Is the U.S. president now above the law?


Jul 3

35 min 22 sec

In one of its most pivotal decisions of the year, the top US court has ruled that American presidents can have absolute immunity for ‘official’ acts. But what does that mean exactly? How far could the leader of the free world push the definition of a presidential duty? Sarah and Anthony have been combing through the opinion, and call in constitutional law expert Alison LaCroix to help them understand all the details - from the practical to the farcical. Does the ruling impact Donald Trump’s other legal cases? Could Joe Biden order Trump’s assassination and claim immunity?Elsewhere in the world of politics, some Democrats have started to publicly call for Biden to withdraw from the 2024 race. Plus, Sarah sat down with former Trump strategist Steve Bannon, on plans to contest the 2024 presidential election if the Democrats win.
GUESTS: Alison LaCroix, Constitutional law expert and professor Steve Bannon, former strategist for Donald Trump
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