on the cover

On the Cover: New York’s 19th Annual “Reasons to Love New York” Issue

Art: Na Kim

New York’s 19th annual “Reasons to Love New York” issue is meant to remind us why we’d all be fools to live anywhere else. And yes, this year had its challenges, but we found 37 small, beautiful New York miracles. For instance, did you know we have a baroness? That a boy from Queens is keeping Donald Trump in check and that a girl from Queens helped save Hollywood? There are three kids who steal the hottest show of the year. There’s a teeny-tiny magazine no one knows about that you can find only in the subway. A middle-aged uptown socialite is the city’s hottest DJ, and there’s a politician who likes to party (not at Zero Bond). And against all odds, even here, a lost dog can find its way home.

“Everyone’s favorite issue of the year! Sometimes it’s hard to remember what to love about a city where the mayor’s phone has been seized by the FBI, library budgets are being cut, and it rains every Saturday. We hope this issue solves that problem,” says editor-in-chief David Haskell.

The cover image by artist and designer Na Kim is an homage to the city’s quintessential takeout lifestyle.

New York’s 19th Annual “Reasons to Love New York” Issue