
Meet Found: The customized weight loss platform that’s unlike the rest

Upon hearing the words “weight loss,” you can place yourself front and center into a polarizing debate.

Among all of the fads — the crash diets, the structured plans — may come crippling stress, worry and the lingering question: how can I lose the weight?

First and foremost, it’s important you consult with your doctor to find out what’s best for you. Everyone’s journey with weight loss looks different, and the most critical step you can take is understanding how to shed off your body weight in safe and healthy manner.

That’s why we recommend looking into Found, the customizable weight loss platform that’ll help you achieve your goals on your own terms.

“Found is a digital health company that functions as a virtual weight management clinic with all the components of care required to help people lose weight and improve their health,” Rekha Kumar, MD, head of medical affairs at Found, practicing endocrinologist and obesity medicine specialist focusing on women’s health, told the New York Post. “Found provides medical providers (physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners), health coaches, and a behavior modification program all delivered through technology.”

Found: Why the customized weight loss platform may be right for you

Found Weight Loss Platform

Now that we’ve covered the basics to aim for, customized weight loss platform Found can help you stay on track with your weight loss goals. Through this readily used platform, you’ll receive safe and effective medication (if it’s right for you) a personal health coach and access to a private community of others who are experiencing the same ambitions as yourself.

More, Found is filled with plenty of benefits and a wonderful user-experience.

“One of the major benefits of Found over going to an in-person weight loss clinic is the ease and speed with which a person can be seen for an initial consult, as well as for intermittent follow up or side effects consults,” Kumar tells The Post. “Another benefit is the access to through behavior change support via emphasis on nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress, and habit formation.”

Typically, all of these components of care are not delivered together at in-person clinics. Rather, patients are often referred to several providers that fragments their care. “At Found, all of this is delivered through one app,” she adds.

Even better, Found is a tangible solution to those who are seeking a customized, streamlined approach to losing weight safely.

“Found prescribes the widest toolkit of medications and individualized treatment plans based on the underlying cause of each person’s weight gain,” Kumar highlights. “Found acknowledges the various hormonal pathways in the body that drive weight gain. At Found, our clinicians understand that not every person gains weight for the same reason. By diagnosing root causes, we can choose the right combination of medication and behavioral therapy.”

How Found works

Found Weight Loss Platform

Because Found has taken the physician’s office out of the equation, here’s how you can get all-encompassing medical guidance from the comfort of your own home:

  • Evaluation: You’ll meet 1:1 with a board-certified clinician who’s specialized in weight management to help determine the safest and most effective treatment and medication to suit your unique biological needs. Impressively, you can chat with your clinician at any time through the paired Found app on your smartphone.
  • Medication: According to Found’s website, “some medications work on the reward center of your brain to curb emotional eating and cravings for certain foods [while] other medications help stabilize blood sugar, shrink your appetite or help you feel more satisfied with less food. Your clinician will prescribe the right one for you based on your unique needs.”
  • Lifestyle tools and coaching: The best part? Found will equip you with healthy lifestyle change guidance — with an expert health coach at your disposal — during the four weeks of your program to help kick things off strong. From here, you can connect with other coaches and Found members for extra support and encouragement.

To add to Found’s impressive platform, its team of board-certified medical experts are specially trained in obesity. Alarmingly, 99% of U.S. doctors are not trained in managing obesity and overweight individuals, per a Found study, so we appreciate their keen eye to finding the right professionals to help you on your journey.

How much does Found cost?

Because Found is a customized weight loss platform, its membership prices depend on the path you qualify for and the membership commitment length you select. Click here to take your pre-purchase quiz.

What to know about weight loss and pregnancy

Losing weight during pregnancy can be harmful to both the mother and the developing fetus. According to the CDC, during the second trimester, women need an additional 200 to 400 calories per day, and in the third trimester, women need an additional 450 calories per day.

What to know about weight loss and diabetes

Weight loss can have significant benefits for people with diabetes.

Losing weight can help manage or prevent some of the health problems that can come with diabetes, such as heart disease and stroke. Additionally, losing weight may make it possible for people with diabetes to take less medication. Getting to a lower weight reduces many of these problems and can even completely cure the disease.

Losing weight can be challenging, but it is important for people with diabetes to maintain a healthy weight to manage their condition.

What to know about weight loss and eating disorders

Weight loss is not advisable for individuals with eating disorders or a history of disordered eating due to potential detrimental effects on their well-being. People suffering from eating disorders often struggle with an unhealthy relationship with food and body image. Any weight loss can reinforce these harmful behaviors, hinder recovery, and trigger or worsen mental health issues linked to disordered eating.

What’s more, distorted body perception further complicates matters, making it challenging to recognize dangerous weight loss. Weight loss can also trigger relapse and impede long-term recovery efforts.

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