
After de Blasio scandal Conflicts of Interest Board passes new rule

It’s the de Blasio rule.

The city’s Conflicts of Interest Board has passed a new regulation for fundraising by politicians in response to the controversy over Mayor Bill de Blasio’s fundraising scandal.

“There has been recent reporting concerning an investigation by the city’s Department of Investigation into fundraising activities connected with the Campaign for One New York, a not-for-profit advocacy organization affiliated with the Mayor that stopped operations in 2016,“ the board said in a statement released Thursday.

DOI determined in October that de Blasio violated ethics laws.

COIB would not confirm or deny any probe against de Blasio, but said it has passed new rules to deal with conflicts.

“What they’re saying is the mayor’s off the hook,” said Alex Camarda with the government accountability group Reinvent Albany.

The board announced Thursday that fundraising guidance issued in 2003 and 2008 was not legally binding, meaning that violators could not be fined for breaking the guidelines.

“Because they didn’t create the rules stemming from these advisory opinions they can’t hold the mayor accountable,” said Camarda.

“Had they done so I think the mayor would be subject to heavy fines because it appears the mayor violated the guidelines issued by COIB,” Camarda said.

The new rule, scheduled to go into effect in five weeks, will subject wrongdoers to $25,000 penalties per violation.

It states, “The solicitation is directed either to the general public or to an individual or firm that does not have a particular matter pending before the public servant ”

“The solicitation is accompanied by a disclaimer that a contribution will not affect any business dealings with the City or provide special access to City officials,” the rule says.

The mayor and his CONY group were criticized for soliciting funds from donors with business before the city government.

Bronx Councilman Ritchie Torres, who leads an oversight committee, welcomed the new rule.

“But the question for COIB is why did this take so long? The Campaign for One New York dates back to 2014. This rule is coming out five years later,” he said.

“The delay in issuing these rules underscores the needs for an independent COIB,” Torres said.

The board’s members are designated by the mayor and approved by the City Council.

De Blasio spokeswoman Freddi Goldstein responded, “The Campaign for One New York was a one-time entity focused on Pre-K for All and building the most aggressive affordable housing plan in city history. It ended three years ago and so did all related fundraising.”