Woke Marxism Rejects Prosperity

New Discourses

May 30

20 min 20 sec

New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 93
Surely you've noticed that Woke doesn't work. Of course it doesn't. It's not just bad ideas put into operation by bad people and obvious grifters, though, that causes the problem. Woke Marxism isn't even interested in making things work. In fact, it's worse than that, even. Woke Marxism is, by definition, hostile to making things work. It is, as Herbert Marcuse put it in An Essay on Liberation (https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/marcuse/works/1969/essay-liberation.htm ) in 1969, a protest against "the totality of a well-functioning and prosperous society," even against its very Platonic Form. In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay shows you exactly where this mentality was adopted by the radical Left that became the Woke Left to explain why Woke Marxism cannot possibly make anything work. It's opposed to the very concept!
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