vice presidents

VP runners-up reveal: Whom did Trump almost pick over Vance?

MILWAUKEE -- Former President Donald Trump weighed choosing Sen. Marco Rubio as his running mate before ultimately selecting Sen. JD Vance as his pick for vice president on Monday, a...

Tapping JD Vance: Trump's bold (but risky) choice

He is a first-time senator and his relative youth and inexperience may be exposed in the cauldron of a presidential campaign and then the heavy burden that governing brings.

McCarthy names dark-horse VP candidate to make Trump unbeatable: 'The race is over'

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is urging Donald Trump to select a dark-horse candidate to run as his vice president – Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin.

This is Trump's best VP choice to cement a historic legacy

After an extended competition, “The Apprentice: VP” will wrap in the next few days and Donald Trump will announce his choice.

New RNC amendment could lead Trump to announce VP at the last minute

The new rule now allows the delegates to submit the names "prior" — meaning Trump could leave Republicans in suspense until the final moment.

Trump dishes on VP hopefuls, including what he really thinks of JD Vance's beard

Former President Donald Trump dished about his rumored running mates Wednesday -- saying Sen. JD Vance's beard makes him look "like a young Abraham Lincoln" and saying North Dakota's abortion...

Trump wants to test personal loyalty of VP candidates with two questions: John Bolton

The former West Wing senior aide said the candidate who answered "yes" to both questions will move on to the next step.

How Democrats' chaos upends Trump's veepstakes: Put Glenn Youngkin in the mix — and drop JD Vance

Donald Trump’s choice for veep is reportedly down to Gov. Doug Burgum and Sen. JD Vance, with Burgum having a slight edge. But the race is changing fast, and the...

Why Biden, Trump campaigns still haven't set up VP debate

President Biden and former President Donald Trump have yet to agree on a date or venue for a VP debate -- months after their initial network proposals.

Trump set to announce VP candidate next week — here are the front-runners

Trump 2024 senior adviser Jason Miller told Fox News Monday that the choice would be announced “by this time next Monday,” the first day of the Republican National Convention in...

Kamala Harris set to inherit $240M in Democrat funds if Biden drops out -- transfer tricky for any other candidate: sources

“Biden has two real choices: Kamala inherits; or they transfer it all to the DNC,” Signum Global partners Rob Casey told The Post

Donald Trump should say no to Marco Rubio as veep: ‘Does a headliner tour with his own cover band?’

Simply put, Trump doesn’t need Rubio. It’s Rubio, who has thirsted for the White House for a decade, who needs Trump. 

JD Vance admits he'll be 'a little' disappointed if he doesn't land Trump's VP role

Sen. JD Vance candidly revealed that deep down, he will feel a "little bit of disappointment" if former President Donald Trump doesn't select him for vice president and explained why...

A growing segment of Silicon Valley is all in on Trump: 'Very different' from backlash fears of 2016, 2020

“It's very different than 2016 when you were ostracized … in 2016 you would have had backlash from portfolio companies or founders [if you endorsed Trump],” said one Silicon Valley...

Trump says he's made up his mind on VP but hasn't told them yet -- here's who it could be

Former President Donald Trump told reporters Saturday that he has quietly reached a decision about who will be his vice president, but hasn't let them know.

RFK Jr.'s running mate's baffling reasons why she'd be a great president: I know 'batteries'

“I understand how global commerce works. I understand how we build batteries around the world,” Nicole Shanahan told Fox's Elex Michaelson.

Trump’s VP pick will have little impact on voters’ choice for president, despite fevered speculation: Post poll

Donald Trump’s upcoming vice-presidential pick attracts attention and speculation daily. If a new poll for The Post is any indication, it’s likely to be much ado about nothing.

Donald Trump's top veep picks: Letters to the Editor — June 20, 2024

NY Post readers discuss reports on the possible finalists for former President Donald Trump’s running mate.

White House video caption slip-up dubs Kamala Harris 'Madam President' during 'Queer Eye' cast meeting

A caption for a recap video of Vice President Kamala Harris' confab with the cast of the Netflix show "Queer Eye" mistakenly dubbed her "Madam President."

Trump VP contender gets ringing endorsement from 'Shark Tank's' Kevin O'Leary: 'This guy gets stuff done'

‘Shark Tank’ investor Kevin O'Leary is all-in for one of the top contenders to be former President Trump's 2024 running mate.