GameJournoPros September 2014

Today’s topic summary


  • Zoe Quinn – 6 Updates
  • Going after Kotaku/Polygon advertisers – 2 Updates
  • Anand is leaving AnandTech?! – 2 Updates

Zoe Quinn

Susan Arendt <> Sep 01 09:59AM -0700: “…it’s hard not to sympathize [with Eron]” Actually, it’s not hard at all. Pretty damn easy, in fact. Fuck that guy. …more

Ben Kuchera <> Sep 01 11:59AM -0500: I had the same reaction. That Vice article is bullshit.

Daniel Starkey <> Sep 01 12:02PM -0500: You can see him as a person with complex emotions and all that… but he’s also a goddamned adult, not a child. He threw a temper tantrum. That’s OKay when you’re 3, not 23. No sympathy. …more

“William O’Neal” <> Sep 01 10:14AM -0700: Dude comes across like a psychopath.

Andy Eddy <> Sep 01 01:29PM -0700: From the Vice article: (first graf) “While interviewing him, I liked him as a person.” (later) “…and he seemed very decent for a 24-year-old who had just sparked an anti-feminist shitstorm …more

James Fudge <> Sep 01 04:34PM -0400: Don’t worry, Gjoni will post them all later when he gets mad.

Going after Kotaku/Polygon advertisers

Scott Nichols <> Aug 31 10:26PM -0700: Actually, before I started writing about games I was a social media consultant for Kraft, so I can offer some input here. It would normally take a couple hundred form letters like this to get …more

Andy Eddy <> Sep 01 01:15PM -0700:  Just pull the ads because there were “complaints” or investigate first to see if it’s warranted?

Anand is leaving AnandTech?!

Devin Connors <> Aug 31 05:11PM -0700: Well that didn’t take long. Recode got the scoop on Anand being hired by Apple. …more

Andy Eddy <> Sep 01 01:06PM -0700: It’s also another lesson in how you probably shouldn’t name your business after yourself. I would think it’s possible that in Apple hiring Anand, it might require that the site change its name (or …more

Today’s topic summary


  • Game journalism ethics, eh? – 6 Updates
  • Sims 4 review code – 16 Updates
  • They’re on to us – 19 Updates
  • Anand is leaving AnandTech?! – 7 Updates
  • Going after Kotaku/Polygon advertisers – 1 Update

Game journalism ethics, eh?

Kyle Orland <> Sep 02 09:54AM -0400: This is the kind of thing I’d usually just write to the group nowadays, but after being dragged into similar discussions on Twitter quite a few times over the last weeks, I decided to go long form …more

Ben Kuchera <> Sep 02 08:55AM -0500: This whole situation has been a stupid reason to have a really good conversation about aspects of our business which are rapidly changing and present new challenges and opportunities. …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Sep 02 09:58AM -0400: Kyle, I’ve got tons of respect for you and I don’t disagree with most of what you wrote. That said, I’m just going to preemptively put this here and walk away right now: …more

Kyle Orland <> Sep 02 10:02AM -0400: What Ben said. I hate the way these kinds of issues have gained such wide attention over the last few weeks, and they’ve become almost inextricably wrapped up in some utterly insane bullshit and …more

Daniel Starkey <> Sep 02 03:12PM -0500: I’m totally fine accepting stuff but that means I don’t cover it. I have a Witcher 3 shirt and some other swag I just got, and I really wanted it… so I just said I wouldn’t write about the series …more

Jason Venter <> Sep 02 01:27PM -0700: Frankly, swag doesn’t do much for me. I don’t have any particular use for it and it clutters up my cramped apartment. All I really want PR to do is send me a copy of the game (preferably as far …more

Sims 4 review code

Kyle Orland <> Sep 02 12:14PM -0400: Did anyone get it before today? Is anyone else a little concerned that EA decided not to give press early access in time for day one reviews (zero review on Metacritic)?

Adam Rosenberg <> Sep 02 12:18PM -0400: Early access for reviews went live yesterday, mid-day. Not a whole lot of lead time. I’m not really concerned though. It’s EA’s decision to make. On our end, it just means the review runs a little …more

Greg Tito <> Sep 02 12:18PM -0400: I think given the online component, EA doesn’t want another SimCity on its hands.

Matt Cabral <> Sep 02 12:20PM -0400: I was offered this a couple weeks ago: “We have an extremely limited number of early-access codes for the game, and we would love to discuss if you’d be interested in receiving one in order to …more

Dan Stapleton <> Sep 02 10:23AM -0700: I was told two weeks ago that no one would get access ahead of release. We ended up getting in early yesterday afternoon. And yes, it concerned me. The last time I remember EA withholding review …more

Matt Cabral <> Sep 02 01:27PM -0400: Well, they were keen on me specifically reviewing for I’m guessing they wouldn’t have given me access if I said I could review, but for one of my enthusiast outlets. …more

Jason Venter <> Sep 02 10:42AM -0700: I just can’t believe this is part of some effort to delay an anticipated wave of reviews saying the game sucks or even that it has a ton of technical issues on par with a SimCity or Battlefield 4.  …more

Dan Stapleton <> Sep 02 10:55AM -0700: I absolutely believe it was done to stave off reviews, and that the decision was likely made based on underwhelming performance in mock reviews. I don’t think it’s going to get *bad *reviews, and  …more

James Fudge <> Sep 02 02:01PM -0400: I saw one critic describe the experience as “empty” on Twitter earlier. I agree with Dan – EA does this kind of stuff when they know that a game might be ill-received. I’m looking forward to the  …more

Jason Venter <> Sep 02 11:02AM -0700: Dan, I think you misunderstood part of what I was saying, which I’m sure is my fault. I also believe that it is in EA’s best interests to delight fans right out of the gate, which is why I am  …more

Jason Schreier <> Sep 02 02:16PM -0400: Ah, yes, certainly can’t imagine EA releasing a game before it’s ready!  …more

Jonathan Ross <> Sep 02 11:17AM -0700: I’m going to assume you were one of the very lucky ones who completely missed Sim City  …more

Jason Venter <> Sep 02 11:29AM -0700: I preordered SimCity and spent the next few days in a state of hopeless addiction. That game was a blast, even with the issues (with the broken traffic doing a lot more to impact my personal  …more

Daniel Starkey <> Sep 02 01:47PM -0500: I got a few hours of play before I was kicked out of the game and I couldn’t do anything for days. …more

Jason Schreier <> Sep 02 02:48PM -0400: I just got bored with how small the maps were. …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Sep 02 02:51PM -0400: You just didn’t get it, Jason. It’s about MAKING DIFFERENT CITIES THAT WORK TOGETHER. Or something like that. Those maps were (and are) way too fucking small.  …more

They’re on to us

Kyle Orland <> Sep 02 09:56AM -0400: Visual proof that many members of the game journalism industry know/work  with each other: …more

Richard Mitchell <> Sep 02 09:02AM -0500: These people sure have a lot of visual aids. > <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,’cvml’,’’);>. > Visit this group at …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Sep 02 10:03AM -0400: It’s because they don’t know how to use their words very well.

Kyle Orland <> Sep 02 10:04AM -0400: Cleaner version makes it look more like a ring than a web:

Kyle Orland <> Sep 02 10:20AM -0400: I really hope this becomes a meme: PR DOES NOTHING

Eric Frederiksen <> Sep 02 09:21AM -0500: Hideo Kojima and M. Night Shyamalan would look at the stuff these kids are coming up with and wonder how they can assemble such a convoluted narrative and think it holds together. It boggles my mind …more

Richard Mitchell <> Sep 02 09:22AM -0500: See, a ring is all wrong. Everyone knows conspiracies are web shaped.

Devin Connors <> Sep 02 10:24AM -0400: Where did they buy that font? The…90’s PC font store? …more

Kyle Orland <> Sep 02 10:26AM -0400: [image: Inline image 1]

“William O’Neal” <> Sep 02 07:44AM -0700: I only recognize four of the names on that chart.

Kyle Orland <> Sep 02 10:51AM -0400: Sounds like you should be added with a new “has heard of” line to four of the people on the chart. -KO

Ben Gilbert <> Sep 02 04:52PM +0200: All that you need to understand, Wil, is that Thanksgiving is canceled. No turkeys because of the corrupt system, mannnnn.

Kyle Orland <> Sep 02 10:53AM -0400: I could spend all day with these:

Andy Eddy <> Sep 02 08:20AM -0700: <> My favorite part of the chart. Now I’m hungry and going for some Mexican food… …more

James Fudge <> Sep 02 11:26AM -0400: I found a facebook page for that guy. When did he take over Kotaku?

Kyle Orland <> Sep 02 11:28AM -0400: Don’t forget “Phillet of Fish.” -KO

Andy Eddy <> Sep 02 08:33AM -0700: There should be another link there for

Dan Stapleton <> Sep 02 08:38AM -0700: Until I see proof otherwise, I’m going to go ahead and assume this whole thing is a satire. …more

Kyle Orland <> Sep 02 11:41AM -0400: Everything after the initial post in this thread has been satire, but that first image is unfortunately meant to be taken seriously, I think. -KO

Anand is leaving AnandTech?!

Kyle Orland <> Sep 01 05:27PM -0400: Are they just renaming the site to “Tech” now? -KO

Dean Takahashi <> Sep 01 03:40PM -0700: AnotNandTech?

Andy Eddy <> Sep 01 04:00PM -0700: AndNotTech

Dean Takahashi <> Sep 01 04:06PM -0700: He started blogging at 14. And by the time he was in high school, Intel was taking him seriously. He started so young at his first career that he now gets to retire and start a second one, at age …more

Devin Connors <> Sep 01 09:11PM -0400: Tom of Tom’s Hardware was a medical doctor (surgeon?) in Germany when he started the site in 1996-97. Now he’s on a yacht somewhere in the Caribbean, enjoying the Fuck You Money-levels of cash he …more

“William O’Neal” <> Sep 01 07:08PM -0700: Alex Ross from Sharky Extreme now customizes Porsches!

James Fudge <> Sep 02 07:13AM -0400: Billy Wilson from 3D Extreme overdosed on prescription drugs.

Going after Kotaku/Polygon advertisers

Isaac Federspiel <>: Sep 01 05:25PM -0500: “AS ALWAYS, BE POLITE AND CONCERNED.”  Oh the irony. …more

Today’s topic summary


  • They’re on to us – 28 Updates
  • A reminder on this group’s function and purpose – 17 Updates
  • Destiny review copies? – 15 Updates
  • PC Gamer is looking for a hardware editor… – 2 Updates

They’re on to us

Kyle Orland <> Sep 03 07:38PM -0400: Call in the lawyers: (I think this conspiracy stuff has transitioned into hilarious farce more than troubling development for …more

Dan Starkey <> Sep 03 06:16PM -0600: We’ve hit Poe’s law levels of lunacy.

Daniel Starkey <> Sep 04 11:36AM -0500: We lost Jenn Frank. …more

James Fudge <> Sep 04 12:38PM -0400: Hopefully after all this nonsense goes away she’ll come back. Writers have to write.

Kyle Orland <> Sep 04 12:39PM -0400: Mattie Brice too: I can’t exactly blame them for wanting to leave. At the same time, this is only gonna contribute to the idea that these conspiracists are somehow …more

Jason Fanelli <> Sep 04 12:42PM -0400: Case in point: …more

Mike Wehner <> Sep 04 11:45AM -0500: Fairly certain she’s had “Ex-writer” there for quite some time. Certainly before the most recent stuff went down.

Kyle Orland <> Sep 04 12:45PM -0400: I’m also kind of worried about the tone of Jenn’s Twitter posts recently, but I’m not really close enough with her to check how she’s doing. Can anyone confirm she’s all right, generally? -KO

Devin Connors <> Sep 04 12:46PM -0400: Writers gotta write…about something else. I can’t speak to their respective interests, but if they start writing about other media, topics, and they can make decent money doing it, why would they …more

Jason Fanelli <> Sep 04 12:47PM -0400: Well unfortunately, should she start writing about other media, there’s no reason to think the harassers won’t follow her too. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was done all writing for good. …more

Chris Dahlen <> Sep 04 12:49PM -0400: Yeah, this is extremely depressing. Earlier when this all started, the folks on this thread were talking about some kind of a gesture for Zoe Quinn. What are we going to do about Jenn? …more

Ben Gilbert <> Sep 04 06:50PM +0200: I have a completed, unedited freelance piece from her waiting to be published right now, so I certainly hope she’s not suddenly an ex-writer.

Adam Rosenberg <> Sep 04 12:51PM -0400: Well, FWIW I sent her an email last night to start a conversation about getting her some cool Digital Trends assignments (before I saw all the stuff about her quitting, unfortunately). …more

Kyle Orland <> Sep 04 12:51PM -0400: I’d certainly support something like that, Chris.

James Fudge <> Sep 04 12:53PM -0400: I would be inclined to support something because she’s one of us, and not a game developer.

Ben Kuchera <> Sep 04 11:53AM -0500: Signed and supported. Let me know.

Jason Fanelli <> Sep 04 12:54PM -0400: AND MY AXE.  Wait, sorry, *cough* I’m in as well.

Michael Futter <> Sep 04 12:54PM -0400: I sympathize with the situation, and I am disgusted by these attacks on a personal level. I do not want to get involved professionally, though. This isn’t my place or my mandate. …more

Devin Connors <> Sep 04 12:54PM -0400: Count me in, too.

Kyle Orland <> Sep 04 12:55PM -0400: OK, lots of support… who is actually going to take the lead on writing/gathering further support? Chris, I don’t want to volunteer you, but you brought it up… or just let us know if you want ..more

Daniel Starkey <> Sep 04 12:00PM -0500: I called her, and spoke to her fiance and he said she won’t quit writing, but games writing is still up in the air. …more

Kyle Orland <> Sep 04 01:02PM -0400: That’s… somewhat good to hear, at least, Daniel. -KO

Daniel Starkey <> Sep 04 12:04PM -0500: I didn’t bring up the possibility of all of us doing something, but her fiance independently said she needs all the support she can get. So…yeah. This is something that we should probably do. …more

Chris Dahlen <> Sep 04 01:09PM -0400: I don’t know what kind of statement would be best, because I would like to see more of our publications say, “If you’re the kind of person who takes pleasure in seeing a writer like this quit, then …more

Chris Dahlen <> Sep 04 01:10PM -0400: … and alternately, to Daniel’s point, yeah, maybe everyone tweeting how awesome she is would just be a great idea right now.

James Fudge <> Sep 04 01:13PM -0400: I did that last night But i’d be happy to do it again.

Devin Connors <> Sep 04 01:17PM -0400: We can always tweet AND write a letter…

Jason Venter <> Sep 04 01:54PM -0700: She was posting a lot of tweets that sound very definite last night, and it was difficult to watch. She’s clearly very upset, and I can’t blame her. What I worry about is that she’ll say so many …more

A reminder on this group’s function and purpose

Kyle Orland <> Sep 04 10:27AM -0400: Just a quick note to remind group members of two things: 1) Everything someone posts in this group should be considered private and only shareable/discussable with other members of the group. …more

James Fudge <> Sep 04 10:41AM -0400: I keep my darker thought to myself, Kyle. But i’ll share one and pray that it gets out: I want to wear your skin like a jumpsuit and tumble down a hill like i’m in the closing credits to Little …more

Kyle Orland <> Sep 04 10:49AM -0400: [image: Inline image 1]

Richard Mitchell <> Sep 04 09:50AM -0500: “This group … is … a vast left-wing conspiracy.” – Kyle Orland

Kyle Orland <> Sep 04 10:50AM -0400: DAMN YOU ELLIPSES! -KO

James Fudge <> Sep 04 10:52AM -0400: Exactly!

Adam Rosenberg <> Sep 04 10:53AM -0400: God that’s so creepy. I need to go shower again now. …more

Michael Zenke <> Sep 04 10:55AM -0400: Even Willy Wonka doesn’t want to hear more about that, James. : /

Jason Fanelli <> Sep 04 10:57AM -0400: There’s no earthly way of knowinggggggg, which direction we are goingggggggg…

James Fudge <> Sep 04 11:14AM -0400: For the record (on the original topic) I am very careful to never share or use information discussed in this group. But if it were ever leaked I would not be worried about the stuff i’ve written …more

Devin Connors <> Sep 04 11:15AM -0400: Screw the intended purpose. All this group should be used for now is Madden GIFs. [image: Inline image 1] …more

Kyle Orland <> Sep 04 11:17AM -0400: Madden GIFs are definitely a subset of the intended purpose. If it becomes the entirety of the set, I would understand. -KO

Mike Wehner <> Sep 04 10:45AM -0500: …more

James Fudge <> Sep 04 11:54AM -0400: I love that video.

Tim Stevens <> Sep 04 09:54AM -0700: I just want you to know, Kyle, that while I don’t post here very often, I have a deep respect for all that you all do. Also, I am keeping a detailed archive of all the content shared here that I …more

Kyle Orland <> Sep 04 12:57PM -0400: Blackmailing game journalists that are often struggling to make rent money is probably not a great retirement plan, TBH.

Tim Stevens <> Sep 04 10:00AM -0700: Guaranteed to do better than my AOL stock options!

Destiny review copies?

Kyle Orland <> Sep 04 11:26AM -0400: Anyone have them yet? We are still waiting over here, and I know some other people are as well. Embargo is up in about 4.5 days at the moment, and it’s not exactly a small title, in interest or …more

Jason Fanelli <> Sep 04 11:27AM -0400: Not sure if this is across the board, but Polygon recently posted this: …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Sep 04 11:33AM -0400: Latest word is that early copies will start showing up tomorrow, but the servers aren’t being switched on until Monday. There’s a review SCORE embargo for the release day, but streams, screens, and …more

Ryan Smith <> Sep 04 08:36AM -0700: I was told I was on “the short list” for the possibility of an early PS4  copy but it’s more likely I’ll get one on Day 1. Boo.

Kyle Orland <> Sep 04 11:39AM -0400: I’m afraid we’re only going to be seeing more “you can’t review the game/hardware sufficiently because the server/day one update isn’t ready until incredibly damn close to embargo time” problems …more

Matt Cabral <> Sep 04 11:39AM -0400: I was told I’ll have a PS4 copy by tomorrow. *fingers crossed*

Kyle Orland <> Sep 04 11:41AM -0400: Good luck playing it if the servers aren’t on, Matt! -KO

Michael Zenke <> Sep 04 11:42AM -0400: Intended as not-a-troll: Isn’t that a good thing? In the past, there have been a number of reviews that got dinged after the fact because they reviewed the magical lollipop land of dev-only …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Sep 04 11:43AM -0400: Maybe I’m alone here, but I’m kind of okay with that? Current review culture is all about the push to hit that embargo lift. When that goes away, maybe people will have an easier time focusing their …more

Jason Schreier <> Sep 04 11:46AM -0400: That world sounds lovely, Adam, but what’s far more likely is that every gaming website on the planet will rush their reviews in order to be first on Metacritic.

Adam Rosenberg <> Sep 04 11:47AM -0400: Bully for them. I’m gonna stick to optimism here. We don’t need to descend into another “Why Metacritic is the worst” black hole. …more

Britton Peele <> Sep 04 10:50AM -0500: Yeah, I’m usually an optimist about just about everything, but I think that in a world where everybody gets big games on launch day — with no time ahead of an embargo — too many people will just …more

Kyle Orland <> Sep 04 11:53AM -0400: That kind of “rush to meet the embargo” culture is bad from a “take the time to critique it” standpoint, but anyone here can probably tell you how quickly the pageviews drop off if a review doesn’t …more

Matt Cabral <> Sep 04 11:53AM -0400: Haha, yep, guess my review will be entirely based on the box art.

James Fudge <> Sep 04 12:00PM -0400: There’s a lot more opportunities to have content without posting a review on launch day. Streaming, video of hands-on gameplay, first impressions articles, etc. Or as Matt says, just review the …more

PC Gamer is looking for a hardware editor…

“William O’Neal” <> Sep 04 08:23AM -0700: Hey folks, PC Gamer is looking for a hardware editor. You all know what hardware editors do so I won’t go into that here. That said, this position will also work closely with the Maximum PC team and …more

Devin Connors <> Sep 04 11:29AM -0400: Quick! Someone get Richard Karn on the phone! [image: Inline image 1]

Today’s topic summary


  • Putting Gamergate behind us? – 22 Updates
  • Second Player In Hyrule Warriors – 2 Updates

Putting Gamergate behind us?

James Fudge <> Sep 07 12:57AM -0400: Answering real questions in #gameethics is probably a good place to start connecting with regular peeps and letting them know that we’re not out to get them.

Michael Futter <> Sep 07 01:17AM -0400: Please don’t. That hashtag is now giving legitimacy to the same crackpot stuff. It’s bad enough when we have to deal with this, but now Rami has given these absurdities a safe harbor. …more

James Fudge <> Sep 07 01:35AM -0400: I have not encountered what you are talking about, but to each their own I guess.

Dennis Scimeca <> Sep 06 10:40PM -0700: These kinds of outbursts build upon one another, so maybe there’s something proactive to be done, vs. letting things blow over.  I think Chris is asking some good questions. And I’m reminded of …more

Ben Kuchera <> Sep 07 11:30AM -0500: For a data point, I have yet to receive a single message from an actual reader about any of this. I know it’s on our minds, but I’m not convinced the people who play games or read our sites care. …more

Brad Gallaway <> Sep 07 09:36AM -0700: I gotta echo Ben on this. I didn’t say much about it on twitter, but between talking to regular readers whose opinions i trust and having low-key discussions with various other people, it seemed …more

Michael Zenke <> Sep 07 12:44PM -0400: There are people in the industry that care about this. A lot.

James Fudge <> Sep 07 12:45PM -0400: Yeah I have not seen that either.

James Fudge <> Sep 07 12:46PM -0400: Do you mean writers or developers?

Matt Hawkins <> Sep 07 12:46PM -0400: And I’ll echo Michael’s sentiments, primarily on the indie side of the spectrum.

Ben Kuchera <> Sep 07 11:50AM -0500: Maybe I should clarify. This is a big topic and it’s leading to people being hurt. I don’t want to minimize that. But I don’t think your average reader of online gaming news has been affected much. …more

Michael Zenke <> Sep 07 12:50PM -0400: Apologies; developer-side. I can only speak anecdotally, but I’ve spoken to people personally who found the last few weeks very eye opening. I’m trying to silver lining a cloud of crap. …more

Michael Zenke <> Sep 07 12:51PM -0400: Heh. What Ben said. 🙂 …more

Ben Kuchera <> Sep 07 11:52AM -0500: Gah, I mean readers to stop reading outlets, the “fleeing from outlets” line may be read like I’m talking about writers, and sadly we’ve already lost some of those. Some people I love and respect. …more

Jason Schreier <> Sep 07 12:52PM -0400: Eye-opening how?

Jason Schreier <> Sep 07 12:53PM -0400: I think the moment my POV switched from “let’s listen” to “fuck all of these people” was when they bullied Jenn Frank into quitting. …more

Michael Futter <> Sep 07 12:53PM -0400: Had outlets not given legitimacy to this campaign of terrorism, it would have petered out. Even after yesterday’s revelation, outlets, writers, and developers are flooding oxygen onto a dying fire. …more

Michael Zenke <> Sep 07 12:56PM -0400: Sorry Jason, I’m not trying to be cagey. By eye-opening, I mean that people inside the industry (people you would think have the best bead on this stuff) in some cases did not see the …more

Jason Schreier <> Sep 07 12:58PM -0400: I’m still not sure what you mean – how are they thinking differently? Do they hate journalists? Are they sick of gamers?

Michael Zenke <> Sep 07 12:59PM -0400: Taking this offline. …more

Michael Futter <> Sep 07 01:00PM -0400: Wait. You brought this up as if it were relevant to the entire group. I think Jason is asking reasonable follow-up questions.

Adam Rosenberg <> Sep 07 01:05PM -0400: I’m with Futter here. I’d like clarification too, as long as you’re not breaking any confidences.

Second Player In Hyrule Warriors

Matt Hawkins <> Sep 06 10:29PM -0400: Does anyone have any idea how to have two players go at it together in Hyrule Warriors? I can’t seem to find anything online, and this game has already been out in Japan. HALP!

Matt Hawkins <> Sep 06 10:43PM -0400: Nevermind. Figured it out. Long story short: Japanese game interfaces continue to worsen with each passing generation.

Today’s topic summary


  • The time TotalBiscuit told on me – 4 Updates
  • Tom Bissell on Hitting the Battlefield with Hardline – 16 Updates
  • They’re on to us – 8 Updates
  • Macworld magazine shutting down – 1 Update

The time TotalBiscuit told on me

Kyle Orland <> Sep 11 10:03AM -0400: Not really sure what to make of this, except that some YouTube personalities apparently have very thin skins: …more

Susan Arendt <> Sep 11 12:45PM -0700: Don’t generalize. TotalBiscuit has an insanely thin skin. Speaking from personal experience.

Kyle Orland <> Sep 11 04:24PM -0400: True enough, I know nothing about the skin thickness of other youtubers

James Fudge <> Sep 11 04:25PM -0400: the bigger the ego, the thinner the skin.

Tom Bissell on Hitting the Battlefield with Hardline

Michael Futter <> Sep 11 01:41PM -0400: Not sure if you all received/saw this, but I figured I’d bring it to the group’s attention. In the first paragraph here, EA shines a spotlight on the very thing that people have been accusing us …more

James Fudge <> Sep 11 01:57PM -0400: Kyle, is Tom in the group?

Chris Dahlen <> Sep 11 02:02PM -0400: This is a good time to point out that #gamergate was never about “corruption.” …more

Chris Dahlen <> Sep 11 02:05PM -0400: FWIW I also spent a few years writing for games at the same time that I was writing in one capacity or another for game publications – for example, running Kill Screen while I worked on Carmen …more

Michael Futter <> Sep 11 02:06PM -0400: No, it wasn’t. But that hasn’t stopped people for jumping on board that bandwagon now, especially since some indie developers have legitimized even the most outlandish of complaints. …more

James Fudge <> Sep 11 02:11PM -0400: I would assume (correct me if i’m wrong, Chris) because he worked on a Gears game?

Chris Dahlen <> Sep 11 02:26PM -0400: Right, he’s a guy, that noone has beef with, who’s writing a milshooter. He’s nobody’s target.

Michael Futter <> Sep 11 02:27PM -0400: I was pretty clear that I’m not “targeting” him. I’m pointing out how an undisclosed conflict might look to readers in the current climate. …more

Chris Dahlen <> Sep 11 02:29PM -0400: To be clear I didn’t mean you, I meant the knuckleheads in the #gamergate community. But I’d place bets that nobody out there will bring this up.

Ben Kuchera <> Sep 11 01:30PM -0500: But is he our shield?

Chris Dahlen <> Sep 11 02:38PM -0400: 10 points to Kuchera!

Kyle Orland <> Sep 11 02:39PM -0400: Let’s not get sidetracked by a discussion of the “current climate.” This is a relevant thing to be discussing in this group regardless of the climate (and Tom is not a member of the group). …more

Ben Kuchera <> Sep 11 01:45PM -0500: The reality is that creative work is becoming so devalued and jobs writing are so hard to come by that it’s really hard to fault anyone for much these days, and people move between writing and dev …more

Jason Schreier <> Sep 11 02:46PM -0400: What about Jessica Chobot previewing Mass Effect 3 without mentioning that she also happens to be in it? I think that one made me pretty actively Angry. …more

Ben Kuchera <> Sep 11 01:49PM -0500: That actually pissed me off so much I didn’t invite her onto the ship. I have no clue what the subplot is about. “Nope, not on my watch, lady!” …more

Susan Arendt <> Sep 11 01:22PM -0700: I was furious about that.

They’re on to us

Kyle Orland <> Sep 11 09:18AM -0400: If you didn’t read Jenn Frank’s “goodbye to all that” post this morning, prepare to be sad: -KO

Ben Kuchera <> Sep 11 08:55AM -0500: If I were freelance these days I’d leave game writing so quickly your head would spin. If you can choose, why choose to deal with this bullshit? …more

Jason Schreier <> Sep 11 09:58AM -0400: Ben, I think about that all the time, but then I remind myself that there are millions of people who love video games and read our work and don’t care about any of this drama. GamerGate might be …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Sep 11 10:01AM -0400: It’s true. All of the bullshit lately has put me in the mind of taking a good, long look at what really matters in life. I love my partner, I love my friends, I love my dog, I love thinking …more

Ben Kuchera <> Sep 11 09:02AM -0500: Sure, but you still have to deal with the bullshit of the people targeting you for hacking, and worrying about what happens when your children get on social media and hear about how their father is …more

James Fudge <> Sep 11 10:03AM -0400: I really do think what you (Ben) said the other day is true: none of us have received angry emails from readers about GamerGate. Most people have no idea that it is even happening because they are …more

Greg Tito <> Sep 11 11:07AM -0400: I echo the sentiments here. Most of the gaming audience doesn’t even register that there is a controversy. But while it may seem that gaming press is especially nasty, I’ve heard from people who …more

“K. Cox” <> Sep 11 01:31PM -0400: But when that tiny, tiny fraction of the gaming audience does care, they can make your life miserable. You know I still catch occasional bullshit from fans of David Jaffe and/or …more

Macworld magazine shutting down

Andrew Hayward <> Sep 10 05:04PM -0700: Yeah. I know Jared’s had his regular news gig for the IDG publications for a long while, but I’ve just been writing features, reviews, and event coverage for all four IDG tech sites (Macworld, …more

Today’s topic summary


  • Reviewing Destiny – 5 Updates
  • The time TotalBiscuit told on me – 5 Updates
  • Tom Bissell on Hitting the Battlefield with Hardline – 5 Updates

Reviewing Destiny

Dennis Scimeca <> Sep 12 11:16AM -0700: Questions for other Destiny reviewers who have beaten the story, maxxed their level, and are now in the endgame:  1) Is it feasible to hit Lvl 20 without progressing through the entire story? …more

Mike Wehner <> Sep 12 01:23PM -0500: Once you hit level 4 or 5 (I dont’ remember which) and gain access to the crucible you could get to 20 just playing PVP and not progressing the story whatsoever.

Michael Rougeau <> Sep 12 11:25AM -0700: 1) Definitely feasible to hit level 20 without finishing story missions. You can do it entirely in the crucible, or play the same five missions on the earth over and over again until you hit the cap, …more

Ben Kuchera <> Sep 12 01:40PM -0500: If you play in the Crucible and keep doing bounties you level up QUICK. I just started Venus and I’m level 17.

Dennis Scimeca <> Sep 12 12:33PM -0700: Thanks, Mikes and Ben. I’ll start hitting the Crucible. Arthur and Phil are in here, right? Wondering how they feel about the importance of finishing the story, in terms of writing an …more

The time TotalBiscuit told on me

Devin Connors <> Sep 11 07:24PM -0700: You’d think he would deal with such things better, being such a big and frequent target. …more

Rod Breslau <> Sep 11 10:29PM -0400: They seemed to have worked things out in the comments so…success? Or CORRUPTION? …more

Devin Connors <> Sep 11 10:39PM -0400: “Worked out,” most likely because Shawn is busy with the new kid. He is also at a new job (was at Irrational during this, now at Arkane Austin), which means there’s no baggage or restrictions. …more

Dan Stapleton <> Sep 11 11:19PM -0700: I have some experience picking fights with egotistical YouTube personalities who label themselves as ill-tempered in some fashion. Not something I recommend. Not because they don’t deserve to be …more

Sarah LeBoeuf <> Sep 12 06:26AM -0400: Yeah, I’ll second the abuse from the army of followers. …more

Tom Bissell on Hitting the Battlefield with Hardline

Danielle Riendeau <> Sep 11 02:47PM -0700: To be honest, when I saw this thread, I thought 100% that this was going to be about an ostensibly very thoughtful and talented writer writing what appears to be one of the most tone-deaf games of …more

Michael Futter <> Sep 11 05:49PM -0400: Gamergate or not, this has the appearance of a conflict of interest. I’ve heard a lot of people talking about what a great writer Tom is (and they may be true). But the last time I checked, talent …more

Chris Dahlen <> Sep 11 06:25PM -0400: Danielle – I totally agree! When I read this I was like, “Wait – Bissell’s writing the Ferguson game?!”  …more

Harold Goldberg <> Sep 11 06:53PM -0400: Cash money, mon.  Plus, I think this is his niche. From Gears to this is not such a leap.  Also, regarding ethics, everyone draws his or her own line. Mine is toward total separation between …more

Devin Connors <> Sep 11 07:25PM -0400: Finally, someone who speaks my language! I also appreciate cash money, mon.

Today’s topic summary


  • Way to cost Activision $2.5M, guys – 7 Updates
  • Destiny / Vault of Glass – 11 Updates

Way to cost Activision $2.5M, guys

Kyle Orland <> Sep 16 04:53PM -0400: Just gonna leave my thoughts from 2.5 years ago over here: …more

Kyle Orland <> Sep 16 04:54PM -0400: Er, the thread title should obviously say Bungie, not Activision. Carry on. -KO

Mike Wehner <> Sep 16 04:00PM -0500: My take: Don’t release a game that is half FPS and half MMO without things that people expect from those genres (like a decent story, which it still doesn’t have, and raids, which it didn’t have for …more

Devin Connors <> Sep 16 05:03PM -0400: Destiny is the best 60/100, 6/10, or 3/5 game ever made. There, I said it.

Ryan Smith <> Sep 16 02:05PM -0700: Quick semi-related question off Mike’s answer: It’s true that Destiny doesn’t have a good story. But which MMO’s have you played that have actually had a good story? I’m honestly wondering because …more

Mike Wehner <> Sep 16 04:12PM -0500: Ryan – Honestly, i’d even have been happy with a “meh” story. I’d have been happy with a story that made absolutely any tiny bit of sense or felt like a cohesive narrative. Unfortunately, Destiny’s …more

Greg Tito <> Sep 16 05:18PM -0400: I think it’s crazy to give any kind of monetary value to review scores. There. I said it!

Destiny / Vault of Glass

Adam Rosenberg <> Sep 16 08:23AM -0400: Is anyone in here leveled up enough in Destiny (PS4) to tackle the 6-player raid that unlocks today? I don’t think there’s matchmaking for it, so you’ve got to assemble a group for it. …more

Eric Frederiksen <> Sep 16 07:48AM -0500: Bungie confirmed last night that the raid would be accessible to those below 26: So, I’m level 22 or 23 at this point, I’d be up for it if we …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Sep 16 08:49AM -0400: This can only end well.

Michael Rougeau <> Sep 16 10:44AM -0700: I’m level 20 and tried a level 22 mission (story, not even a strike) last night with a level 19 and a level 21 and we got our asses handed to us. Couldn’t get past the third encounter. …more

Richard Mitchell <> Sep 16 12:46PM -0500: Bungie has made it pretty clear that you’re not clearing this if you’re not leveled enough. etc. I mean, good luck and all, but it sounds …more

Eric Frederiksen <> Sep 16 12:56PM -0500: Yeah. I’m rethinking my intent to try the mission after some adventures with pretty painful Strike missions this morning. The levels on the endgame content seem to be absolute minimum rather than …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Sep 16 01:59PM -0400: It’s not just you. When I first hit 20, I immediately jumped into a level 22 Strike playlist. Ended up being paired with a 22 and a 21. We made it to the final boss and got destroyed. …more

Richard Mitchell <> Sep 16 01:04PM -0500: Level disparities in Destiny are serious business. Even baddies who are one or two levels higher than you are a serious threat.

Mike Wehner <> Sep 16 01:05PM -0500: I wouldn’t try it without a good amount of legendary gear. Seriously.

Samit Sarkar <> Sep 16 05:11PM -0400: Going by the screencap here of the first confirmed completion of the raid… The six players’ death counts ranged from 244 to 281. Good god. …more

Michael Futter <> Sep 16 05:13PM -0400: I calculated total deaths at 1605 based on K/D. That’s imprecise because K/D is only two decimal points, but close enough that you get the idea about grinding and/or not clenching. …more

Today’s topic summary


  • It’s been real – 11 Updates
  • Macworld magazine shutting down – 1 Update
  • Way to cost Activision $2.5M, guys – 35 Updates

It’s been real

Kyle Orland <> Sep 17 04:54PM -0400:

Devin Connors <> Sep 17 04:57PM -0400: Whoever is reading this, leaking this to outside media? I killed JFK. I am also a TimeCop. [image: Inline image 1] …more

Richard Clark <> Sep 17 04:57PM -0400: Damnit. Wasn’t me.  …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Sep 17 04:59PM -0400: This photo seems the most appropriate.  Also, that dog is far more shocked than I am.

Matt Hawkins <> Sep 17 04:59PM -0400: it was me. I often mention being part of the group to get inside clubs and snag last minute seats at ritzy restaurants. Works a solid 60% of the time!

Devin Connors <> Sep 17 05:02PM -0400: Oh man, I hope they don’t find the thread where we collectively decided to give Destiny nothing but 6/10’s. …more

Ben Gilbert <> Sep 17 05:04PM -0400: HA

“Alex Rubens” <> Sep 17 02:04PM -0700: “The GameJournoPros emails appear to confirm widely-held suspicions that video game journalists operate with one voice and collude on major issues to distort coverage of ethics violations and to …more

Max Parker <> Sep 17 05:05PM -0400: …more

Michael Futter <> Sep 17 05:05PM -0400: “The GameJournoPros emails appear to confirm widely-held suspicions that video game journalists operate with one voice and collude on major issues to distort coverage of ethics violations and to …more

Britton Peele <> Sep 17 04:07PM -0500: Oh yeah, this is definitely a place where we all collude on what to cover and how to cover it. We never, ever disagree on anything. Not here. *—*

Macworld magazine shutting down

Kyle Orland <> Sep 17 03:44PM -0400: Good reading: “As the era of print media slowly grinds to a halt, the death notices keep coming. This week it was Macworld, …more

Way to cost Activision $2.5M, guys

James Fudge <> Sep 16 05:20PM -0400: Sure but that’s how it is until the industry stops using Metacritic averages as a measure of success.

Devin Connors <> Sep 16 05:21PM -0400: If you’re launching an MMO (or half an MMO, whatever) that’s based on new IP, it helps if your game doesn’t have generic plot, mediocre writing. The weak plot/writing theme pops up in a lot of …more

Jason Schreier <> Sep 16 05:21PM -0400: Or until every video game outlet gets rid of review scores. …more

Ryan Smith <> Sep 16 02:33PM -0700: I always feel mildly uncomfortable talking to a game exec/PR person and they bring up Metacritic scores like its some kind of powerful institution that rules their professional lives. — …more

Julian Murdoch <> Sep 16 05:41PM -0400: You basically have three options: 1: Don’t cut your employees in on the success of the game, or just make if vague (we have a bonus pool, based on after-internal cost “profits” which …more

Devin Connors <> Sep 16 05:46PM -0400: Why not tie bonuses directly to sales? I know the gaming industry is unique in many ways, but bonuses in virtually every other profession are tied primarily to sales numbers, sales targets. …more

Julian Murdoch <> Sep 16 05:50PM -0400: Some studios do and generally the complaint is “I can make the best game ever and they can choose a crap launch date and put no marketing behind it and I’ll get shafted.” Incentive comp is …more

Jared Newman <> Sep 16 03:36PM -0700: Actually, the idea you propose at the bottom doesn’t sound that bad to me. A publisher could make its own internal metacritic by aggregating scores from a dozen or so reputable sites and weighting …more

Kyle Orland <> Sep 16 07:06PM -0400: Relevant:

Julian Murdoch <> Sep 16 08:34PM -0400: FWIW, I have seen studios do their own internal metacritic/sales analysis for their personal franchises, looking at the difference between X marketing budget with Y metacritic vs. X marketing budget …more

Ben Kuchera <> Sep 16 07:36PM -0500: EEDAR does a few things like this, in fact. It’s a good busy to be in.

Dennis Scimeca <> Sep 17 06:45AM -0700: I think Bungie should be happy that Destiny scores weren’t even lower. Had I been able to take just another few days with the endgame before filing the review, I would have panned it. …more

Harold Goldberg <> Sep 17 09:52AM -0400: It’s all quite disappointing, especially in light of the extraordinary amount of time Bungie had to make the game. I know it’s their job, but Activision and Bungie kept saying how wonderful the …more

Kyle Orland <> Sep 17 09:56AM -0400: Are… are you saying a game company MISLED you about how good their game would be? *faints* -KO …more

Harold Goldberg <> Sep 17 10:06AM -0400: Hah. It actually raised flags. They were looking for me to do a feature in The New York Times. But it became to me like what Queen Gertrude said in Hamlet.

Richard Mitchell <> Sep 17 10:00AM -0500: See, in Hamlet, the queen actually has a name. More than I can say for Destiny. (Also, I like the game, even if a paltry 4 stars still robs Bungie of a bonus.)

Dennis Scimeca <> Sep 17 10:34AM -0700: This goes beyond the pale, Kyle. I can’t remember another game over the past four years that was so plainly deceptive as to the *kind* of game it was. Saying the game is quality when it sucks? …more

James Fudge <> Sep 17 01:52PM -0400: There was some indication that there would be role-playing involved in the game from the countless previews I’d read. Here’s one at random …more

Ryan Smith <> Sep 17 11:07AM -0700: But guys, it’s on the box, Destiny has won 180 awards from the gaming press! Sidenote: As I wrote in my review today, the Bungie made Halo games didn’t have great plots either. Why did you expect …more

Harold Goldberg <> Sep 17 02:12PM -0400: They said to me they have the plot and narrative outline down for the next ten years worth of games. They said they knew the narrative in Halo was weak-ish (!) and that’s why they put so much extra …more

Richard Mitchell <> Sep 17 01:12PM -0500: I’ve said this elsewhere, but at least Halo had characters with names in it. Destiny desperately needs a Sergeant Johnson.

Adam Rosenberg <> Sep 17 02:16PM -0400: Sweet! I can’t wait to read the whole thing in the Grimoire Cards I’ve collected on! /sarcasm The way this thread is going makes it sound like the gaming press at large …more

Michael Futter <> Sep 17 02:18PM -0400: Destiny is the most fun I’ve had playing a repetitive, boring, lame, content-vacant, deceptive, underwhelming game in years. I’ll take this kind of repetitive, boring, lame, content-vacant, …more

Julian Murdoch <> Sep 17 02:20PM -0400: with the excpetion of people who have to finish a game for review, I literally cannot understand comments I read on the web along the lines of: “I put 40 hours into this game, what a piece of …more

James Fudge <> Sep 17 02:21PM -0400: Well they spent money on it. It’s like ordering a really crappy pizza – you’re going to eat it and complain while you do it. At least that’s what I do.

Richard Mitchell <> Sep 17 01:23PM -0500: Almost as good as the comments akin to this (paraphrasing): “You guys OBVIOUSLY didn’t play this long enough. Monster Hunter doesn’t even START before you hit 100 hours.”

Greg Tito <> Sep 17 02:26PM -0400: Just pointing this out, Michael: A lot of fans enjoy games that some critics give 3 stars or 6/10. That’s OK. It just means a critic didn’t agree with your tastes.

Michael Futter <> Sep 17 02:28PM -0400: Oh, I know. I don’t begrudge anyone who didn’t like it. Did not mean to taste-shame. …more

Richard Mitchell <> Sep 17 01:30PM -0500: *cough* I enjoyed Too Human. *cough*

James Fudge <> Sep 17 02:30PM -0400: I know some people think it’s cool to bail on a game they are reviewing without “finishing it” if they think it is broken or bad. I am surprised, judging by the current tone in this thread, that …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Sep 17 02:33PM -0400: WOW! You’re that guy! It just goes to show that thin line between repetitive play and fun play. I reviewed Too Human and tore it apart for pretty much the same reasons a lot of people are tearing …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Sep 17 02:33PM -0400: But Activision told us not to, James….. =D …more

Julian Murdoch <> Sep 17 02:35PM -0400: in a world of day 1 trade ins, plowing ahead with a AAA disc-based game you hate seems a bit silly. Although maybe Destiny has features makign trade-ins impossible. Dunno.

James Fudge <> Sep 17 02:46PM -0400: Julian, I hope not, because GameStop is selling it used 🙂 Adam, I KNEW IT!

Susan Arendt <> Sep 17 11:55AM -0700: Dennis, I can only assume you didn’t play the Alpha or the Beta? ‘Cause those were pretty clear representations of the game. …more

Today’s topic summary


  • It’s been real – 140 Updates
  • Way to cost Activision $2.5M, guys – 4 Updates
  • D4 – 6 Updates

It’s been real

Rollin Bishop <> Sep 17 04:13PM -0500: If this is what finally, actually kills this list for whatever reason, I have to say it seems like a good hill to die on.

Devin Connors <> Sep 17 05:14PM -0400: Obvious question: is Milo Yiannopoulos in this group? He’s a tech writer, so it wouldn’t be that odd if he was.

Julian Murdoch <> Sep 17 05:16PM -0400: OK, I admit it, I’m Keyser Soze

Jason Venter <> Sep 17 02:16PM -0700: Wow. On so many levels… wow.

Michael Futter <> Sep 17 05:17PM -0400: I just want you to know that I was going to kill you last. All of you. …more

Devin Connors <> Sep 17 05:18PM -0400: Willing to bet that Milo did not reach out to any of the members of this group that he mentions in his post. Ben? Jason? Kyle? Did he reach out to any of you before publication? …more

Jason Schreier <> Sep 17 05:22PM -0400: Nope. If he had, I would’ve happily answered any questions or sent him any of the messages I’ve sent here.

Andrew Groen <> Sep 17 02:22PM -0700: The threads on this list that even passingly mention Zoe Quinn are outnumbered 1:1000000 by those debating the WWE and HipHopGamer.

James Fudge <> Sep 17 05:25PM -0400: He never contacted me either.

Jason Venter <> Sep 17 02:25PM -0700: If anyone had reached out to any of us for comment on this story, would we have had any reason to deny that such a list exists? I don’t think so. I see no reason to be ashamed of the existence of …more

Britton Peele <> Sep 17 04:25PM -0500: Not to mention that even *in the thread that Milo screencapped*, there was disagreement among us about certain topics, not the least of which being the idea of sending a public note of support for …more

Alex Navarro <> Sep 17 05:26PM -0400: Why would he contact any of us? That’s something journalists do. …more

Nick Chester <> Sep 17 02:27PM -0700: I’m in a meeting right now and I literally can’t hold in my laughter. This is fucking HILARIOUS.

James Fudge <> Sep 17 05:28PM -0400: Well i’m now in a cabal of elite journalists apparently. Thank a lot Obama!

Eric Frederiksen <> Sep 17 04:28PM -0500: Is it that mind-blowing that a bunch of people in the same industry have a common meeting places to discuss best practices and issues in the industry? Why is this news?

Jason Fanelli <> Sep 17 05:29PM -0400: Exactly my thought. I’m apparently considered “elite” now and that’s just great!

Yannick LeJacq <> Sep 17 05:29PM -0400: I just came here looking for cat gifs, I swear!

James Fudge <> Sep 17 05:30PM -0400: Yannick you do what we tell you to do. Wait, who’s the head vampire here?

Sarah LeBoeuf <> Sep 17 05:31PM -0400: Trying to explain this to my husband and it just keeps coming out “I don’t even know anymore.” But hey, I’m elite!

Devin Connors <> Sep 17 05:32PM -0400: The important question: Is this group as cool as the Springfield Republicans? [image: Inline image 1] …more

Jared Newman <> Sep 17 02:33PM -0700: *Milo Yiannopoulos* @Nero <> · 5s <> A word of caution to list members: I’ve seen a lot more than we’ve …more

Alex Navarro <> Sep 17 05:33PM -0400: I call Texas Oil Man

Adam Rosenberg <> Sep 17 05:35PM -0400: DIBS ON FAT TONY.

Matt Hawkins <> Sep 17 05:35PM -0400: Am I the only one who belongs to several other secret watering holes (on my end, I’m also part of groups that are all about indie comics and community management)? Am pretty sure I’m not. …more

Sarah LeBoeuf <> Sep 17 05:37PM -0400: Oh man, Hip Hop Gamer isn’t going to like this AT ALL.

Ben Gilbert <> Sep 17 05:37PM -0400: I don’t know what’s been “exposed” here. I’ve spoken openly about this group in public many a time. Kyle said from the jump that you should never put anything in here you wouldn’t feel comfortable …more

Andrew Groen <> Sep 17 02:37PM -0700: There’s an email group for science journalists too that I’m a part of. There’s a list like this for literally every profession that uses the internet in any capacity. The only mindblowing …more

Daniel Starkey <> Sep 17 04:37PM -0500: I came here for the job postings. So… If the list does die, I think it’d be nice to have just a thing for freelance postings/open positions. …more

Ben Gilbert <> Sep 17 05:39PM -0400: Attention Milo! There are — drumroll — listservs of game devs too. Lots of them! ALL TALKING TO EACH OTHER. IMAGINE THAT.

Adam Rosenberg <> Sep 17 05:40PM -0400: PR too.

Alex Navarro <> Sep 17 05:40PM -0400: If anything I feel like this has given the group new life! Let us persevere in the face of this weird idiot who doesn’t understand how anything works!

Daniel Starkey <> Sep 17 04:40PM -0500: There’s a freelancer’s group on facebook… Guess what we talk about?

Michael Futter <> Sep 17 05:41PM -0400: Do you hear the people scheme, singing the song of neckbearded men…

Adam Rosenberg <> Sep 17 05:41PM -0400: Your shitty editors, I assume. And dogs. Because dogs.

Matt Hawkins <> Sep 17 05:41PM -0400: And pretty much every other single corner of the game business you can think of. This applies to every creative industry as well. In fact, any and every industry out there, period, I’m sure of. …more

“Alex Rubens” <> Sep 17 02:41PM -0700: Milo Yiannopoulos @Nero [] · 8m [] In the coming days, I will compile a list of everyone known to be a member of the …more

Andrew Groen <> Sep 17 02:42PM -0700: IMO invite him to join the group. He’s writing about games/games media he deserves to be here. P.S. I’ve spoken openly about this list on Twitter before. It’s not a secret list. …more

Devin Connors <> Sep 17 05:42PM -0400: Yeah, I am totally on board with keeping this group up. There’s nothing to hide here.  All this group shows is how I tell too many shitty jpkes….which I think I demonstrate quite well on …more

Jared Newman <> Sep 17 02:44PM -0700: this is brilliant

Daniel Starkey <> Sep 17 04:45PM -0500: We should totally invite him to join. Then he’d have no excuse for ignorance.

Sarah LeBoeuf <> Sep 17 05:45PM -0400: You guys I just got to the comments. You guys. I CAN’T EVEN. …more

Michael Rougeau <> Sep 17 02:46PM -0700: From another recent article of his: “The video game community is perhaps the most inclusive, gender neutral and colourblind on the internet…So it was a strange choice of target for feminist …more

Daniel Starkey <> Sep 17 04:48PM -0500: Re: Michael Rogeau: WHAT. WHAT. WHAT. NO. That’s not even a possible statement someone can make without their brain imploding from wrongness.

Matt Hawkins <> Sep 17 05:50PM -0400: Sarah speaks the truth: LOL, this is the new “9/11 was an inside job”       

Garrett Martin <> Sep 17 02:50PM -0700: there really wasn’t anything wrong with JournoList either but the rightwing machine got it shut down. thankfully we write about videogames so nobody anywhere takes us seriously enough to shut this …more

Mike Wehner <> Sep 17 04:51PM -0500: This is amazing from top to bottom. New favorite GJP thread.    

Jared Newman <> Sep 17 02:51PM -0700: Folks in the group saying on Twitter that the group is incredibly boring. Now I think I’m insulted!

Eric Frederiksen <> Sep 17 04:50PM -0500: Daniel, have you been on the internet in the last month or so (or the thirty years before that)? People think some wrong-headed stuff when it helps to strengthen their worldview. …more

Daniel Starkey <> Sep 17 04:52PM -0500: Eric, I have, but I’m still a huge optimist and it’s really, really tough for me to think some people are this pigheaded. I have too much faith in people.

Jason Fanelli <> Sep 17 05:53PM -0400: …are we going to have to worry about abuse coming our way via Twitter or otherwise now? Is that something we’re all going to have to be wary of? Well, aside from some of us who are already …more

Ryan Smith <> Sep 17 02:58PM -0700: If nothing else, Milo’s got a flair for the theatric: “Bitches, put your tinfoil hats back on, because the conspiracy is real. #GamerGate”

Michael Rougeau <> Sep 17 02:58PM -0700: Here’s another one: “To the feminist campaigners trying to ruin video games for everyone and a press that refuses to reform itself despite clear evidence of professional failure, gamers have responded …more

James Fudge <> Sep 17 05:59PM -0400: yeah and my underwear is haunted. I’m excited that some of my many one-liners will finally become public! Look out Brody Stevens, i’ll be #crushingit instead of you.

Daniel Starkey <> Sep 17 05:00PM -0500: See when I see something like that, I just assume most are fakes. Helps me sleep at night.

Dennis Scimeca <> Sep 17 03:02PM -0700: What sucks is that now none of us can assume anything we say in here will actually stay in here, because someone’s abusing the trust. Just the other day I was using this list to get advice on …more

Ben Gilbert <> Sep 17 06:04PM -0400: Does this change your position on asking about Destiny in here? The only worry I might have is something under embargo/NDA shared with other folks who are also under that agreement gets published. …more

Britton Peele <> Sep 17 05:04PM -0500: Oh yeah, losing this group for any reason would be a huge loss. Out here in Dallas I don’t exactly have a huge group of fellow professionals to even talk to on a regular basis, much less schedule …more

Mike Wehner <> Sep 17 05:04PM -0500: The funny thing is that any time anything has been said with a “this should remain in the group” tag it’s when we’re helping each other out with things like when review copies ship and which PR …more

“Cory Banks” <> Sep 17 03:12PM -0700: My management is pissed that I’m on this list. Hilarious. —

Dennis Scimeca <> Sep 17 03:16PM -0700: I mean, it doesn’t change that *specifically*, and I mostly lurk, anyway, but knowing that anything I say might be printed for eyes it wasn’t meant to be printed for? Sure, that does make me …more

James Fudge <> Sep 17 06:18PM -0400: I’ll stand by anything i’ve written here, including bad jokes.

Sarah LeBoeuf <> Sep 17 06:18PM -0400: That concerned me too, but people are already calling me a bitch and telling me to kill myself regularly, so… Meh.

Sarah LeBoeuf <> Sep 17 06:19PM -0400: I just realized we’re going to get so many new Animal Crossing friend requests guys!

Michael Futter <> Sep 17 06:23PM -0400: It’s always a good policy to think that anything you might write will be made public. In the case of this group, it’s unfortunate that a member found more value in contributing to a salacious and …more

Mike Wehner <> Sep 17 05:30PM -0500: What’s unfortunate is everyone is going to find out about the number of puppy pics we post.

Michael Futter <> Sep 17 06:31PM -0400: Including our bosses who will wonder how we find the time. XD

James Fudge <> Sep 17 06:31PM -0400: but but… my dog’s privacy!!

Julian Murdoch <> Sep 17 06:32PM -0400: I find the idea that this group agrees on pretty much anything enough to rise to the level of collusion hilarious. …more

Michael Futter <> Sep 17 06:33PM -0400: Agreed! Wait

Alex Navarro <> Sep 17 06:35PM -0400: So does anyone want to point out the irony that the dude’s twitter handle is the name of the roman empire who (allegedly) started a giant fire to make room for his own palatial expansion. …more

Garrett Martin <> Sep 17 06:36PM -0400: and his personal twitter handle is @caligula

Michael Futter <> Sep 17 06:36PM -0400: I thought he just liked Devil May Cry.

Jorge Jimenez <> Sep 17 06:37PM -0400: These gaming journalists “truthers” give me a headache. Guys, first rule of secret gaming journalist illuminati is we don’t talk about secret gaming journalist illuminati. Did no one watch the …more

Rod Breslau <> Sep 17 06:41PM -0400: I’ve got nothing to worry about, already lost my job from causing an internet controversy. WHAT UP NOW GAMERGATE? …more

James Fudge <> Sep 17 06:43PM -0400: What?

Conrad Zimmerman <> Sep 17 06:43PM -0400: I wouldn’t rule out the possibility that someone in the group (active or inactive) may have had their Google account compromised during this mess and that’s how the e-mails were accessed, if for no …more

Michael Futter <> Sep 17 06:45PM -0400: Two-Step isn’t just a Dave Matthews Band song.

James Fudge <> Sep 17 06:48PM -0400: “Someone in this room is the real killer.”

Michael Futter <> Sep 17 06:48PM -0400: Mr. Body

Michael Futter <> Sep 17 06:49PM -0400: Obligatory

Andrew Groen <> Sep 17 03:51PM -0700: Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd…enter Adam Baldwin.

ryanflemingpdx <> Sep 17 03:53PM -0700: The proletariat will have your head for this, Kyle. There’s literally a comment saying “The people over at Ars Technica are communists!” On the bright side, no one in the comments has …more

Alex Navarro <> Sep 17 07:15PM -0400: #Bengamzi

Samit Sarkar <> Sep 17 07:22PM -0400:​ ​*Who decides what to write about* *Who has ethics guidelines they flout* *We do* *We do* *Who shuts down your arguments* *Who deletes all your comments* *We do* *We do* *[bridge]* …more

Michael Futter <> Sep 17 07:24PM -0400: Well done.

Adam Rosenberg <> Sep 17 07:24PM -0400: Best. Episode.

“William O’Neal” <> Sep 17 04:54PM -0700: We should all reply via Twitter. @Nero, I’m on the “super-secret” gaming journalist list. So what?

Britton Peele <> Sep 17 06:58PM -0500: I already outed myself on Twitter. A grand total of one person acted like he cared. *—*

Sarah LeBoeuf <> Sep 17 07:59PM -0400: I’m definitely making it clear that this group is not and was never a secret via endless Twitter snark.

Daniel Starkey <> Sep 17 06:58PM -0500: Same here.

Devin Connors <> Sep 17 08:02PM -0400: I have asked nero about reaching out for comment before publication. Haven’t gotten an answer yet. …more

Michael Rougeau <> Sep 17 05:03PM -0700: My clicking finger is getting sore from all the RTs but I will never stop

Annette Cardwell <> Sep 17 05:19PM -0700: Hey guys, infrequent poster, but long time lurker. This shit just makes me laugh uncontrollably. He really thinks he’s stumbled onto the Bilderberg Group of games here. With all his threats to …more

James Fudge <> Sep 17 08:25PM -0400: i’m just saying a bunch of stupid shit, as usual.

Kyle Orland <> Sep 17 08:28PM -0400: So everyone knows, I’m formulating a public response and wading through a lot of bullshit, but I’m fine. =) -KO

Devin Connors <> Sep 17 08:32PM -0400: I was thinking the same, Kyle, but this is your group, so have at it. Also please me know if you need help with anything related. …more

Kyle Orland <> Sep 17 09:44PM -0400: Just got around to seeing Samit’s song. Omg so good!

Devin Connors <> Sep 17 09:53PM -0400: Pretty happy with the amount of Simpsons chatter in here. [image: Inline image 1] …more

ryanflemingpdx <> Sep 17 06:56PM -0700: Can we all just agree that from now on we only refer to Kyle as Hank Scorpio? …more

Julian Murdoch <> Sep 17 09:58PM -0400: I was thinking Godfather was more appropriate. Man, I actually kind of hope that guy is lurking and reading somehow, and trolling through a years worth of bitching about wordrates and “how come i …more

Devin Connors <> Sep 17 10:04PM -0400: Friendly reminder: If you don’t have two-step verification set up on your Gmail, Facebook, and Twitter? Now is probably a good time to set security up for those services. PayPal, too. …more

Samit Sarkar <> Sep 17 10:06PM -0400: Glad you saw it, Kyle. I figured you might need some cheering up. 🙂  And yeah, echoing what Devin said: Check all your accounts against the list here.  -Samit …more

Harold Goldberg <> Sep 17 10:22PM -0400: Yep. What Devin and Samit said. Doesn’t hurt. At all. And…Kyle rocks, always has, always will.

Alex Rubens <> Sep 17 07:25PM -0700: Good call in general, but I highly doubt someone’s gmail was compromised. If it was, dude wouldn’t be asking for a full list and additional information. His source (or wherever the emails came …more

Scott Nichols <> Sep 17 09:47PM -0700: I hope no one hates me but I kind of went ahead and fielded a little Q&A about the group. Lots of…questions. Also, my favorite question is someone who just posted …more

“William O’Neal” <> Sep 17 09:54PM -0700: That whole QA was amazing. …more

Jason Venter <> Sep 17 09:55PM -0700: Did you see that someone started a @GameJournoPros account on Twitter? Of course someone did. Why am I even surprised?

“Timothy J. Seppala” <> Sep 17 10:06PM -0700: Damnit.

Dale North <> Sep 18 01:26AM -0700: Neato torpedo! …more

James Fudge <> Sep 18 08:16AM -0400: So i’ve read through a majority of the old threads i’ve replied to. I am not too worried about anything i’ve said going public. The one take-away? I really miss talking to Bill Kunkel about video …more

Chris Plante <> Sep 18 09:31AM -0400: Heads up. All of my personal accounts were attacked last night. I don’t know if anyone has accessed them or not, but I had to reset all passwords. I strongly encourage everyone to do the same and to …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Sep 18 09:38AM -0400: Sorry to hear that, bud. Hope everything’s okay and safe.  …more

Kyle Orland <> Sep 18 09:39AM -0400: Whoa. What signs did you have of the attack. Hope everything’s cool. -KO

Ben Gilbert <> Sep 18 09:46AM -0400: Just as a heads up to everyone to make sure that you turn on two-step even for stuff you use only occasionally (LinkedIn, for instance). It’s always possible to have an account like that hacked …more

Cassandra Khaw <> Sep 18 09:47PM +0800: Great. I don’t bloody remember the password for LinkedIn. >_< *grumblegrumblegrumble*

Harold Goldberg <> Sep 18 09:48AM -0400: You probably all know this, but using a password generator is a good idea, too.

Kyle Orland <> Sep 18 10:07AM -0400:

Chris Plante <> Sep 18 10:42AM -0400: All major accounts went into a hard lock mode and were no longer accessible on any devices. Fortunately, I had two-step on everything. And a password generator. …more

Richard Mitchell <> Sep 18 09:44AM -0500: Any recommendations for a good PW generator?

Kyle Orland <> Sep 18 10:44AM -0400: I use 1Password, which I believe is free on iOS for a limited time due to iOS8 -KO

Kyle Orland <> Sep 18 11:47AM -0400: Official response from me: Feel free to share. Or not, NO ONE IS BEING FORCED TO COLLUDE ON …more

Mike Wehner <> Sep 18 10:56AM -0500: Kyle… I feel like maybe now is good time to come clean with the readers on another point. Namely, the fact that you’ve never watched Aliens. The public has a right to know. …more

Sarah LeBoeuf <> Sep 18 11:57AM -0400: Wait, WHAT!? I think just uncovered the real scandal.

Rollin Bishop <> Sep 18 10:58AM -0500: Out of curiosity — other than Cory Banks — has anyone received any guff from employers about the list? …more

Mike Wehner <> Sep 18 11:00AM -0500: I’ve gotten some lighthearted jabs about being in a secret elite cult, other than that everyone pretty much sees the allegations as a huge joke, which they are.

Kyle Orland <> Sep 18 12:01PM -0400: Never seen a single Alien movie, it’s true.  I got some guff from my editors after the initial story first broke, but they seem pretty happy after talking to me and working with me on the …more

Eric Frederiksen <> Sep 18 11:06AM -0500: Reddit’s also been pretty quiet about it. There’s a total of 5 threads with a maximum of 80 upvotes when you search for GameJournoPros. That said, the comments are of the sort of tone you’d expect. …more

Rollin Bishop <> Sep 18 11:08AM -0500: NeoGAF response seems pretty tame. “I never would’ve guessed Orland is the Grand Wizard of the Games Journalism Illuminati.” …more

Mike Wehner <> Sep 18 11:09AM -0500: This whole thing is as close as I’m ever going to come to being on House of Cards so I’m really sad if it dies off now.

“Timothy J. Seppala” <> Sep 18 09:47AM -0700: Yeah, in combination with this (and writing about the Sarkeesian bomb threat story last night), I put two-factor on everything I could think of.

Kyle Orland <> Sep 18 12:56PM -0400: So if you said something in the Quinn thread you might regret being public, be prepared I guess.

Mike Wehner <> Sep 18 11:56AM -0500: So… i have to ask, why don’t we just publish that entire thread that he’s cherry picking to make it look worse than it is? He picked three posts out of like 80, and the vast majority of them are …more

Garrett Martin <> Sep 18 12:57PM -0400: that assumes that these people argue in good faith or care about facts

Kyle Orland <> Sep 18 01:00PM -0400: I suppose if everyone in that thread were to agree to make their posts public, I’d be OK with publishing it. Otherwise, I’m loathe to betray the privacy we all agreed to when posting here. -KO

Daniel Starkey <> Sep 18 12:01PM -0500: I didn’t say anything there that I haven’t said elsewhere. I’ve never written about her professionally so there’s nothing to fear on my side. …more

Mike Wehner <> Sep 18 12:01PM -0500 well it’s going to get published anyway, i say take the wind out of his sails, because you know he’s going to cut all the replies that offered alternatives or suggest that the discussion is good, …more

Sarah LeBoeuf <> Sep 18 01:03PM -0400: I don’t even remember if I commented on the Quinn thread or not, but I’ve got nothing to hide with anything I’ve ever said here, so I’m fine with posting it.

Michael Rougeau <> Sep 18 10:03AM -0700: I don’t remember if I even said anything in there but I agree with publishing it either way.

Britton Peele <> Sep 18 12:03PM -0500: I’m fine with publishing it if everybody wants to. I had the same thought last night — If Milo has the entire thing yet the Breitbart article only quoted the tiny snippets that it did, how bad …more

Rollin Bishop <> Sep 18 12:04PM -0500: Don’t recall if I had anything in there, but sure.  Also? This is happening right now for those curious.

Way to cost Activision $2.5M, guys

Dennis Scimeca <> Sep 17 02:35PM -0700: You would assume incorrectly. 🙂 Did anyone get to the endgame in the alpha or beta? Bungie is right – Destiny is a completely different game after Lvl 20. It’s the game that …more

Adam Rosenberg <> Sep 17 05:38PM -0400: It’s a completely different game? You’re grinding for loot instead of grinding for XP.

Dennis Scimeca <> Sep 17 03:08PM -0700: Prior to Lvl 20, I wasn’t grinding.

“Timothy J. Seppala” <> Sep 17 10:03PM -0700: I LIKED TOO HUMAN TOO. A LOT. SUCK IT, ROSIE. Also, this isn’t the first time something similar’s come up. There was the time that Glen Schofield called OXM out by name (and the reviewer Meghan …more


Garrett Martin <> Sep 17 10:36PM -0400: I’m going to take a break from making fun of Twitter people who think this list is a conspiracy in order to actually use it for its intended purposes. Supposedly D4 is out tomorrow. …more

Devin Connors <> Sep 17 10:39PM -0400: Not sure who the specific rep is, but Mark Fujii is always super helpful. I’d reach out to him. …more

Kyle Orland <> Sep 17 10:46PM -0400: Wtf? I’ve heard of stealth launches but this is nuts

Alex Rubens <> Sep 17 08:05PM -0700: Comes out Friday according to a new press release from Thierry Nguyen. Thierry Nguyen, Assembly, (XXX) XXXXXXX, ( — …more

Hamza Aziz <> Sep 17 08:05PM -0700: Thierry just sent out a PR about the release:

Jason Fanelli <> Sep 17 11:29PM -0400: Thierry is the guy, I sent my inquiry email and he responded with a code in about 15 minutes. Let’s get weird, D4.