
Bill de Blasio slams Ruben Diaz Sr. for refusing to ‘rat’ on sex harassers

Mayor Bill de Blasio rapped Ruben Diaz Sr. on Twitter Thursday morning over the Bronx councilman’s refusal to “rat” if he witnessed sexual harassment in the workplace.

Ruben Diaz Sr.
Ruben Diaz Sr.David McGlynn

“Disgraceful and dangerous words, @revrubendiaz,” tweeted de Blasio. “Protect victims, not harassers. It’s that simple.”

The outspoken Diaz interrupted a City Council sensitivity training session on Wednesday, yelling, “I’m not gonna rat my people out!” when the lawmakers were asked what they’d do if they overheard a staffer making off-color comments to a female co-worker, sources have said.

But de Blasio said that that’s exactly what’s expected of all municipal workers, from the top on down.

“It’s the obligation of all 400,000 public servants in this government,” de Blasio added in the tweet. “That includes YOU.”

However, Hizzoner’s own record when it comes to cracking down on sexual harassment is not spotless.

In March 2018, top de Blasio aide Kevin O’Brien was allowed to quietly resign after a workplace harassment complaint against him was substantiated — then landed on his feet two months later at a Brooklyn communications firm with ties to City Hall.