Saved By The Bell Wiki

Hey Zack-E!
Rhonda to Zack

Rhonda Robistelli is an extraordinarily tall tomboy, who plays shot-put. She is in love with Zack Morris.


Rhonda began chasing Zack Morris around school, trying to ask him out or talk to him. Every time, he would run away and she would yell after him in her deep voice. In the end, Zack ended up going to the dance with Rhonda and she took him dancing 53 times, until he got sick and tired. When the dance finally ended, Rhonda invited Zack over to her house, saying that since her mom was visiting her dad in prison, they'd have the whole place to themselves and she winked at him suggestively. Zack made up an excuse that he had a curfew and had to return home soon, but Rhonda didn't let Zack leave without a kiss. She pulled him back and forcibly planted a kiss on his lips.[1]

Rhonda later tried out to be a member of the Bayside High cheerleading squad, but had trouble remembering how to spell the name of their school. Jessi told her that "[they'll] let [her] know" but Rhonda begged for another chance to prove her worth. Kelly was nice and did the cheerleading routine together but because of Rhonda's height, her arms ended up punching out Kelly and Lisa and she was rejected once again. Despite being rejected from the main team, Rhonda still cheered them on from the sidelines.[2]


Rhonda is Bayside's resident tomboy, a record-holding shot-putter, and a foil to ultra-feminine Kelly Kapowski. She is an athlete.


Season 1[]

Notes and Trivia[]

  • Rhonda is the first girl Zack Morris ever kissed in the series.
  • She holds the school shot-put record.
  • Her father is in jail.
  • She is taller than Jessie.
  • Kirsten Kemp Becker is credited as Rhonda Robistelli at the end of "Beauty and the Screech". However, Rhonda does not appear in that episode, nor does any character played by Kirsten.
  • A similar character to her named "Peggy" appeared in the episode "The Friendship Business", buying Screech as a friend and dancing with him at The Max. However, she was played by a different actress, who was never credited.