GUY BENSON SHOW PRE-DEBATE PANEL: Jason Chaffetz and Richard Fowler Join and Talk About Their Debate Expectations

Today on the Guy Benson Show, we welcomed Jason Chaffetz, Fox News Contributor, Former House Oversight Committee Chairman, and author of the book PUPPETEERS: THE PEOPLE WHO CONTROL THE PEOPLE WHO CONTROL AMERICA, and Richard Fowler, Fox News Contributor and Host of the Richard Fowler Show. Richard and Jason joined the Guy Benson Show today and took part in our pre-CNN Presidential Debate panel. Guy interviewed both Chaffetz and Fowler and asked about their expectations for tonight’s presidential debate. Fowler and Chaffetz also answered what strategies they think each candidate will take as they attempt to win the hearts and minds of the American people. Listen to the full panel below!

Full Panel:

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