Trump advisors visit Warsaw, meet Polish officials from President Duda’s office

Advisors to U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump met with representatives from the Polish president’s National Security Bureau on July to discuss NATO and U.S. defense investments

Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump meets with Poland's President Andrzej Duda at Trump Tower in midtown Manhattan in New York on Wednesday, April 17, 2024. (AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah)
By Grzegorz Adamczyk
3 Min Read

Tabloid Fakt has revealed that on July 4 in Warsaw, a team of advisors for U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump engaged with officials from the presidential National Security Bureau. The discussions reportedly focused on NATO and American defense investments in Poland.

This meeting in Warsaw marks another instance of interactions between the presidential palace circle and representatives of Donald Trump. Previously, on April 17, President Andrzej Duda had a meeting with the former U.S. president in New York City.

Sources from Duda’s office assert there is no concern that the U.S. would withdraw from NATO if Trump wins the upcoming election. They say the expected to continue valuing European nations that invest in American military equipment.

The advisors reportedly visited Poland to understand the country’s perspective on NATO matters. This meeting was part of the preparations for the upcoming NATO summit in Washington, scheduled for July 9-11. Fakt notes that the Republican delegation was well-informed about the current situation in Poland, including questions about the controversy surrounding military funding.

According to TV Republika, the Ministry of National Defense plans to reduce defense spending by about 25 percent, approximately 57 billion zlotys (€13.3 billion) between 2025 and 2028. General Wiesław Kukuła, chief of the general staff, has reportedly expressed concerns in a letter to the ministry, highlighting the potential risks of such budget cuts amid looming war threats.

TV Republika journalist Piotr Nisztor, who accessed the document, stated, “I cannot imagine a scenario where the chief of the general staff, who is executing an approved plan, faces a situation where he is presented a plan that slashes 57 billion zlotys. These cuts could lead to delays or cancellations of crucial orders.”

Former Minister of National Defense Mariusz Błaszczak also expressed outrage over the proposed budget cuts on the social media platform X, outlining a gradual reduction in defense spending: 9 percent in 2025, 11 percent in 2026, 30 percent in 2027, and 44 percent in 2028. Błaszczak criticized the Tusk government’s actions as sabotage and a blow to national security, demanding immediate explanations.

The Polish Defense Ministry denied that the military budget will be cut by billions of euros. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defense Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz emphasized that the defense budget for the upcoming year would be historically high, increasing by about 10 percent from 2024’s budget of 169 billion złotys (€39.5 billion)

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