What Is the Sun Tarot Card? All About the Enlightening Card and What It Means For You, According to An Expert

The Sun tarot card is the nineteenth Major Arcana card. Find out what it represents, according to an expert

Horoscope, The Sun, tarot card
The Sun tarot card. Photo:


Nestled between the Moon and Judgement in the Trump or Major Arcana part of the tarot lies the Sun. The Moon makes us aware of our subconscious and what scares us, Judgment pushes us to make choices to help us align with our higher self and since the Sun is in the middle of these two cards, it urges us to be brave.

Before going further, it's important to understand that in occult and divination practices, the celestial body of the Sun is considered to be the life source of all earthlings, water and greenery.

All the more reason why it is revered and honored through holidays. The Sun is the source of food, oxygen and heat and therefore, it makes sense that the tarot card represents strength and vitality.

The Sun card represents beauty and resourcefulness that can help you overcome tough times. It allows us to see the brighter side of life and highlight our best qualities.

The Sun tarot card brings a message of joy and love and expels fear and the need to live in our ego because it provides a sense of wonder, amusement and goodness.

What does the Sun tarot card mean?

The Sun is the pure life force of everything and everyone on Earth. We are all dependent on its energy and power. In the Rider-Waite deck, the sunflowers under the Sun tarot represent the four elements: fire, earth, air and water. They also depict the four suits of the Minor Arcana: wands, pentacles (or coins), swords and cups.

In the front of the card, a naked babe rides the white horse, showing the purity of heart and innocence of the Sun. The reason the child is in the nude is because the Sun exposes all. The Sun brings transparency, honesty and the truth.

The red flag allows for renewal and renunciation, while the image of a smiling Sun alludes to triumph and accomplishment.

Since the Sun is the nineteenth card in the Major Arcana, it numerologically translates to the number one (1+9=10, which we break down further to 1+0=1), aligning with new beginnings, confidence, leadership and independence.

In general, The Sun card will reveal the truth and highlight optimism. It serves realness to the questor because the Sun radiates goodness.

What does the Sun tarot card mean upright?

The Sun is among the best tarot cards in the deck since it embodies warmth, radiance, life, joy, optimism, productivity and new horizons.

The Sun allows us to understand ourselves better because its bright light illuminates our hearts and minds. It gives us the energy to take chances, be ourselves, do and conquer what we love. The positivity of the Sun card is an excellent omen signifying that everything will work out as you want, that there are no red flags on the horizon and your journey towards self-discovery will be beneficial.

The sun can also mean that you can achieve greatness if you desire the outcome and are passionate about the situation you're inquiring about. The one catch is that you must be honest — not just with others, but with yourself.

What does the Sun tarot card mean when reversed?

The Sun card, in reverse, denotes a lack of confidence or understanding. It shows that you must believe in yourself and others to overcome adversity. If we take a little deeper look at this tarot card in its reversal, we see that the smile on the Sun becomes a frown, forecasting a negative outcome.

Since the reversal is the shadow of the Sun, it can also indicate that you must let go of a situation holding you back or something secret brewing beneath the surface about to be revealed.

More often than not, the Sun reversed shows someone trapped in a situation and yearning to break free from the shadier aspects of life. The reversed Sun serves as a warning that one needs to take a step back to reassess matters to discover new ways to move forward with others or in a situation.

What does it mean when you pull the Sun tarot card?

The Sun card has diverse meanings based on the queries being asked in a reading. These are interpretations of the most common inquisitions:

Career: Your motivation for success is high, allowing you to conquer your goals. A raise or promotion is imminent.

Money: Abundance and prosperity are coming, elevating your financial status and bank account.

Love: Be more open with your significant other in order to elevate the relationship. Discuss issues with compassion and empathy.

Friendship: Lean into the friendships that encourage you to be your true self.

Family: Happily ever after isn’t a myth, it’s something attainable in your family life. 

Life: You’re more powerful and amazing than you know. Embrace these sentiments.

Health: Good news regarding your health is on the way. 

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