Futures of Science for Policy in Europe: Scenario’s and Policy Implications

This Foresight Studies conducted for the European Commission explores important trends for the future of science for policy in Europe and the challenges and opportunities that they present for the development of science for policy ecosystems in the European Union. On the background of an increasing prominence of science in public debates and an increasing willingness of governments to mobilize scientific advice, the policy brief explores trends that shape the practices and processes of information exchange between knowledge actors and policy-makers with the intention to produce scientifically informed policies in Europe, and frame important challenges and opportunities for science for policy ecosystems in the EU.

The authors of the report cross-emanine 5 Scenario’s and their implications for Science for Policy and its governance

Scenario A on societal-challenge-driven and mission-oriented research and policy provides the context for advice mechanisms to policy. Such a context can be amenable for scientific advice but it also entails risks for science.

  • Scenario B on participatory science and policy support ‘under construction’ opens up the discussion on broadening the sources of evidence; why and how to include new types of actors beyond the ‘usual suspects’ (well-connected experts). This has implications for how to promote science and develop the policy support system.
  • Scenario C on data enthusiasm and AI overtaking scientific policy advice illustrates the role of data, AI and international governance challenges and it alarms about over-reliance on multinational data providers, which may lead to a loss of transparency, autonomy and (normative) reflection in scientific advice. We should ask whether technology can be neutral, and whether scientific advice can be normative.
  • Scenario D on open science and policy support points out that open science is not the same as open scientific advice whereby experts can speak frankly. Useful scientific advice has characteristics of a protected space where also unpopular (but well-founded) opinions can be voiced.
  • Scenario E on policy-based evidence-making in incumbent-driven industrial policy increases weight on advice mechanisms and embedding data, evidence, and experimentation within government agencies, and government research and regulatory organisations.

Foresight Study: Science for Policy in Europe. Scenarios and Policy Implications

Download copy of the Report here:https://app.box.com/s/vrl0pi7zydon05e0hi0hli0lrdv0s18i

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Towards a New Ethos of Science or an institutional reform of Science?

Pleased to announce open lecture at RWTH Aachen, for details/registration see link


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NASA report on social and ethical condiderations Artemis( Moon to Mars Mission)

I was priviliged to join a multi-stakeholder and expert workshop on this subjext matter at NASA headquaters.

Full report of the event kan be downloaded here


We should not leave space only to engineers and geopolitics!

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Why Responsible Innovation?

This video has been recorded for the MOOC ‘Responsible Innovators of Tomorrow’ provided by the University Alliance ENHANCE. More info on the MOOC, see www.hub.rwth-aachen.de.

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New Ethos of Science or Institutional Reform of Science?

The Prospects of Institutionalising the Research Values  Openness, Collaboration and Responsiveness

In the course of a lectures series of the International Centre for Advanced Studies, Cultures of Research, Kaete Hamburger Kolleg, RWTH Aachen University,

an open Public lecture by Rene von Schomberg  will be given on:

New Ethos of Science or Institutional Reform of Science?

The prospects of institutionalising the research values  Openness, Collaboration and Responsiveness

30 November 2022, 5pm

The lecture will be online, limited physical presence possible

Please register for attending either online, or physical

At: Events@khk.rwth-aachen.de

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Outcomes Workshop on Open Science, Responsible Innovation and Anticipatory Governance ( 29/30 June 2022) Event at Kate Hamburger Kolleg, Cultures of Research-RWTH Aachen University (Germany)

Please find attached an open accessible link where you can download updated PPT presentations, and locate some literature to which participants referred to during the workshop (see for workshop overview, and participants, post further below)

Andoni Ibarra and myself worked on an overall document which gives an conceptual overview and introduction to the topics of Responsible Innovation, Open Science and Anticipatory Governance in their interrelationship. Thie document can also be downloaded at the same link.

Here’s the link: https://rwth-aachen.sciebo.de/s/K8DABYiZhxzFWWr

Jonny Hankins (Bassetti Foundation) did make a nice overview of the discussion of the worksho[, which is hosted at the Bassetti Foundation’s website: https://www.fondazionebassetti.org/en/focus/2022/07/open_scholarship_responsible_i.html

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Open Scholarship, Responsible Research and Innovation and Anticipatory Governance: Event at Kate Hamburger Kolleg, Cultures of Research-RWTH Aachen University (Germany)

Registration for Online participation: events@khk.rwth-aachen.de

Workshop Open Scholarship, Responsible Innovation and Anticipatory Governance

29 June and 30 June 2020 Käte Hamburger Kolleg (KHK), Cultures of Research, RWTH Aachen University

10: 00 -10.15 hrs :      Welcome addres Andoni Ibarra, René von Schomberg, Stefan Böschen.(KHK)

10.15- 10.30 :              Intro to the first day: René von Schomberg

10: 30- 11.15               Opening up science: a means for responsibility?

Clare Shelley-Egan, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

11.15- 11. 30               Discussion

11.30 – 12.15             Missions? Quite Possibly! The legacies of rri and RRI in tackling global and local societal challenges

Douglas Robinson (Université Gustave Eiffel, France and CNRS)

12.15- 12.30                 Discussion

12.30- 14 hrs Lunch

14.00 -14. 45               Interpretive multiplicity in Anticipatory Governance.  Evidence from 12 countries

Mario Pansera (Universidade de Vigo)

14.45- 15: 00               Discussion

15.00- 15.45               Quadruple Helix Collaborations, the ethics of stakeholder engagement, and the future of responsible innovation

Vincent Blok (Wageningen University)

15.45- 16.00                Discussion

16.15 -17: 00                Roundtable Discussion: lead question

17: 00 -19.00  Key NoteTransition to Open Science, Why and How

Frank Miedema (Vice Rector for Research at Utrecht University and chair of the Utrecht University Open Science Programme)

Second day (30 June): Anticipatory Governance

10: 00- 10: 15 Andoni Ibarra: Introduction to the second day

10.15- 11.00    The missing component of anticipatory governance

Roberto Poli (University of Trento)

11.00- 11.15    Discussion11.15- 12.00   Framing RRI in health research domain: the case of MULTI-ACT participatory and anticipatory governance model

Paola Zaratin (Director of Scientific Research, Italian MS Society – Italian MS Foundation, Genoa, Italy)

12.15-12.30 Discussion

12.30-14.00 Lunch

14.00- 14.45   Foresight on additive manufacturing in order to support RRI

Marianne Hoerlesberger, Austrian Institute of Technology

14.45- 15.00 Discussion

15.00- 16.00 hrs :        Round Table on Lead questions

16.00-16.05 hrs:          Closing of the Workshop.

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Raising the Sail of Innovation. Philosophical Explorations on Responsible Innovation

The reality of today’s global challenges has paved the way for Responsible Innovation (RI), which aims to steer innovation processes towards societally desirable outcomes. Under the sway of ‘science with and for society’, the hypothesis is that innovation can only really respond to the needs and ambitions of society by including all its actors in the process.  However, frameworks and policies of RI mainly focus on regulating innovation processes (e.g. through applying ethical keys and integrating normative dimensions), while little thought is dedicated to what innovation itself means conceptually.

To this end, the contribution of this dissertation is twofold. First, through an extensive analysis of both the policy and academic discourse on RI, it exposes a techno-economic concept of innovation. Parallel to Martin Heidegger’s idea of ‘Enframing’, it argues that in the attempt to regulate a techno-economic concept of innovation, the RI discourse remains subject to its overall dominance. Second, it articulates a shift towards a political concept of innovation which genuinely serves the public good beyond mainstream economic incentive. Inspired by the philosophy of Hannah Arendt, it proposes a vision of RI which actualizes the human capacity for speech and action, inspires radical novelty, and empowers the public sphere.

As such, this book politicizes the RI discourse precisely in the way it was originally envisioned, that is, through conceptualizing innovation as a fundamentally political matter. In this view, politics is not merely an extension of RI but is itself the condition of RI; it is what enables innovation to genuinely serve the public good

PDF free download:


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Rene von Schomberg: Senior Research Fellow, Käte Hamburger Kolleg: Cultures of Research , Aachen University, 1 January 2022.

Announcement: I will leave the European Commission and I will become a Senior Research Fellow at the new Käte Hamburger Kolleg: Cultures of Research which is an international center for advanced studies at the at RWTH Aachen University, Germany. I am looking forward to start on 1 January 2022

I will continue publishing on Responsible Innovation, Open Scholarship and Governance of Science and Tech as well as promote and work on concepts of deliberative democracy with a view on responsible governance of Science, Technology and Innovation. In Aachen, I will do ‘RRI’ research on research values central to research cultures and their implication for responsible governance.

More on the Käte Hamburger Kolleg: Cultures of Research , Aachen University https://www.humtec.rwth-aachen.de/cms/HUMTEC/Das-Projekthaus/~nngmk/Kaete-Hamburger-Kolleg/?lidx=1

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Presentations at Final conferences of the Horizon 2020 funded projects SeeRRI and IAMRRI

I gave rather similar key note presentations at the final conferences of the H2020 funded projects SeeRRI (https://conference.seerri.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Programa-conferencia-SeeRRI-15.09.21-2.pdf) and IAMRRI (https://www.iamrri.eu/iamrri/events/default-title/programm) on respectively 30 and 8 September 2021

The power point presentation can be downloaded here:


I can recommend to take a look at the respective project websites which showcase important advances on implementing RRI in regional planning (SeeRRI) and RRI for additive manufacturing (IAMRRI). In the former conference a range of coordinators of ‘sister’ projects in the field of regional employment of RRI participated, allowing for sensible ‘cross-fertilisation’ (among others Territoria Project, tetRRIS, WBC-RRI.NET, DigiteRRI, Transform etc.) Check them all out! They are all good!

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