The Political Definition Of Queer

New Discourses

Jun 6

16 min 19 sec

New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 94
Queer Theory is one of the most destructive ideas ever to have been loosed onto our society from the halls of academia, as we have documented in the recent book The Queering of the American Child ( ). But do you know the definition of "queer"? Do you know that it's not possible to be queer, only to act queer? Do you know it has almost nothing to do with gay people? Do you know it's virtually guaranteed by definition to encourage pedophilia? All this and more is available in the original definition of "queer" as it is used in Queer Theory. Join host James Lindsay in this episode of New Discourses Bullets, where he reads and explains the original definition of "queer" from David Halperin's 1995 book Saint Foucault: Towards a Gay Hagiography ( ).
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