Jordan Knight is a family man

Former New Kid on the Block (and now solo artist) Jordan Knight, 37, spoke recently of his choice to take time off from his career to spend with his family.

There are a lot of doors open right now. But I don’t want to do anything that will take me away from my family for very long. They’re only going to be young for so long, and I’d hate to miss this time in their lives.

Jordan’s wife Evelyn gave birth in February to the couple’s second child, Eric Jacob, now 5 months. Older son Dante Jordan is 7 years old, and has quite a bond with his baby brother.

Right now, all Dante wants to do is take care of his brother, so we don’t have any jealousy issues. Dante is very protective, so it really bothers him when Eric cries. I think they’re going to be very close.

Unlike some new parents, Jordan doesn’t seem to mind the all-nighters, saying,

I am a night owl, so that actually works out well. I like to stay up until 4 or 5 in the morning, so I can take care of him if he wakes up, and let my wife sleep.

As for a third child, Jordan isn’t quite sure.

Our hands are full with two, but we’ll see. Fatherhood is the best thing I’ve ever done. I love being a dad. My life is very full.

Source: People

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