Your Ultimate 2024 Scorpio Horoscope, as Predicted by a Celebrity Astrologer

Here's how celebrity astrologer Kyle Thomas predicts the love lives, careers and intellectual pursuits for Scorpio will be impacted in 2024

Horoscope Sign Scorpio
Horoscope Sign Scorpio.

Get ready for change, Scorpio!

Marking the eighth sign of the zodiac, falling after Libra and before Sagittarius, Scorpio season spans from October 23 to November 21 each year.

PEOPLE's resident astrologer Kyle Thomas says that 2024 "brings many opportunities for all zodiac signs" in various facets of their lives — but for Scorpio signs specifically, he predicts that "life will certainly feel like it’s on the upswing."

According to Thomas — who's known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers — this boost of positive energy will be especially felt coming off "a very intense few years, particularly since the end of 2021."

Thomas predicts your personal life "will certainly be the most significant focus" of 2024. He says many planets will highlight "your partnerships or casual romances, family or children," so expect to see "many of these areas change and grow."

Thomas' predictions derive from patterns based on "planetary movement," plus the stars' alignment with the sun and the moon. He says we will continue experiencing eclipses on the axis of Aries-Libra, so its corresponding themes "will be thrust center stage" regardless of your sign.

Read on for the ultimate 2024 Scorpio horoscope, according to Kyle Thomas' predictions!

Scorpio's Career and Productivity Horoscope for 2024

Horoscope Constellation Scorpio
Horoscope Constellation Scorpio.

Jupiter (the planet of expansion and miracles) has been across the sky from you since May 2023, says Thomas, bringing "growth to significant partners in business or love." He says you'll likely "retain this energy" until around June 2024.

"This is a key period in your entire lifetime to make relationships a top priority," stresses Thomas. Whether it be a professional or personal relationship, he encourages you to "spend more time together" or "make long-term plans."

Scorpio's Love and Relationships Horoscope for 2024

Scorpio, Thomas says casual dating "isn’t going to be the easiest for you at this time." He points to Saturn (the planet of life lessons) for being the reason why, as it orbits in your sector of passion.

Therefore, Thomas says to instead place your focus on someone who can "bring stability, security and practicality to your life" — or at the very least, someone who will "stand at your side and support you" in areas of need. "Sometimes this means that you date someone older or more mature," he adds.

From June until the end of the year, Thomas says Jupiter will glide into your intimacy zone, "promising more intimacy, sexuality, trust, vulnerability and closeness for those who are in committed partnerships."

This is all about "deep, trusting and committed connections," reemphasizes Thomas. Don't forget to turn your attention to the powerful eclipse taking place in late autumn, though! "It will bring a memorable moment around true love, romance, a soulmate or a child" that he says you'll "likely remember forever."

Scorpio's Family and Friendships Horoscope for 2024

Scorpio Horoscope
Scorpio Horoscope.

Pluto (your planetary ruler and the planet of intensity) has been gliding back and forth into your "home, family and domestic sector." Thomas says it will stay there until after 2024, which "could bring a radical change to this area of your life."

For example, he predicts "intense discussions or experiences with family members or parents" might take place — or perhaps, "a deep need to resettle and find a permanent home, residence or real estate."

Change is likely needed, which Thomas predicts is going to "be building now and in the years ahead." Thanks to Jupiter’s happy glow in the second half of the year, he says fortunately "more wealth, stocks, investments or benefits could be coming your way to help you get where you need to go."

Scorpio's Health and Wellness Horoscope for 2024

The eclipses taking place in the spring and autumn will significantly highlight health, productivity and mental health. Thomas says this could "trigger the need to meet with specialists" in their respective fields to assist in your health needs or changes.

On another note, Thomas says it could cause you to "shift from one job, project or place of employment to another" — or rather, give you the push needed to "polish off a significant project for a boss."

Thomas stresses the importance of "tying up all important matters, especially professionally" before December. "A Mars retrograde in your career could cause hiccups or blocks to your goals," he explains.

Whatever happens, Thomas wants you to remember: "Happiness is your birthright. Let it find you everywhere that you go."

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