Monaco's Baby Twins Unveiled to Excited Fans at the Palace (PHOTO)

The tiny heads of Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella were seen being cradled by their parents

Photo: Pascal Le Segretain/Getty

All hail the twins!

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene proudly showed off their son and daughter to thousands of loyal Monaco residents Wednesday.

On a special public holiday named in their honor shortly after their birth in December, the tiny heads of Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella were seen being cradled by their parents from the windows of the palace.

The twins, whose formal titles are Prince Jacques, His Serene Highness The Hereditary Prince of Monaco, Marquis of Baux, and Gabriella, Her Serene Highness The Countess of Carladés, are almost a month old, and appeared to be sleeping through the excitement.

Charlene, 36, wrapped in a cream-colored woolen coat that matched her blonde hair, and Albert, 56, presented their children just before midday local time to around 3,000 people in Palace Square.

Waving to the cheering crowds, many of whom had dressed in scarves and carried flags in the Principality’s red and white colors, the couple appeared at the windows of the Salon de Glace.

Inside, their extended families demonstrated their happy support. Albert was seen on TV being congratulated with a kiss on both cheeks by his niece Princess Charlotte, while she and Albert’s sister Stephanie were also spotted briefly at the windows.

Princess Caroline and her son Pierre Casiraghi were also in attendance, as were Stephanie’s children and Charlene’s brother Gareth Wittstock – and some cousins in from Grace Kelly’s family in Philadelphia, according to local station TV Monte.

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