
Democrats Respond to Trump’s Golf Cart Statements With the Big Lie

AP Photo/Gerald Herbert

Donald Trump’s salty off-the-cuff statements from a golf cart about how the alleged president is going to quit the presidential race, and his spot-on assessment of Old Joe’s character (“broken-down pile of crap”), are arousing the predictable self-righteous fury from those who claim to be our moral superiors. In response, however, the Democrats offered something much worse: a pack of lies, designed to hoodwink the American people into returning the broken-down pile of crap to the Oval Office to pretend to be president until his public statements make the Joe Biden of 2024 look sharp, focused, and eloquent.

Trump also referred to Biden as “a bad guy,” and said of Old Joe’s potential successor Kamala Harris: “She’s so bad. She’s so pathetic. She’s so fucking bad.” In response, the Biden’s campaign team wagged its finger at Bad Orange Man in a prim, schoolmarmish response: “No, Donald. What is bad is taking away women’s rights, what is bad is losing an election and encouraging a violent mob to attack the Capitol, what is bad is assaulting women, what is bad is not paying your taxes, what is bad is rooting for our economy to fail…”

The Biden campaign, which should be renamed the Committee to Gaslight the American People Yet Again, thus provided a succinct summary of what it believes to be the strongest case against Trump as he tries to return to the White House. And it may just work. The only problem with it is that every element of it is false. While claiming to be the standard-bearers of “truth” standing valiantly against Trump’s supposed lies, the Democrats are hitting new lows of dishonesty even for this debased era of American politics.

“What is bad is taking away women’s rights.” The Bidenites are referring, of course, to the fact that Trump appointed three Supreme Court justices during his term in office, and those justices went on to form part of the majority that overturned Roe v. Wade. The idea that dismembering a child in the womb was ever a woman’s right is actually one of the left’s decades-old lies, and the Dems are hoping that this hoary and multiply refuted old chestnut will carry them over the top in November. 

The only problem with their scenario of a misogynist Trump cackling as he rolls back decades of feminist “victories” and returns women to the kitchen and the knitting circle is that the repeal of Roe v. Wade didn’t take a single right away from a single woman. All it did was throw the issue back to the states, whereupon some states restricted the sacrifices to Moloch, while eleven other states actually eased access to abortion. The leftist hysteria over this, with claims that women will be arrested for miscarriages or for crossing state lines to get an abortion, is — as is of often the case when it comes to leftist hysteria — baseless.

Then there’s the claim of Trump “losing an election and encouraging a violent mob to attack the Capitol.” Really? When exactly did Trump encourage anyone to attack the Capitol? This is the big non-smoking gun that the Democrats, for all their harping on the Jan. 6 “insurrection,” have never produced. It bears repeating that Trump told protestors on Jan. 6, 2021, to proceed “peacefully and patriotically.” Despite the efforts of Trump’s second impeachment trial and then of the Jan. 6 Committee witch hunt, no evidence has ever been found that Trump called for, organized, participated in, or expected to benefit from any kind of “insurrection.” Nor has any other chief “insurrectionist” been found. The protesters strolled into the Capitol building when the guards opened the doors for them, and most of them stood around snapping selfies, only to find later, to their shock and horror, that they stood accused of trying to overthrow the government. 

     Related: What Was Their First Clue? Poll Shows Most Voters Think Old Joe's Mental Decline Is Real.

It was much easier for Democrats to push this particular lie while Trump was banned on Twitter (that’s what we all used to call X, kids), so that no one could see his tweet from the afternoon of Jan. 6, 2021: “I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

The Old Joe Really Is Sharp As A Tack campaign went on to drag out a few more lies: “what is bad is assaulting women, what is bad is not paying your taxes, what is bad is rooting for our economy to fail…” Does anyone really believe E. Jean Carroll? Or Alvin Bragg? Is anyone really not able to distinguish a prediction from a hope?

The Dems are hoping so. But to those who know that their whole anti-Trump case is built on lies, they sure are looking desperate.


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