US News

Joe Biden says he’s a ‘candidate for US Senate’ in latest gaffe

If only being president didn’t involve public speaking.

Jaws dropped at a major South Carolina Democratic event when Joe Biden referred to himself as “a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate.”

Speaking Monday evening at the “First in the South Dinner,” the presidential hopeful delivered remarks about returning the White House and the Senate to Democratic control before making the error.

“I’ve been saying for a long time, it’s not enough to beat Donald Trump. We have to keep the House of Representatives, we have to win back the Senate,” Biden said before predicting that the state’s current senior senator, Republican Lindsey Graham, would lose to Democratic challenger Jaime Harrison.

“Jaime, I’ll come campaign for you or against you, whichever will help you the most,” the gaffe-prone presidential candidate said directly to Harrison, who was seated in the audience.

Biden delivered the shortest remarks of his fellow candidates, but received the longest applause from the audience, according to the Washington Post.

When the South Carolina favorite was wrapping up his speech, he confused which elected office he was seeking.

“You’re the ones who sent Barack Obama the presidency. And I have a simple proposition here: I’m here to ask you for your help. Where I come from, you don’t go very far unless you ask. My name’s Joe Biden. I’m a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate,” he said.

Without seeming to notice his mistake, Biden seamlessly continued, “Look me over. If you like what you see, help out. If not, vote for the other Biden. Give me a look though, OK?”

Biden did not correct himself in his remaining time on stage.