:37PM -0700: Can I still work from home?

“William O’Neal” <> Jul 09 01:47PM -0700: Isn’t “game journalism” just a simulation of “real journalism” anyway? *(I kid. I kid.) *

Mike Wehner <> Jul 09 03:54PM -0500: If there isn’t a minigame where EA personally delivers a payoff check to you based on what score you gave their game, nobody is going to believe it’s realistic enough.

“William O’Neal” <> Jul 09 01:58PM -0700: The game ends when EA hires you to be a community manager. But there’s an alternate ending where you get drunk and lose it on Twitter and end up back in your parents’ basement working at GameStop. …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jul 09 04:59PM -0400: Also, something something something Patreon joke.

Kyle Orland <> Jul 09 05:19PM -0400: All jokes aside, I found this interesting: “What sealed the deal, though, was Dan Amrich’s book ‘Critical Path: How to Review Video Games for a Living.’ In it, he suggests that game critics …more

Jason Schreier <> Jul 09 05:20PM -0400: Learning more about anything can’t hurt. …more

Daniel Starkey <> Jul 09 04:33PM -0500: I’d recommend that everyone that even talks about games for a living in any capacity try to participate in a game jam. When I learned how many of my ideas had to be scrapped just to get the whole …more

“William O’Neal” <> Jul 09 02:43PM -0700: Is this something unique about game journalism? The belief that “I can totally do that.” I know that there are examples of sports writers (poorly) dabbling in the sports they cover. …more

James Fudge <> Jul 09 05:47PM -0400: I’m going to have to agree with Wil on this one. I don’t want to be a game developer in any capacity and I don’t need to understand how games are made to critique them or to cover the industry. …more

Daniel Starkey <> Jul 09 04:53PM -0500: I think a much more comparable argument and one that’s come up quite often in here is how much film writers know about the ins and outs of Hollywood. Video games are art, I think we’ll all accept …more

Kyle Orland <> Jul 09 06:53PM -0400: I think there’s a difference between saying “You can’t criticize, because you have never made a successful work” and “you can’t criticize, because you don’t know what goes in to making a work first …more

Dan Stapleton <> Jul 09 04:51PM -0700: I’m on the side that believes there’s a big, big difference between critiquing an art product as a consumer and critiquing something as a peer of someone who made that art. Both are interesting …more

Andy Eddy <> Jul 10 08:23AM -0700: If I’m criticizing the development of a game, sure. knowing a bit (or a lot) about making games helps me write that story. But I think a lot of developers cite (real or perceived) game …more

Patrick Klepek <> Jul 10 10:35AM -0500: It shouldn’t be a requirement, but working with game tools helps me better understand why a game is/isn’t good, and being able to better articulate that seems pretty beneficial to a consumer. …more

James Fudge <> Jul 10 11:41AM -0400: If you have ever had management meddle with your creative process then you probably know what it is like to develop a AAA game 😉

Richard Mitchell <> Jul 10 10:53AM -0500: I personally dabble in game development, but that’s just because I find it interesting. Also, coming at it from the perspective of a reviews editor, I always tell my writers to leave the …more

Daniel Starkey <> Jul 10 10:57AM -0500: To be clear, I think everyone should be extremely well-rounded. Everyone should know calculus, physics, ancient philosophy, history, political science, economics, literature, etc. Art is an …more

Kyle Orland <> Jul 10 12:55PM -0400: I agree with both the sentiment that game development experience is good to have/know, and that the development process shouldn’t be a focus of a review/critique. -KO

Jason Schreier <> Jul 10 02:27PM -0400: I think this is a way less interesting conversation than “why do game journalists think other people care so much about game journalists?”  …more

Today’s topic summary


  • Freelance rates [1 Update]
  • RPS looking for FT, entry-level writer [1 Update]
  • Going to PAX? Hate Doctor Who? Hit me up! [4 Updates]
  • Game Journalist Simulator [3 Updates]

Freelance rates

Patrick Klepek <> Jul 11 12:13PM -0500: Hi hi — So I’m making a pitch for Giant Bomb’s freelance budget (assuming it happens—fingers crossed), and it’s been ages since I’ve been privy to any of the going rates. …more

RPS looking for FT, entry-level writer

Adam Rosenberg <> Jul 11 10:44AM -0400: Kyle’s 10% cut applies, as ever. …more

Going to PAX? Hate Doctor Who? Hit me up!

Xav de Matos <> Jul 10 09:34PM -0700: Hey Susan, I’m Xav. I work with you. I tried a lot to get into it. Some of the episodes I think are interesting … but a lot of it is nonsense. A lot of people explain that it’s campy because …more

Michael Rougeau <> Jul 10 09:35PM -0700: Xav, I think you might be my spirit animal.

Xav de Matos <> Jul 10 10:55PM -0700: Apart from the FANTASTIC grammar in my reply to Susan’s question, I sound like the biggest fucking hater in the world. I don’t actively dislike these things, they just don’t do anything for me! I …more

James Fudge <> Jul 11 02:45AM -0400: This is the best thing I have read all week 🙂

Game Journalist Simulator

Danielle Riendeau <> Jul 10 02:24PM -0700: I dabble in game dev and I teach game design, so I’m on the side that thinks knowing how to use dev tools is useful for critics. Like Dan and Patrick have said, it helps me articulate why a game …more

Kyle Orland <> Jul 10 05:29PM -0400: Because they read the comments/message boards

Ryan Smith <> Jul 10 04:39PM -0500: I think it depends on the audience you’re writing for. I totally respect the people that care about engines, and polygon count, and draw distance but that doesn’t really interest me and I can’t …more

Today’s topic summary


  • “A new course in video games” [1 Update]
  • Wanna move to Minneapolis? [2 Updates]
  • Pax Prime press passes… [5 Updates]
  • Going to PAX? Hate Doctor Who? Hit me up! [2 Updates]

“A new course in video games”

Kyle Orland <> Jul 14 04:50PM -0400: Lots of chatter about this short CJR piece about the state of game criticism on the tweeters today: …more

Wanna move to Minneapolis?

Kyle Orland <> Jul 14 04:46PM -0400: Cuz Game Informer is hiring! My 10% cut goes a lot further out there… — …more

Michael Futter <> Jul 14 04:47PM -0400: Fart app experience not required, but recommended. …more

Pax Prime press passes…

“William O’Neal” <> Jul 14 09:05AM -0700: Does anyone know who’s handling press passes for Pax? Thanks, Wil

Devin Connors <> Jul 14 12:23PM -0400: IIRC, there’s a thread about PAX East 2014 press passes somewhere in the archives. My guess is the same person/people are handling passes for the West Coast insanity.

“William O’Neal” <> Jul 14 10:13AM -0700: For the life of me I can’t find that post. Grrr…

“Alex Rubens” <> Jul 14 10:15AM -0700: Robert Brown []

“William O’Neal” <> Jul 14 10:21AM -0700: Thanks 😉

Going to PAX? Hate Doctor Who? Hit me up!

Richard Mitchell <> Jul 14 11:40AM -0500: I can vouch for Xav hating fun. Right up there with Ben Gilbert.

Ben Gilbert <> Jul 14 01:08PM -0400: FUN IS FOR LOSERS. Hi Richard.

Today’s topic summary


  • The world’s greatest invention [4 Updates]
  • “A new course in video games” [15 Updates]

The world’s greatest invention

Kyle Orland <> Jul 15 10:42AM -0400:

Adam Rosenberg <> Jul 15 10:44AM -0400: This is the greatest thing to happen to my Internet in 2014. It’s two words. Always and forever. …more

Sarah LeBoeuf <> Jul 15 10:45AM -0400: What Adam said.

Daniel Starkey <> Jul 15 09:49AM -0500: Dan Amich got it right.

“A new course in video games”

Chris Plante <> Jul 15 08:10AM -0400: I agree, Kyle. I’m obviously biased about the piece, but I think it’s a competent look at games crit from an outsider’s perspective. Do you think parts of the community push away curious …more

Ben Kuchera <> Jul 15 07:29AM -0500: I think people really underestimate the number of soft skills and unique challenges there are working in this space. Having someone with a lot of experience and a full-time position doing what the …more

Ben Gilbert <> Jul 15 08:58AM -0400: While I’m sure that Chris is going to knock it out and that this class will be especially useful somewhere like NYU Game Center (especially budding indie devs), my worry is that specifically game …more

Kyle Orland <> Jul 15 09:25AM -0400: Based on the cjr piece, it sounds like the fundamentals of journalism are well covered in the class. I know my j-school had specific classes for sports reporting, computer-aided reporting, broadcast …more

Chris Plante <> Jul 15 09:59AM -0400: Sure. I actually agree with Ben entirely. The worst part about the course is its name. I would have preferred Intro to Digital Journalism, even though that too assumes a difference between the print …more

Ben Gilbert <> Jul 15 10:03AM -0400: I continue to love Chris Plante.

James Fudge <> Jul 15 10:05AM -0400: This sounds fascinating – and maybe it’s just me – but a lot of fun. I wish I could sit in on just one of these classes!

Kyle Orland <> Jul 15 10:11AM -0400: Put the classes on Twitch! I’m sure NYU wouldn’t mind, except when they would.

Ben Gilbert <> Jul 15 10:14AM -0400: Legitimately would be super rad to do something along those lines with Twitch.

James Fudge <> Jul 15 10:28AM -0400: Well maybe a few months after people who paid for it have finished the course…

Chris Plante <> Jul 15 10:31AM -0400: A few people recommended this. Anyone have any experience with it? …more

Ben Gilbert <> Jul 15 10:33AM -0400: We use it for social stuff on Eng. Happy to put you in touch with our social guy if you want an earful 🙂

Chris Plante <> Jul 15 10:36AM -0400: Yeah, that’d be tremendous!

Jason Schreier <> Jul 15 10:40AM -0400: “The average body of criticism is still inferior to other forms of entertainment,” said Stephen Totilo, editor in chief of the Gawker-owned games website Kotaku. One reason is that historically, …more

Chris Plante <> Jul 15 10:43AM -0400: …more

Today’s topic summary


  • How to screenshot in 1983 [4 Updates]
  • The world’s greatest invention [1 Update]
  • Youtube, advertising, payments, and ethics [2 Updates]
  • “A new course in video games” [1 Update]

How to screenshot in 1983

Kyle Orland <> Jul 16 01:23PM -0400: Can any of the pre-desktop publishing people on here (I know there are a few) comment on the accuracy of this?

Jason Wilson <> Jul 16 10:49AM -0700: Ha! 1) Take the screenshot. 2) Develop the film 3) Get out the proportion wheel to then tell the press guys how large to make it. 4) Take the plate with the page. …more

Kyle Orland <> Jul 16 01:52PM -0400: Take the plate with the page and what? Are there more steps missing? And did you ever take screenshots with a device like the one pictured? -KO

Jason Wilson <> Jul 16 10:56AM -0700: You used to take pics of the pages in the pressrooms and they would become plates, which then went on the printing press. Not personally, but I’ve seen other jury-rigged things in newsrooms to …more

The world’s greatest invention

Andy Eddy <> Jul 16 08:38AM -0700: Added (self-promotional) context: We don’t refer to ourselves as “humanbeings,” even though the words are frequently used together. …more

Youtube, advertising, payments, and ethics

Kyle Orland <> Jul 16 10:53AM -0400: Must read on ethical issues surrounding YouTube gaming content and advertsing: And if you somehow missed …more

James Fudge <> Jul 16 10:56AM -0400: It’s about time I approached EA about cutting me a check to write nice things about them. Origin is the greatest digital distribution platform on the planet. Bam. I just earned $500! 

“A new course in video games”

Jason Venter <> Jul 15 07:55PM -0700: In high school and college classes I took, there was *always* a distinction between literary criticism and a book review. In the games space, game reviews are closest to book reviews. That’s …more

Today’s topic summary


  • Tim W wants your patronage to talk indie games [2 Updates]
  • Youtube, advertising, payments, and ethics [2 Updates]
  • How to screenshot in 1983 [3 Updates]

Tim W wants your patronage to talk indie games

Kyle Orland <> Jul 17 03:03PM -0400: “I decided to test this hypothesis out for myself by making a Patreon account <> that promises almost no legitimate work in exchange for money. The question? How much …more

Matt Hawkins <> Jul 17 04:15PM -0400: “In Patreon we see the death of the writer and the creation of a media being.” wat x 2.

Youtube, advertising, payments, and ethics

Andy Eddy <> Jul 17 08:35AM -0700: I don’t think the video makers care, because they’re getting paid; I’d guess that most of the “successful” ones are gamers who found out they could make bank from YouTube by recording gameplay …more

Jason Venter <> Jul 17 12:53PM -0700: You know what this sometimes reminds me of? Class warfare. We make money writing about games. It’s not very good money, but it’s money that a lot of our readers can’t earn because they’re not …more

How to screenshot in 1983

Andy Eddy <> Jul 17 08:55AM -0700: At VG&CE (1988-1993 for me), we had a monitor (as flat as possible, to not cause a fisheye bulging effect) and would play the game, pausing to snap pictures with a camera. We had to try to avoid …more

Kyle Orland <> Jul 17 12:00PM -0400: I have always wondered about this process. Thank you for the “neanderthal” reminiscence, Andy? Also, where is your “Confessions of the Game Doctor”-style memoir already? I know I’d read it …more

Andy Eddy <> Jul 17 09:00AM -0700: Though I’m sure everyone was able to complete the sentence I didn’t in the last message (and thanks, Google, for not offering the ability to edit Groups posts…it is 2014, right?), the editor in …more

Today’s topic summary


  • Looking for a Dark Souls 2 DLC reviewer on PC [6 Updates]
  • How to screenshot in 1983 [20 Updates]
  • Anyone in Seattle for The International 4? [1 Update]
  • Kara Swisher profile [1 Update]

Looking for a Dark Souls 2 DLC reviewer on PC

Richard Mitchell <> Jul 18 02:21PM -0500: Hey folks, Any diehard Dark Souls 2 PC fans in here? We’re looking for someone to review the first chapter of the DLC. Caveats: It’s got to be the PC version and you must already be this far into …more

Devin Connors <> Jul 18 03:30PM -0400: Mike Rougeau never shuts up about Dark Souls 2, so he’s probably your man.

Michael Rougeau <> Jul 18 12:31PM -0700: Ha. I’m already reviewing it. But I did email him privately already. Miss you, buddy.

James Fudge <> Jul 18 03:34PM -0400: I’m in new game + but it has been a long time since i’ve written a review. I’m actually playing Demon’s Souls in new game + right now. Yes, i’m an addict at this point.

James Fudge <> Jul 18 03:44PM -0400: Also I know i’m not being helpful but Black Gulch is the worst. Just say no to poison.

Jason Venter <> Jul 18 12:56PM -0700: If you can’t find anyone else, I suggest checking with @MikeSuskie on Twitter. He’s a relatively new convert to Dark Souls, but he has played through multiple versions of the first one and I know …more

How to screenshot in 1983

Hamza Aziz <> Jul 17 02:23PM -0700: Seriously, what Kyle said. Would love to read a memoir or something from you on your whole history covering the videogame industry.   This is probably a little … embarrassing but I’ve always …more

Kyle Orland <> Jul 17 05:26PM -0400: I think everyone on that list you just made has been doing this at least twice as long as me, Hamza, so… thanks? -KO

Hamza Aziz <> Jul 17 02:28PM -0700: For someone reason I thought Crispy Gamer started out way before I joined
this scene. My bad! —

Sarah LeBoeuf <> Jul 17 05:55PM -0400: I would totally read that memoir.

James Fudge <> Jul 17 05:58PM -0400: 2008 was a long time ago 😉

Kyle Orland <> Jul 17 06:05PM -0400: Tell that to Andy Eddy, James =p -KO

James Fudge <> Jul 17 06:39PM -0400: Out of curiosity it would be interesting to know when people in this group did start officially getting paid to write about video games.

Kyle Orland <> Jul 17 08:52PM -0400: Depends what counts. Got some ad money from my mario fan site in 1998. Got $7 for a review in the college newspaper in 2001. Got paid for a real review on a web site in 2004. Full time freelance in …more

“ʎןןǝʞ uıʌǝʞ” <> Jul 17 06:15PM -0700: For me it was 2006. I was writing about movies and television for AOL (Cinematical and TV Squad), and then I met most of the Joystiq team at E3 that year and came aboard not long after to write …more

Jason Venter <> Jul 17 06:15PM -0700: It didn’t start out that way, but by the time Hardcore Gamer Magazine folded, I was earning money per review I wrote. That’s the first outlet that I recall ever paying me. I was an “editor” for …more

James Fudge <> Jul 18 12:03AM -0400: I got my first real paying gig in 1997. I worked at Avault, but I was writing before then for free. Peter Hines was handling news there at the time.

Devin Connors <> Jul 18 12:11AM -0400: I started as an intern at Tom’s Games (known previously as TwitchGuru) in May 2008. I stayed with Tom’s (Hardware, Guide) through October 2012, got laid off, and I’ve been freelancing ever since. …more

Britton Peele <> Jul 18 12:23AM -0500: I was getting paid as the Opinions Editor of my college newspaper in 2008, where I was able to cover an occasional gaming topic and write some reviews. But I consider my real “start” to be 2010, a …more

Daniel Starkey <> Jul 18 01:02AM -0500: I wasn’t going to post since I’m super-new, but my first bit of cash came from Destructoid. Quickly followed by some of the other mid-tier sites, and then eventually GameSpot. Started with Dtoid as …more

Jason Fanelli <> Jul 18 08:59AM -0400: I started writing about in the industry in January 2009, right out of college, on a volunteer basis for a site called GamerNode. I still do write a piece or two for them occasionally, and that site is …more

Ben Gilbert <> Jul 18 09:05AM -0400: Started writing for Philly Weekly (like the Village Voice, but in Philly) while in my last year of college (2008), covering mostly craft beer. That’s not a joke. Hounded the shit out of Chris …more

Michael Futter <> Jul 18 09:09AM -0400: Game Informer is my first professional gig. Was writing for free from 2010 – 2012. Before that, I was in another field that pays notoriously low salaries: nonrprofits! Thankfully, that little MBA …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jul 18 09:17AM -0400: I dicked around in the music biz from 2001-2004, mostly management and concert production, before I started writing professionally. It was DVD reviews for no pay (just free DVDs) at first, …more

Sarah LeBoeuf <> Jul 18 09:54AM -0400: I got really lucky: after working at GameStop the first two years out of college, I responded to a Craigslist ad and got hired full-time at a fledgling site (which no longer exists). …more

“ʎןןǝʞ uıʌǝʞ” <> Jul 18 06:55AM -0700: I vote for dog army.

Anyone in Seattle for The International 4?

Mitch Dyer <> Jul 17 08:07PM -0700: Let’s watch Dota and drink. …more

Kara Swisher profile

Kyle Orland <> Jul 17 06:06PM -0400: Fascinating, long piece on the storied tech journalist in NY Mag. Lots of great discussion about oppositional coverage and conflicts of interest that apply to our little neck of the woods as well. …more

Today’s topic summary


  • How to screenshot in 1983 [3 Updates]

How to screenshot in 1983

Jason Wilson <> Jul 18 05:56PM -0700: Got into this field in 2006 after nearly a decade in newspapers. Wanted something that wasn’t nights/weekends so I could spend time with my then-girlfriend, now wife, and have a family. …more

James Fudge <> Jul 19 12:41AM -0400: I feel so old!

Andy Eddy <> Jul 19 10:41AM -0700: Hang with me, James. As long as I’m nearby, I provide a +5 AOE buff against that. However, I’ve found that, as time has gone on, my Wingman spell is mostly ineffective; in fact, instead of being a …more

Today’s topic summary


  • VentureBeat looking for a copy editor [3 Updates]
  • The press is out to get us [12 Updates]

VentureBeat looking for a copy editor

Jason Wilson <> Jul 21 02:01PM -0700: Hello, everyone!   VentureBeat’s out to hire a copy editor. We don’t have an ad/post out yet, but we’re looking for someone with a knowledge of the tech world as well as the standard thins you want …more

Mike Wehner <> Jul 21 04:07PM -0500: Does Wisconsin count as East Coast? We have lake that connects to the ocean. Close enough, right?

Jason Wilson <> Jul 21 02:10PM -0700: We’ll take it! …more

The press is out to get us

Kyle Orland <> Jul 21 10:04AM -0400: Takes persecution complex to a new level. Key quote: “We personally think that Erik Kain, the writer of the articles …more

James Fudge <> Jul 21 10:07AM -0400: I’m shocked that they managed to get funded. I don’t feel sorry for any of the backers of this project.

Richard Mitchell <> Jul 21 10:35AM -0500: Best part of the whole thing is attacking Forbes for reporting speculation as fact … and then immediately speculating that Forbes’ shoddy reporting practices are the result of being purchased by a …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jul 21 11:37AM -0400: It proves the old adage: Two wrongs make a popcorn-worthy shitshow. That’s an old adage, right?

Kyle Orland <> Jul 21 11:39AM -0400: Can’t believe I forgot to mention that bit of shade throwing. It’s like the worst fanboy message board trolling, except it’s from presumably professional kickstarter operators. -KO

Jason Schreier <> Jul 21 11:43AM -0400: Yeah don’t they know that Forbes’ shoddy reporting practices started years ago? >_> …more

Ben Gilbert <> Jul 21 11:45AM -0400: +1000

James Fudge <> Jul 21 11:55AM -0400: Some good people worked at Forbes. You just don’t like this one guy because he wrote stuff about you/Kotaku, which is fair. But one of my good friends worked there for years ans she was/is a …more

Kyle Orland <> Jul 21 11:56AM -0400: All right, let’s not get sidetracked into griping about a particular outlet. I wanted to focus on the general “attack the ref” argument being thrown around here, regardless of who it is being thrown …more

Jason Schreier <> Jul 21 11:58AM -0400: Nah, I don’t like Forbes because it’s become a content farm that devalues our profession. …more

Ben Gilbert <> Jul 21 12:22PM -0400: Again, +1000. Forbes went content farm and it’s been a mess ever since. This isn’t meant to throw shade on Forbes, but the content model they’re using these days. The past tense James is using is …more

James Fudge <> Jul 21 01:03PM -0400: I’ll agree that the quality of their work over the last year has declined. They nixxed a lot of good contributors. That’s not mean-spirited, it’s reality.

Today’s topic summary


  • VentureBeat looking for a copy editor [7 Updates]
  • The press is out to get us [18 Updates]

VentureBeat looking for a copy editor

Greg Tito <> Jul 22 12:45PM -0400: I kind of love that there’s a minor typo in your email, Jason. Copyeditors rule the world!

James Fudge <> Jul 22 12:50PM -0400: Not a typo. “Thins” is code for mad editing skills. Everyone knows that, Greg.

Greg Tito <> Jul 22 12:51PM -0400: Dang. Now I feel like a horse’s patoot.

Jason Wilson <> Jul 22 10:01AM -0700: Basic test! …more

Devin Connors <> Jul 22 01:11PM -0400: Yeah Greg, that’s on page 101a (subsection Omega) of the Vidyagames Style Bible.

Susan Arendt <> Jul 22 02:14PM -0700: > “Thins” is very CLEARLY a reference to Thin Mints, and shame on you for not knowing that, GREG. …more

Greg Tito <> Jul 22 05:16PM -0400: Oh, you mean the best Girl Scout Cookie variety. Yes, of course, how could I get that wrong.

The press is out to get us

Hamza Aziz <> Jul 21 03:32PM -0700: So did anyone else get the email from the Areal team/person where they legit think that Vladimir Putin and his daughter are supporting this game?   — …more

Kyle Orland <> Jul 21 07:35PM -0400: Um…… WHAT?! -KO

Hamza Aziz <> Jul 21 04:41PM -0700: Dear Destructoid, We launched a project called Areal on Kickstarter, and it has been incredibly difficult, because we are a Ukrainian studio that has fallen into a situation wherein we are …more

Richard Mitchell <> Jul 22 09:23AM -0500: Nope. All kinds of nope. There is no way in hell. A) These people are fucking with everyone, and they picked the *wrong* celebrity to garner appeal. B) Putin wouldn’t reference that it’s a sequel to …more

Mike Wehner <> Jul 22 09:31AM -0500: I disagree with Richard. It’s more like a gazebo made of bullshit. One of those nice gazebos with the cedar roof and little light in the top that kinda looks like a lighthouse. You know the kind. …more

Michael Futter <> Jul 22 10:33AM -0400: I think you are thinking of a Sukkah. Mazel tov. …more

Mike Wehner <> Jul 22 09:37AM -0500: Nah man like this: On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 9:33 AM, Michael Futter <> wrote: …more

Ben Gilbert <> Jul 22 10:38AM -0400: Now who’s the sukkah

Michael Futter <> Jul 22 10:38AM -0400: Oooooh. Speaking of houses made of bullshit, that’s apparently a building material used in some impoverished areas of the world… like the land of make believe where these people think Putin loves …more

James Fudge <> Jul 22 10:40AM -0400: After watching wrestling, I have a lot more respect for Putin. Lana wouldn’t lie about these things.

Richard Mitchell <> Jul 22 09:51AM -0500: Had to.

James Fudge <> Jul 22 10:52AM -0400: I wish I could like that!

Britton Peele <> Jul 22 10:11AM -0500: I went to sleep and this thread got great. …more

Andy Eddy <> Jul 22 08:13AM -0700: I think you left out a word, James. Did you mean “I wish I could be like that!”?

James Fudge <> Jul 22 11:15AM -0400: I’ll leave it to you – use your imagination 😉

Adam Rosenberg <> Jul 22 01:23PM -0400: As with any structure made out of shit — whether it’s from a bull or some other land-dwelling mammal — this one seems to have collapsed…. …more

James Fudge <> Jul 22 01:24PM -0400: WTF?

Michael Futter <> Jul 22 01:26PM -0400: In Russia, scam suspends Kickstarter!  …more

Today’s topic summary


  • How Bleacher Report screwed me [18 Updates]
  • Grayson out at RPS [10 Updates]
  • Looking for a Dark Souls 2 DLC reviewer on PC [3 Updates]
  • The press is out to get us [4 Updates]
  • VentureBeat looking for a copy editor [12 Updates]

How Bleacher Report screwed me

Kyle Orland <> Jul 23 12:06PM -0400: “In my three years at Bleacher Report, I covered the San Jose Sharks while studying in the Bay Area, and the Twins, Wild, Timberwolves, and Vikings upon returning home to Minnesota. …more

James Fudge <> Jul 23 12:12PM -0400: One of the things we never talk about is how airing your dirty laundry is immediately noted by editors at other outlets. Still, I feel bad for what happened to this guy. 

Greg Tito <> Jul 23 12:31PM -0400: Perhaps I’m being cynical, but having less than a 6,000 view avg. is probably why he wasn’t paid very much.

Ben Kuchera <> Jul 23 11:59AM -0500: 20k to 30k page views a week isn’t a ton of traffic. This guy doesn’t really know what he’s talking about. …more

Matt Sakey <> Jul 23 10:03AM -0700: That’s really too bad on all fronts. A good friend of mine writes for Bleacher Report, and he’s never held back when discussing the nature of that organization – that it’s readily and rightly …more

James Fudge <> Jul 23 01:06PM -0400: Sure, that may be true, and clearly there’s an incentive-based system over there, but $200 bucks for all that work? Come on, guys.

Ben Kuchera <> Jul 23 12:11PM -0500: Here’s my argument: He created less than $200 worth of value. The tragedy is that no one taught him how to find an audience. We don’t get paid by the hour. …more

“William O’Neal” <> Jul 23 10:12AM -0700: How much did Deadspin pay him for that piece?

Joseph Leray <> Jul 23 12:21PM -0500: Whether or not this dude is good at his job is beside the point. If you’re working you should be paid. If your work sucks, you should be fired. If he was so bad at his job, why was he allowed to …more

Jason Schreier <> Jul 23 01:23PM -0400: Did any of you guys actually read the whole piece? He was an intern, then a contributor who tried to apply for a full-time paid position. The story is much more intricate than “guy writes 500 posts …more

“William O’Neal” <> Jul 23 10:24AM -0700: Jason, are you two related?

Jason Schreier <> Jul 23 01:25PM -0400: Now that’s a good question. I should go ask Deadspin.

Ben Kuchera <> Jul 23 12:26PM -0500: “Whether or not this dude is good at his job is beside the point. If you’re working you should be paid. If your work sucks, you should be fired. If he was so bad at his job, why was he allowed to …more

James Fudge <> Jul 23 01:31PM -0400: Jason, I only read the lede these days.

“William O’Neal” <> Jul 23 10:33AM -0700: I only read things that I find via Google.

James Fudge <> Jul 23 01:41PM -0400: ditto.

James Fudge <> Jul 23 01:46PM -0400: Ben does make a valid point about staying too long in a place that does not value what you are doing/and you’re not gaining any kind of benefit like training/compensation.

Britton Peele <> Jul 23 03:22PM -0500: I’m really glad that in a piece that is more than 8,500 words long the author was able to squeeze in an extensive story about his birthday party, detailed accounts about what individual BR employees …more

Grayson out at RPS

Kyle Orland <> Jul 23 10:30AM -0400: Touching goodbye post, addressing his love for his co-workers and the RPS community. Mega blockquote because I really think it’s worth …more

Britton Peele <> Jul 23 10:03AM -0500: I miss having Nathan in Texas full-time. He’s a good guy, even though I hate him for being better than me at just about everything 😛 I’m excited for the thing he’s doing next. …more

Andy Eddy <> Jul 23 09:14AM -0700: If I had hair that curly, I’d rule the world.

James Fudge <> Jul 23 12:18PM -0400: Get a perm, it might work for you. I knew a white kid in the sixth grade who tried that. He looked like Art Garfunkel. That memory still makes me giggle.

Adam Rosenberg <> Jul 23 12:20PM -0400: James, please stop airing MY dirty laundry. That was a confusing time in my life. …more

Devin Connors <> Jul 23 12:31PM -0400: Pics or it didn’t happen. …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jul 23 12:31PM -0400: Go back to eating your choco-oranges, Alien-Connors.

Matt Sakey <> Jul 23 09:58AM -0700: That was a beautiful farewell from one of those guys who seemed tireless and workmanlike and pleasant. Best wishes to Nathan; I look forward to seeing him wherever he lands. “For god’s sake, be …more

Kyle Orland <> Jul 23 03:25PM -0400: *Stephen Totilo* @stephentotilo <> I’m proud to say that Nathan Grayson (@Vahn16 …more

James Fudge <> Jul 23 03:28PM -0400: and SCENE.

Looking for a Dark Souls 2 DLC reviewer on PC

Matt Sakey <> Jul 23 08:47AM -0700: I’m upset by the anti-Gulch comments on this thread. Bunch of Gulch-ists is what you guys are. Name one Gulch you like.

Dave Tach <> Jul 23 11:49AM -0400: Blood Gulch!

James Fudge <> Jul 23 11:57AM -0400: One of Dark Souls’ most irritating aspects is that sometimes getting to the boss fight is harder than the actual boss fight. Black Gulch is one of those areas. The best part of that area is leaving …more

The press is out to get us

Brandon Cackowski-Schnell <> Jul 22 05:46PM -0700: Of course Putin knows what an alpha is. Putin is the alpha-ist alpha that ever was.   -Brandon …more

Mike Wehner <> Jul 22 07:48PM -0500: The suspension of the kickstarter now cements this GJP thread as my favorite of all time. Thank you all for participating. I’ll send medals to all involved.
Andy Eddy <> Jul 23 01:29AM -0700: Hey, now it truly is a “post-apocalyptic video game.” <rimshot>

Matt Sakey <> Jul 23 08:50AM -0700: There’s no way a structure like that could be made of shit… is there? Wouldn’t the shit collapse in the rain? Or are you thinking that it’s built of sun-dried shit bricks, reinforced with straw? …more

VentureBeat looking for a copy editor

Michael Rougeau <> Jul 22 08:08PM -0700: I was unaware they renamed samoas to thin mints. Good to know.

Adam Rosenberg <> Jul 22 11:09PM -0400: Samoas FTW

Devin Connors <> Jul 22 11:13PM -0400: More like Orange Chocolate Milan-OH SNAP!!!.

Adam Rosenberg <> Jul 22 11:17PM -0400: Orange and chocolate were never meant to go together and Devin, you’ve just outed yourself as a space alien here to destroy us all.

Devin Connors <> Jul 22 11:19PM -0400: Oh God please don’t tell me you’re unfamiliar with the glorious Chocolate Orange.

“ʎןןǝʞ uıʌǝʞ” <> Jul 22 09:11PM -0700: I just threw up in YOUR mouth.

Andy Eddy <> Jul 23 01:34AM -0700: Indeed, those things are filled with most wonderful cholesterol that mankind has ever seen…and a great gimmick of having to smash it on a table to break open its goodness.  Still, that doesn’t …more

Dean Takahashi <> Jul 23 01:44AM -0700: I’m happy to have another copy editor so long as “video games” is two words.

“Timothy J. Seppala” <> Jul 23 02:20AM -0700: Best part of Christmas. Well, for me at least.

Mike Wehner <> Jul 23 06:29AM -0500: No love for the Do-si-dos? I thought I knew you people.

Sarah LeBoeuf <> Jul 23 08:00AM -0400: TAGALONGS. Jeez. Although Thin Mints are a pretty close second.

James Fudge <> Jul 23 09:18AM -0400: I can’t write “videogames.” My brain will not allow it.

Today’s topic summary


  • How Bleacher Report screwed me [15 Updates]
  • Josh Topolsky leaving the Verge… [14 Updates]
  • Important research on farts in the NY Times [4 Updates]
  • VentureBeat looking for a copy editor [11 Updates]
  • Looking for a Dark Souls 2 DLC reviewer on PC [1 Update]

How Bleacher Report screwed me

Ryan Smith <> Jul 23 03:41PM -0700: Aww, come on now. Why are you guys blaming this guy for making $200 with what looks like thousands of hours of work. Websites like these exploit writers in ways that go beyond mere unpaid …more

Kyle Orland <> Jul 23 06:52PM -0400: So we only have this guy’s word to go on, but I got the impression he was strung along with the promise of a paid position juuuuust around the corner, and then the rug was pulled out from under him …more

Jason Venter <> Jul 23 09:56PM -0700: I don’t know how much Bleacher Report generates in terms of CPM, but I can tell you what HonestGamers all too often generates these days: anywhere from $0.04 (like today) to $0.40 (on a fantastic, …more

Susan Arendt <> Jul 24 09:38AM -0700: He made a choice. No – he made a series of choices, all of which included him not being financially compensated for his work for YEARS. Now, if he was ok with receiving other kinds of compensation …more

James Fudge <> Jul 24 01:01PM -0400: I agree. I would only add that systems like these are terrible for writers.

Ryan Smith <> Jul 24 11:39AM -0700: I don’t think anyone here is saying that he was enslaved by Bleacher Report (even though that drunken kidnapping episode was a little creepy). I think we all said he had a choice – over and …more

Susan Arendt <> Jul 24 01:28PM -0700: Except the athletes and musicians aren’t talking about how they got screwed. They accept their role in the relationship – if they do X for free for X years, they have a chance of getting Y. …more

Kyle Orland <> Jul 24 04:32PM -0400: Yeah, Ryan, the snarky comments personally targeting Ben are really out of place in this discussion. This is a warning: Cut it out or you’re not gonna be welcome here anymore. -KO

Ben Kuchera <> Jul 24 03:43PM -0500: “So, yes, we all have choices, but these systems make them shitty ones. If only we were all as wise and knowledgeable as the mighty Ben Kuchera, who has learned how to create such great value from …more

Devin Connors <> Jul 24 04:46PM -0400: Just for kicks, I did a Google image search for “Throne of Polygon,” and who did I find in the top ten results? The answer will shock you. #conspiracy …more

James Fudge <> Jul 24 04:54PM -0400: …continuing the conversation, here’s a lesson I learned: I once worked a job for three months where the guy kept saying he was going to pay me. During all that time I kept working and he kept …more

Mike Wehner <> Jul 24 03:56PM -0500: Getting this back on track: Working out how to value your own work is really really difficult early on (at least for me it was). It’s hard to know when to say, enough is enough, …more

Ben Gilbert <> Jul 24 04:56PM -0400: Fuck yeah Nuclear Throne

Jason Venter <> Jul 24 02:01PM -0700: My site’s current readership is extremely limited. We get maybe 400 or 500 visitors daily, since Google has made all these recent changes to promote YouTube and Google+ content and break down …more

Kyle Orland <> Jul 24 05:09PM -0400: As far as my own experience, I was happy to work for little to no money during my college years, when I was still learning and getting experience and trying to get my name out there and wanted some …more

Josh Topolsky leaving the Verge…

“William O’Neal” <> Jul 24 07:33AM -0700: How could he NOT take this opportunity? …more

Ben Gilbert <> Jul 24 10:47AM -0400: Countdown to news of Vox Media being bought by major, traditional media entity begins NOW

Kyle Orland <> Jul 24 10:51AM -0400: Topolsky timeline 2008-2011: Engadget 2011-2014: The Verge 2014-2017: Bloomberg 2017-2020: FaceTech (the first tech news outlet designed exclusively for the Oculus Rift) -KO  …more

“William O’Neal” <> Jul 24 07:56AM -0700: Who would buy it?

Kyle Orland <> Jul 24 11:02AM -0400: Relevant:

Ben Gilbert <> Jul 24 11:06AM -0400: That’s certainly the question. There are more than a few major media companies I can think of with aging online tech that’d like to get their hands on Chorus and the team that built it, though. …more

Kyle Orland <> Jul 24 11:21AM -0400: Rupert Murdoch was willing to offer $7 billion for Time Warner (and may actually offer more soon) and he paid a few hundred million for IGN back in the day, so he might be in the market……more

Kyle Orland <> Jul 24 11:22AM -0400: Whoops, I meant $80 billion for TW. $7 billion is just the low end of the value of CNN!   — …more

Christopher Grant <> Jul 24 11:33AM -0400: Fox paid $70m for a 5% (!) stake in Vice. Just saying, new media doesn’t have to mean no market.

Devin Connors <> Jul 24 01:01PM -0400: Maybe Ted Turner will come out of Billionaire Retirement to buy, yell at Vox.

Christopher Grant <> Jul 24 01:11PM -0400: On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 1:01 PM, Devin Connors <> wrote:   > Maybe Ted Turner will come out of Billionaire Retirement to buy, yell at > Vox.   Already spent a reported …more

Devin Connors <> Jul 24 01:18PM -0400: Did he? I don’t think he’s involved with Turner/Time Warner anymore. He got the boot from the board several years ago, IIRC.

Christopher Grant <> Jul 24 01:22PM -0400: Awww, poor old super rich crazy billionaire.

Kyle Orland <> Jul 24 01:55PM -0400: $200 million dollars and yet they couldn’t spare any for that guy who generated 3 million page views…

Important research on farts in the NY Times

Kyle Orland <> Jul 24 12:21PM -0400:

Greg Tito <> Jul 24 12:22PM -0400: Finally, some metrics I can understand!

Mike Wehner <> Jul 24 11:31AM -0500: Dong making a comeback. …more

Max Parker <> Jul 24 12:39PM -0400: Someone has to speak up for “fart”! Who will save “fart”? Also, what happened in 1870-1880 to cause the fart…explosion…? Then there was a second fart wave in 1920. …more

VentureBeat looking for a copy editor

Susan Arendt <> Jul 23 03:07PM -0700: Samoas > Thin Mints > Tagalongs (since they lowered the peanut butter content)

Britton Peele <> Jul 23 05:11PM -0500: I’m keeping a list of all the people in this thread who don’t say that Thin Mints are the best Girl Scouts cookie, and none of you are getting a Christmas card from me this year. …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jul 23 06:13PM -0400: On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 6:07 PM, Susan Arendt <> wrote: …more

Daniel Starkey <> Jul 23 05:13PM -0500: I did find one thing better than thin mints… a frozen yogurt shop here takes thin mints and grinds them up to make thin mint frozen yogurt…. and thin mint sprinkles… and thin mint drizzle… …more

Jason Wilson <> Jul 23 03:19PM -0700: Dear lord, the havoc that comes from just one mere typo. …

James Fudge <> Jul 23 07:14PM -0400: I think Thin Mints are the best, but I gotta be honest, I prefer Grasshoppers.

Andy Eddy <> Jul 24 08:05AM -0700: Sorry to point out another typo. Your post says “havoc,” but surely you meant “awesome.”

Andy Eddy <> Jul 24 08:34AM -0700: <> “Yo, GJP, I’m really happy for you. Imma let you finish, but Grasshoppers …more

James Fudge <> Jul 24 11:35AM -0400: Beyonce’s video was WAY better.

Andy Eddy <> Jul 24 08:42AM -0700: <> “Yo, GJP, I’m really happy for you. Imma let you finish, but Grasshoppers …more

Andy Eddy <> Jul 24 08:47AM -0700: Stupid Google…   <> “Yo, GJP, I’m really happy for you. Imma let you finish, but …more

Looking for a Dark Souls 2 DLC reviewer on PC

Matt Sakey <> Jul 24 07:12AM -0700: Apropos of nothing, I just finished Black Gulch myself after setting DkS2 aside for a while due to Stuff. You’re right, James, that’s a place I’m in no hurry to revisit. It’s interesting, though, …more

Today’s topic summary


  • Was this really IGN’s comic con party? [26 Updates]
  • have any photos of gaming in your childhood? [19 Updates]
  • JOB ALERT [1 Update]
  • Print is dead: teen heartthrob edition [3 Updates]
  • Important research on farts in the NY Times [1 Update]
  • How Bleacher Report screwed me [13 Updates]

Was this really IGN’s comic con party?

Chris Plante <> Jul 25 03:48PM -0400: Sent to me through tips and can’t believe a giant media company would do this …more

William O’Neal <> Jul 25 12:50PM -0700: I’m hoping this is a joke.

James Fudge <> Jul 25 03:52PM -0400: I saw that too. I said WTF when I saw its logo.

Devin Connors <> Jul 25 03:54PM -0400: Holy Moses  — …more

Michael Rougeau <> Jul 25 12:54PM -0700: I didn’t see anything like this there. Granted the Suicidegirls were involved and if there was a performance like this I may have missed it, as I arrived late. But either way, and regardless of …more

James Fudge <> Jul 25 03:54PM -0400: This is probably comedy now that i’ve read through the article. It has to be: “Fat Wonder Woman was there again. There are actually over 2,000 Fat Wonder Women at Comic-Con so this may not be …more

Kyle Orland <> Jul 25 03:56PM -0400: My instant gut take is that the images are real and the copy is over-the-top trying too hard to be funny. -KO

Kyle Orland <> Jul 25 04:01PM -0400: Also, um, what the hell is this site?

Kyle Orland <> Jul 25 04:04PM -0400: “WWTDD is not a credible journalistic site for news and information. We’re not even pretending to be. Woodward and Bernstein were assholes, one more …more

James Fudge <> Jul 25 04:04PM -0400: Brought to you by Celebuzz, part of Spin Entertainment… and apparently you have to be a real dick to write there judging the the super edgy confrontational tone!!!

Greg Tito <> Jul 25 04:06PM -0400: haha, you guys are just discovering the cesspool of What Would Tyler Durden Do?

“William O’Neal” <> Jul 25 01:06PM -0700: Is this seriously the first you’ve heard of WWTD? This site has been around for years and…yeah…it’s fucking amazing!

Kyle Orland <> Jul 25 04:06PM -0400: OK, now that we’re past that, let’s get back to the pictures, which seem semi-legit. Did IGN really hold a mostly topless Suicide Girls show at the Comic-Con party? If so, how do people feel about …more

James Fudge <> Jul 25 04:06PM -0400: Well there you go, mystery solved Also they are not really very funny.

James Fudge <> Jul 25 04:07PM -0400: Greg, I barely go to Buzzfeed.

Kyle Orland <> Jul 25 04:07PM -0400: Can’t say I have ever heard of this site. Was it always just photo galleries of celebrities in various states of undress? -KO

Kyle Orland <> Jul 25 04:08PM -0400: “Dimension Films and IGN Entertainment team for Sin City 2 party. Featuring performances by the Suicide Girls and free Uber rides to and from the event. 7-11:30 p.m., Float at the Hard Rock Hotel, …more

Greg Tito <> Jul 25 04:18PM -0400: I haven’t actually been to WWTDD in a long while, but I had a buddy who would occasionally link it to me. It actually looks like it’s gotten worse since then, concentrating more on the bewbs-clicks …more

Michael Rougeau <> Jul 25 01:21PM -0700: I mean, the Suicidegirls are a really well known and (I think) relatively respected modeling and burlesque organization. They often have a large presence at SDCC. Nothing about this surprises me, …more

Devin Connors <> Jul 25 04:25PM -0400: Echoing Greg’s assessment: Lent the name, no oversight. Still processing, but I think there’s a connection to be made between Suicide Girls and Sin City. If you recall how the working girls in Sin …more

Michael Futter <> Jul 25 04:51PM -0400: If you are going to let your brand be associated with something, you had best know how it’s going to be used. Lack of oversight isn’t an excuse. Even though this stuff appeared on an awful …more

Julian Murdoch <> Jul 25 04:55PM -0400: Maybe IGN has just decided they don’t want women readers. Or you know. Human readers.

Kyle Orland <> Jul 25 05:00PM -0400: IGN Babes section stealth relaunch? -KO

Rollin Bishop <> Jul 25 04:01PM -0500: I feel like maybe it’s a good time to remind people how IGN markets itself:   …more

Michael Futter <> Jul 25 05:01PM -0400: I do love Stealth brand electrical tape. …more

Jason Venter <> Jul 25 02:20PM -0700: From what I can tell, Suicide Girls is a brand that is appreciated almost as much by women as it is men. As far as I know, it is operated primarily by women–on a management level, not just in …more

have any photos of gaming in your childhood?

Chris Plante <> Jul 25 10:44AM -0400: Send them my way. I’m making a post and will gladly link the image to your twitter handle or site. As a sign of peace, here’s some blackmail material ​…more

Britton Peele <> Jul 25 09:58AM -0500: Well, you guys may not know this about be, but… I used to be a Pokemon Master. …more

Kyle Orland <> Jul 25 11:11AM -0400: Not exactly childhood (this is my 21st birthday) but definitely a blast from the past.

Kyle Orland <> Jul 25 11:16AM -0400: And here’s a few more of me playing with the EyToy at a party in the early aughts. No idea why I am making these images public… …more

“ʎןןǝʞ uıʌǝʞ” <> Jul 25 08:24AM -0700: Sweet! Something for the next “Violence in Video Games” article. …more

Jared Newman <> Jul 25 08:45AM -0700: rekt!23280&authkey=!AA5n84zYUM6F0b8&v=3&ithint=photo%2cjpg …more

Greg Tito <> Jul 25 11:47AM -0400: Kyle, I love how you may possibly be drunk in all of the photos you submitted.

Jared Newman <> Jul 25 08:49AM -0700: One more:!23281&authkey=!ALHWNNrpUPdfSA8&v=3&ithint=photo%2cjpg The back of this one says “Summer 85 @ The Pines” (a long-gone resort in …more

Chris Plante <> Jul 25 11:54AM -0400: Kyle, you are a grown human in these! Jared, you broke my cold heart in these! Everyone, these are wonderful!  …more

James Fudge <> Jul 25 12:04PM -0400: Those pictures would go great in the other thread about teen mags taking a dive 🙂

Kyle Orland <> Jul 25 12:05PM -0400: Yes, I know. All my photos are from the digital camera era. If there are any of my youth they are in a shoebox at my parents. Sorry I can’t help more. -KO

Devin Connors <> Jul 25 12:23PM -0400: When do you need photos by? I can probably find a few but it will involve a call to the Red Phone (Mom’s phone). …more

Daniel Starkey <> Jul 25 11:26AM -0500: So… for those that don’t know, I’m basically a toddler. Some of my earliest photos are from the past 10 years, and I even have one with me and Hamza at PAX… where I was 16.  …more

Chris Plante <> Jul 25 12:30PM -0400: I think I might do a follow-up if people this interesting that focuses on teenage years, because these photos are great in their own way. Also, I’ll prob run the piece this afternoon, but I’ll …more

James Fudge <> Jul 25 12:32PM -0400: I’m saying you are a cute young man, for the record, no slight intended.

Daniel Starkey <> Jul 25 11:38AM -0500: That Smash Bros. picture is actually from my childhood. Not even a teen there. …more

Jared Newman <> Jul 25 10:22AM -0700: Chris you can also publish this one in 30 years in case you (or your offspring) decide to do a sequel. …more

Chris Plante <> Jul 25 02:10PM -0400: Training like a pro!  …more

Greg Tito <> Jul 25 04:14PM -0400: Well, if we’re doing pictures, I happily submit this girl:


Adam Rosenberg <> Jul 25 01:51PM -0400: I love you all, have a great weekend. …more

Print is dead: teen heartthrob edition

Kyle Orland <> Jul 25 09:53AM -0400:

“William O’Neal” <> Jul 25 07:48AM -0700: Man, those covers. So much diversity.

James Fudge <> Jul 25 11:06AM -0400: Yeah no kidding! and anyone that isn’t white on those covers looks white.

Important research on farts in the NY Times

Jason Wilson <> Jul 24 05:42PM -0700: “Fart Proudly,” my friends.

How Bleacher Report screwed me

James Fudge <> Jul 24 05:57PM -0400: Me either. I sent news tips to Blue’s News when I started out and then I wrote for Gamezilla for free. It was a great learning experience and led to greater opportunities.

Ryan Smith <> Jul 24 03:24PM -0700: Here’s my question: what is this group really supposed to be? We’re all colleagues, not just a group of friends who all just happened to be game journalists, right?  Our job often comes …more

Ben Kuchera <> Jul 24 05:32PM -0500: If you think that’s how professional writers talk to each other you’re going to have a hard road ahead of you, friend.

Jason Venter <> Jul 24 03:41PM -0700: Anyone can start up a Google Group and offer exclusive access to people working within a given industry. That’s no special feat. What I like about this community is that I can talk with colleagues …more

Kyle Orland <> Jul 24 06:44PM -0400: There is room to criticize other group members, but only in ways that are civil and germane. Your comments towards Ben were neither, and really seemed to come out of nowhere. Call it tone policing …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Jul 24 06:44PM -0400: What Ben said. There’s a galaxy of difference between criticism and personal attacks. Your comments stepped definitively into the latter arena, and the fact that you don’t see it is mind-boggling. …more

Kyle Orland <> Jul 24 06:45PM -0400: Edit to my last message “…without the rancor and escalation that often comes with of something like Twitter…”

Mike Wehner <> Jul 24 06:11PM -0500: “There’s also room for good-natured ribbing of group members” Yeah, like watch this: Hey Kyle, I think it’s fucking absurd that you’ve never seen a movie from the Aliens franchise, and I feel that …more

James Fudge <> Jul 24 07:18PM -0400: These threads always end in tears.

Adam Rosenberg <> Jul 24 07:19PM -0400: …of laughter/  …more

Ryan Smith <> Jul 24 04:32PM -0700: Sure, I was being jokey, but how is what I said a personal attack? I didn’t say “Ben is an idiot” or “Ben is a jerk.” Ben is a top columnist at one of the biggest gaming sites. …more

Ben Kuchera <> Jul 24 06:34PM -0500: I’m stepping out of the conversation. Have a great night everyone.

Ryan Smith <> Jul 24 04:46PM -0700: Alright, mine too.

Today’s topic summary


  • Was this really IGN’s comic con party? [10 Updates]
  • Print is dead: teen heartthrob edition [1 Update]

Was this really IGN’s comic con party?

Michael Futter <> Jul 25 05:22PM -0400: The issue isn’t with Suicide Girls in the context of how the organization does business. If adults want to patronize the site, then so be it. I think the issue here is that a brand that has a …more

Susan Arendt <> Jul 25 02:29PM -0700: 1. I doubt IGN editorial knew this was going on, but they should have. Now their brand is in pictures with nearly-naked women during a time when they are constantly being accused of only caring …more

Michael Futter <> Jul 25 05:30PM -0400: Well stated, Susan. …more

Jason Venter <> Jul 25 03:07PM -0700: This is a trickier issue than is being presented here, I feel. We’re none of us privy to the information that would allow us to make a proper determination as to who messed up or, indeed, if …more

James Fudge <> Jul 25 06:20PM -0400: Are we saying that this thing is real? Holy cats.

Julian Murdoch <> Jul 25 08:36PM -0400: Susan has awesome points. So does Jason. I doubt anyone here is really against naked women, as a general matter of course, either the women or the men? I appreciate naked men and women in …more

Susan Arendt <> Jul 25 08:50PM -0700: Here’s something I wrote about similar events, though it’s not completely analogous, because GDC is a professional event and SDCC is not: …more

Andy Eddy <> Jul 26 01:11PM -0700: Some notes: –If IGN is anywhere near the same as when I worked there a few years ago, (co-)sponsoring an event like this went through a half-dozen high-level sign-offs. It was nowhere near a …more

Jason Venter <> Jul 26 01:49PM -0700: Potentially relevant: Suicide Girls apparently have a burlesque show that tours the nation. So it’s not unreasonable to consider burlesque a big part of what …more

Mike Rougeau <> Jul 26 02:10PM -0700: You all keep mentioning the fallout and consequences and “suicide-gate” etc., but where else has this party been criticized besides in this discussion and on that incredibly offensive and sexist …more

Print is dead: teen heartthrob edition

Andy Eddy <> Jul 26 12:20PM -0700: Sorry, I was too busy checking out Billy Idol. That guy is dreamy…

Today’s topic summary


  • Last of Us Remastered a/v issues [1 Update]
  • Was this really IGN’s comic con party? [4 Updates]
  • VentureBeat looking for a copy editor [4 Updates]
  • Looking for a Dark Souls 2 DLC reviewer on PC [2 Updates]

Last of Us Remastered a/v issues

“Timothy J. Seppala” <> Jul 27 12:37PM -0700: Is anyone else having a/v issued with The Last of Us Remastered? The big one for me is with the game not outputting in surround sound, only stereo regardless of what options I choose on the menu. …more

Was this really IGN’s comic con party?

“Timothy J. Seppala” <> Jul 27 07:13AM -0700: I wonder how Vera Farmiga felt about that. Also, if anyone sees her, tell her I thought she was the bomb in The Departed, yo. …more

Ben Gilbert <> Jul 27 10:28AM -0400: I was given the suicide girls book back in the early 2000s and still have it. Happy to share the completely pornographic images here for anyone deluding themselves into thinking it’s anything else. …more

James Fudge <> Jul 27 11:28AM -0400: At the same time? Or you could just go here NSFW

Jason Venter <> Jul 27 11:10AM -0700: I hope that comment wasn’t for my benefit, Ben. I’m certainly not arguing that Suicide Girls isn’t porn. It’s definitely porn. If nothing else, my comparison to Playboy should have suggested that …more

VentureBeat looking for a copy editor

“Timothy J. Seppala” <> Jul 27 07:38AM -0700: But guys, have you tried to birthday-cke-frosting stuffed Chips Ahoy?! …more

Kyle Orland <> Jul 27 11:04AM -0400: This needs to be part of this discussion (yes, that is ign’s own greg miller)

“Timothy J. Seppala” <> Jul 27 08:33AM -0700: On the Reese’s Oreo: “This cookie’s a weird bitch.” I think I’m in love. I’m being absolutely sincere here. …more

“ʎןןǝʞ uıʌǝʞ” <> Jul 27 08:41AM -0700: FYI, I had a whole Facebook quest for the Reese’s Oreo. It’s pretty amazing. The weirdest cookie I encountered was the Chips Ahoy Root Beer Float cookie. For a review, prepare yourself for the …more

Looking for a Dark Souls 2 DLC reviewer on PC

“Timothy J. Seppala” <> Jul 27 08:00AM -0700: Not only does Dave know kids, he also knows his gultches. …more

James Fudge <> Jul 27 11:26AM -0400: I’m going to say something about all of these games: they are not as hard as everyone makes them out to be. Also DSII is so much easier because you can get help for every boss but two. …more

Today’s topic summary


  • Was this really IGN’s comic con party? [21 Updates]
  • VentureBeat looking for a copy editor [2 Updates]

Was this really IGN’s comic con party?

Andy Eddy <> Jul 27 02:58PM -0700: While SG may have had shows they call “burlesque” (and I know nothing about these shows, so I could be wrong…though burlesque is a pretty specific style with a comedy foundation) but that …more

“William O’Neal” <> Jul 27 04:23PM -0700: Burlesque?

“ʎןןǝʞ uıʌǝʞ” <> Jul 27 05:55PM -0700: Burl Ives?

Mike Wehner <> Jul 27 08:05PM -0500: Burl….ington Coat Factor?   [image: Great deals are waiting for you in our stores!] …more

Mike Wehner <> Jul 27 08:05PM -0500: Factory*  FUCK! Words are dumb and should be hated. …more

Kyle Orland <> Jul 27 10:07PM -0400: Uncle Milty?

Jason Fanelli <> Jul 27 10:26PM -0400: The Maison Derriere?

James Fudge <> Jul 28 01:15AM -0400: Bert Levesque?

Andy Eddy <> Jul 28 01:17AM -0700: This is a burl on a tree, but if it was only sort of a burl, would that make it burl-esque?

Susan Arendt <> Jul 28 07:59AM -0700: Sorry to derail the derailment, but I’m genuinely confused here – am I supposed to feel like I’m claiming some “moral highground” by saying that strippers make some people uncomfortable? …more

Daniel Starkey <> Jul 28 10:15AM -0500: Susan’s dead-on once again. Were I in that circumstance, I can say I’d feel pretty uncomfortable. And I can also say I paid to go see a Suicide Girls burlesque show with my partner. …more

James Fudge <> Jul 28 11:16AM -0400: Derail? You’re putting it back on track – the question on the floor is whether it’s appropriate for any outlet to sponsor an event like this anymore.

James Fudge <> Jul 28 11:18AM -0400: Should IGN be partnering with the makers of Sin City in the first place? Will they be reviewing the film?

Sarah LeBoeuf <> Jul 28 11:19AM -0400: As Daniel said, going to burlesque shows can be really fun, and I’ve known lots of people who’ve done it with their partners. BUT, it’s all about context. I know if I’d walked into that party, I …more

Susan Arendt <> Jul 28 08:25AM -0700: James, I’d have partnered with Sin City in a heartbeat. That’s a great non-endemic, and there’s clear crossover between audiences. (Plus, IGN does cover movies and comics, no?) …more

Mike Wehner <> Jul 28 10:26AM -0500: I can’t help but imagine there’s a way to integrate Sin City into a comiccon party that doesn’t involve women with electrical tape over their nipples. Just a guess.

Chris Dahlen <> Jul 28 11:29AM -0400: IGN’s media kit is instructive, they are completely and explicitly focused on a heterosexual male demographic. Or to quote their header, “BRO-VERLOAD.”  …more

James Fudge <> Jul 28 11:31AM -0400: That’s unBROlievable, Chris.

“ʎןןǝʞ uıʌǝʞ” <> Jul 28 08:36AM -0700: I think we’re all pretty much with you, Susan. It’s pretty much semantics in the argument about the Suicide Girls, and at the very least people at IGN should have seen that it would have made people …more

James Fudge <> Jul 28 11:38AM -0400: Kevin, that’s a fair point about one dept. not knowing what the other dept. is doing. But at the end of the day all anyone sees is that IGN logo. There’s a joke in there somewhere about Miss …more

“Timothy J. Seppala” <> Jul 28 08:44AM -0700: Curl of the Burl? …more

VentureBeat looking for a copy editor

Andy Eddy <> Jul 27 02:36PM -0700: If you’ve never met Greg Miller, he’s exactly like you see him on these videos. He’s one of the things I miss most about working at IGN.
Andy Eddy <> Jul 27 02:37PM -0700: I managed to get ten seconds in and bailed. There needs to be a new word that describes incredibly-super-turbo-annoying, Nitro Edition.

Today’s topic summary


  • Carolyn Petit out at GameSpot. Others, too? [20 Updates]
  • Gamescom [2 Updates]

Carolyn Petit out at GameSpot. Others, too?

Michael Futter <> Jul 30 03:55PM -0400: …more

Dan Starkey <> Jul 30 03:04PM -0500: What. The. Crap.

Kyle Orland <> Jul 30 04:10PM -0400: “walk out” is an interesting phrase. Shades of 2007?

Kyle Orland <> Jul 30 04:11PM -0400: (God damnit was Gerstmann really seven years ago what the crap passage of time?)

Jason Fanelli <> Jul 30 04:18PM -0400: According to Laura Dale in the Freelance Journo Facebook group I’m (thanks Nathan Meunier for starting it!), she talked to Carolyn who said “they had warning but have been asked not to talk about it …more

Britton Peele <> Jul 30 03:46PM -0500: Kevin VanOrd tweeted not long ago: “Somehow, I am in the tiny group of GameSpot authors still left standing. People I love will not be greeting me each day.”  “Tiny group” sounds really bad. …more

Susan Arendt <> Jul 30 02:17PM -0700: Britton– When dealing with something like this, it can actually be really, really helpful for freelancers to kind of do some of your thinking for you, like by turning stuff in on time. …more

Britton Peele <> Jul 30 04:21PM -0500: That’s what I was hoping. Good to hear it from someone who would know better than me. Thanks, Susan.  *—*

Dan Starkey <> Jul 30 04:25PM -0500: Britton, I had the same thing. I turned in a review today and saw all the stuff going down. I really hope everyone at GS lands on their feet. Good people, all of them.   —–Original Message—– …more

Kyle Orland <> Jul 30 07:05PM -0400: More context for those who haven’t heard: seems like seven people have been let go and they are down to two editorial full timers. Sad day. …more

“William O’Neal” <> Jul 30 04:35PM -0700:

Kyle Orland <> Jul 30 08:13PM -0400: I’m all for hiring black people, but I’m not sure how I feel about essentially stealing ad revenue from sites that don’t comply…

“Yanier Gonzalez (Niero)” <> Jul 31 11:24AM +0900: Crave wrote it up: …more

Michael Futter <> Jul 30 10:26PM -0400: There are US-baed GameSpot names missing from that list. Eddie Makuch stands out. …more

James Fudge <> Jul 31 01:06PM -0400: “Eddie is still on the GameSpot team, I think some of the confusion stems from him working out of our New York office.” – what a CBS Interactive rep. told me this morning.

Michael Futter <> Jul 31 01:06PM -0400: Doesn’t Eddie live in Boston?   …more

Daniel Starkey <> Jul 31 12:07PM -0500: Yeah, he’s out of the Boston office. Also Eddie confirmed this morning via twitter that his job was secure.

James Fudge <> Jul 31 01:10PM -0400: Yes, according to his LinkedIn profile. The guy misspoke, for sure – but that’s a direct quote, so don’t blame me:)

Michael Futter <> Jul 31 01:11PM -0400: Oh, we’ve all had to run wonky direct quotes before. Not blaming you in the slightest. …more

James Fudge <> Jul 31 01:15PM -0400: No worries! I am not easily offended


Adam Rosenberg <> Jul 30 05:23PM -0400: Well this seems like as good a time as any to call out: Any freelancers (or anyone know any freelancers) headed to Gamescom? Hit me up! …more

Matt Cabral <> Jul 30 06:11PM -0400: I may (I’m registered), but still looking at schedule. SO many events next month, many of them conflicting. Will hit you up off thread.