
Trump ‘very surprised’ by Senate panel subpoena for Don Jr.

President Trump on Thursday said he was “very surprised” to hear that the GOP-led Senate Intelligence Committee subpoenaed his oldest son after special counsel Robert Mueller cleared Donald Jr. in his report.

“Frankly for my son, after being exonerated, to now get a subpoena to go again and speak again after close to 20 hours of telling everybody that would listen about a nothing meeting, yeah, I’m surprised,” Trump told reporters at the White House.

Asked if the White House would fight the subpoena, Trump said, “We’ll see.”

Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) announced Wednesday that he has subpoenaed Trump Jr. to appear before the committee he chairs as part of its continuing investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

It was the first time a Trump family member had been subpoenaed to testify.

Trump Jr. testified before the intelligence committee in 2017.

Mueller investigated a meeting Donald Jr. and other Trump campaign associates attended with a Kremlin-linked lawyer promising dirt on Hillary Clinton at Trump Tower in June 2016, but concluded they had not intended to break any laws.