Biden sounded exhausted and out-of-breath as he sat down with Stephanopoulos in a bid to save his failing, flailing campaign. George asked the president why twelve days, including six at Camp David, wasn’t enough rest after returning from Europe.

Biden stuck to the talking point of having a “bad night,” but if you’re explaining, you’re losing, as the old saying goes. Biden tried to blame his “bad night” on Trump lying 28 times,” but Stephanopoulos nailed him on this fake talking point, pointing out that Biden himself sounded awful and confused before President Trump even said a single word.

If Trump lied 28 times, then why didn’t Biden “pounce” and nail him? Should have been easy, right?

Obviously, because Biden is even duller than he was when he had half a brain—the exact opposite of sharp as a tack. Just watch as he can’t even give a coherent answer on if he watched a replay of the debate afterwards.

Despite all of the events of the past week and a half, Jill isn’t dropping out at this point.

Biden is defiant for now, but reality may intrude on him soon enough. Here’s a new post-debate poll commissioned by the Daily Wire that spells his doom.

Interactive Polling:

📊 POST-DEBATE POLL: Remington Research Group (full field)

🟥 Trump: 49% (+6)
🟦 Biden: 43%

🟥 Trump: 48% (+5)
🟦 Biden: 43%

🟥 Trump: 45% (+3)
🟦 Biden: 42%

🟥 Trump: 49% (+7)
🟦 Biden: 42%

🟥 Trump: 47% (+7)
🟦 Biden: 40%

🟥 Trump: 49% (+10)
🟦 Biden: 39%

🟥 Trump: 51% (+10)
🟦 Biden: 41%

🟥 Trump: 56% (+20)
🟦 Biden: 36%

538: #28 (2.6/3.0) | June 28 – July 1

Regardless, Biden seems to think he can still beat Trump… in 2020.

Watch the ABC interview on YouTube here:

UPDATE: More clips are trickling in.

This question was brutal:

Stephanopoulos appears to be representing the dominant regime faction that wants Biden gone.


Another one:

This was more of a humiliation exercise than anything else.

This mumbling answer was very bad for Biden.