press release

The Cut Announces Its First-Ever Stand-Alone Fall Fashion Print Issue

Today, New York Magazine and the Cut announced a stand-alone print Fall Fashion Issue from the Cut. The special issue will be sent to subscribers in September in addition to New York’s regular biweekly issues and be available on newsstands.

“So much of what the Cut has become today are seeds that our team planted when I started in this role during the pandemic in 2021, so it’s surreal and exciting to see them come to life, especially in an industry that has decreased print endeavors,” said Lindsay Peoples, editor-in-chief of the Cut. “More resources and the space to explore different kinds of storytelling have allowed us to have an even stronger pulse on what sparks conversation and to expand our audience, and this issue is just one of many things to come that will build on that momentum. One of my favorite tweets in response to our coverage was when someone said, ‘Amazon is fast, but the Cut is faster,’ and this issue is just another way for us to meet our readers where they are and make work that is both timely and timeless.”

“We love the very physical and specific experience of making a print magazine, and it has already been incredibly fun plotting with the Cut staff what we can do with this upcoming issue. There’s a lot that’s nervous-making about the state of media in 2024, but the industry’s so-called ‘pivot to print’? That’s pure pleasure,” said New York editor-in-chief David Haskell.

Earlier this year, New York and Vox Media announced an investment in the Cut to expand its staff and deepen its editorial coverage and social-media footprint in an effort to build on the brand’s already successful, diversified business across advertising, consumer revenue, and e-commerce.

The Cut Announces Stand-Alone Fall Fashion Print Issue