
Hunter Biden’s gun trial conviction: Letters to the Editor — June 13, 2024

The Issue: Hunter Biden being convicted of three felonies in his federal gun trial.

President Biden embracing his son Hunter on the tarmac in Delaware made for a great photo (“Pres­ident’s son Hunter guilty of 3 gun crimes,” June 12).

Biden must be upset that Hunter was convicted for several gun charges. But as the enabler-in-chief, Joe bears a lot of responsibility for his son’s woes.

I think Joe’s tears are really brought on by the thought of Hunter’s next legal battle in California, in which his dealings with Hunter will be scrutinized much more closely than Hunter’s addictive behavior.

Bo Madden

Jupiter, Fla.

We should neither rejoice over nor bemoan the conviction of Hunter Biden for lying about his drug use when applying for a gun license.

Instead, we should learn from his mistakes. Hunter’s is yet another life upended by addiction, which impacts the lives of millions of Americans.

It’s time for all politicians to work together to end this national tragedy.

Mel Young


Now that Hunter Biden is convicted, the next step is to send him to prison for the crimes that he has committed. He doesn’t deserve anything but a jail sentence.

The Democrats should not help him out.

John Amato

Fresh Meadows

The head of the Biden family has little, if any reason to be proud.

If my child grew up to be a smug, gun-toting crack addict, it would surely not inspire pride. Rather, it would make me question my ability and influence as a parent. After all, who raised Hunter, if not Joe?

Someone who leads a dysfunctional family is unfit to manage a far more dysfunctional nation.

Bob Rattner, Lynbrook

Contrast President Biden’s quiet acceptance of his son being found guilty with former President Donald Trump and his sons claiming Trump’s “hush money” trial was rigged, fraudulent and political.

Richard Handelsman

West Palm Beach, Fla.

Biden said he would not pardon Hunter now that he has been convicted of gun charges (“Joe: I won’t pardon son,” June 7).

This could help Joe. Hunter accepting prison time would take away a Trump talking point.
Joe can say it shows that someone with Secret Service protection can serve prison time. It would bolster the point that no one is above the law.

Many independent supporters of Biden might be both sympathetic and shocked if Biden keeps his word on not pardoning Hunter.

Meanwhile, Hunter’s upcoming trial could be delayed past September. After the election, win or lose, Biden could pardon Hunter for just potential tax charges stating that justice has been served. The only question: Will Hunter take one for the team?

Ed Buttimore

Cedar Grove, NJ

Sure, the president will not pardon his son — until after the election. It won’t matter if he wins or loses, he will still have the right to pardon him.

This could occur even if Hunter is again found guilty in the upcoming trials.

Brian Keane


The conviction of President Biden’s son shows that the legal system is unbiased and nobody is above it.
One major difference between the two presidential candidates is that Biden has stated that he will accept the verdict and not give his son a pardon.

Trump, however, considers the Jan. 6 rioters as being “hostages” and he has stated that one of his first acts as a president, if he is reelected, would be to free them. This is not right, since several people who defended the Capitol during the riot later died, arguably as a result of that day.

Dennis Fitzgerald

Melbourne, Australia

Well, now we have two convictions in the past month. Trump should get a slap on the wrist, whereas Hunter should get jail time.

Then his father can pardon him. Many of us believe that is what is going to happen.

Richard A. Ketay


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