
Lizzo Comes Down Heavily on the Side of ‘Palestine’

Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP

In our sad and confused age, it’s comforting that we have clear-sighted and courageous people who serve as moral arbiters and light the pathway to truth and righteousness for us all. One of the foremost among these heavyweights of thought and insight is Lizzo, to whom the world does an injustice by labeling her simply an “entertainer.” That she certainly is, delighting audiences young and old with her songs of hope and perseverance, but she is much, much, much more besides. 

Lizzo doth bestride this narrow world like a colossus. She dispenses not just musical joy, but wisdom. Now she has taken her courage to new levels, braving not just the risk of pneumonia from doing concerts in her skivvies, but running the real possibility of being showered with awards and plaudits by running with the herd and condemning Israel.

Lizzo published a message on her Instagram page in which she said that she wanted “to take a second and give a personal thank-you to all of the activists who have been working tirelessly to help the liberation and the freedom of the people who have been genocided [sic] all over the world, specifically Palestine, Sudan, and the Congo.” Oh, well then! If a weighty thinker such as Lizzo lines up alongside the Palestinian jihadis, that certainly tips the scales in their favor.

The thoughtful political analyst added, according to Algemeiner, that she “has worked closely with activists,” and this is intimately aware of “the toll it can take on your mental and your physical [health], and it can feel thankless. So if you haven’t heard today, thank you. Your work is not in vain. You have helped so many people. You have saved literal [sic] lives.” Really? Not just figurative lives? 

However these lives were supposedly saved, Lizzo’s own has been in the doldrums, by her own account. She went on to say that she had been in a “deep dark depression,” featuring some “mental health crises and episodes.” She explained: “Between the loss I experienced in my personal life and the state of the world, I had been rendered into an emotional state where I cannot process or handle anything. It was very dark.” Now, however, she has resolved to “get my a** up and get back to who I am.”

Terrific. Algemeiner reminds us that she “was sued in August by three of her former dancers for allegedly creating a hostile work environment and other wrongdoings, including sexual harassment and religious and racial discrimination.” Is that why she is coming out now in favor of what the leftist political and cultural intelligentsia assures us is the side of the angels? If she can show she is politically pure, who knows? Maybe a leftist judge can make her legal woes go away. 

Whatever the reason, she laid it on thick, again thanking the “anti-genocide, anti-war” pro-Hamas on campus, adding: “What these students have done and are doing is so deeply important. I can’t even express it in one video.” Yes, Lizzo. Screaming “From the River to the Sea/Palestine Will Be Free,” which is a not-so-veiled call for the total destruction of Israel and the ensuing new genocide of the Jews, is “so deeply important” indeed. Preventing Jewish students from attending classes or entering university buildings, and even assaulting them — that’s real moral high-ground stuff, right there.

If I were a betting man, I’d wager a significant amount of money on the proposition that Lizzo doesn’t know the first foggiest thing about Israel or the Palestinian Arabs. Her claim that a “genocide” is going on, as oft-repeated as it is, is based on Gaza casualty figures that come from Hamas. Hamas has every reason to inflate the numbers wildly, and these numbers have just been repudiated even by the Israel-hating UN, which recently cut in half the number of women and children it claims that the Israelis have killed in Gaza. 

But if Lizzo were questioned, do you think she would be able to formulate a convincing case that the Israelis have committed “genocide”? Of course not. She just knows what The Current Thing is and is jumping on; so much the worse for The Current Thing.

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It is also a virtual certainty that Lizzo knows nothing about how the “Palestinian” ethnicity and nationality has no historical, cultural, linguistic, or religious basis but was invented in the 1960s to serve as a propaganda weapon against Israel. She likely has no idea that there is no “occupied” territory in or around Israel, but that Israel and only Israel has any claim under international law to the territory in question. She probably has no clue, either, about the Jewish roots in the land that go back over two millennia or that the Arabs only arrived there much, much later, as settler-colonialists.

Lizzo is, in sum, the epitome of a celebrity taking a moral stand, not because she is convinced of its rightness, but because it will score her points with the elites. Why is this talentless person, the poster child for “body positivity,” such a massive star? This is one reason.


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