Saved By The Bell Wiki

Hey, I'm your boss. I can give you the day off
Jeff to Kelly

Jeffrey "Jeff" Hunter was the manager of The Max. He briefly dated Kelly Kapowski after she broke up with Zack Morris.

Even though a hurt Zack eventually was happy for Kelly and told Jeff to be sure he treated her right, he still didn't trust him completely.

When Jeff and Kelly had dated for a while with Kelly even doing a class project with photographs of him, Zack's suspicions were confirmed when he, Slater and Screech saw Jeff kissing another girl called Jenna at an over 18-club called The Attic.

They told Jessie and Lisa who convinced Zack to tell Kelly the truth. Kelly, however refused to listen, thinking Zack was a jealous "maggot mouthed liar" and told him to stay out of her life.

To convince Kelly that Zack was telling the truth, the others decided to go back to The Attic and catch Jeff in the act with a picture.

Kelly suddenly appears and sees for herself that Jeff was being unfaithful to her. She confronted him and asked why he did it, especially after she broke up with a great guy like Zack. Jeff makes a pathetic excuse that they were never going steady and even though he thinks she is special, he isn't ready for a commitment. Kelly then dumps him saying she is sorry she ever fell for a dishonest creep like him.

Jeff then walks away, presumably to find Jenna and start a fresh relationship with her, but it is assumed that after finding out that he had been seeing Kelly at the same time that she dumped him as well.

Kelly apologizes to Zack for not listening to him and goes to relieve herself of losing Jeff by having a few minutes of screaming in the girl's bathroom.

After this, Jeff is never seen on the show again.
