Saved By The Bell Wiki
Title Original Airdate # Description
Welcome to Bayside September 9, 1995 40 New transfers to Bayside include three students from arch-rival Valley High: R.J. "Hollywood" Collins, head cheerleader Maria Lopez and Ryan Parker, who stole Bayside's mascot the year before. The old gang greatly resents these newcomers. Ryan makes plans to date Lindsay, make Maria the head cheerleader and get R.J. to emcee the Welcome Back dance. The two groups fight so much that Mr. Belding makes them stay on separate sides of the gym at the dance and wear identifying badges. But before the night ends, the enemies all dance with each other. Also, Tommy D. is thinking of how to get back together with his old girlfriend, Lindsay.
The Love Bugs September 9, 1995 41 Maria and the others are trying to win tickets to the Grungefest from the radio station, but Lindsay wins them on her first try! Tommy has told Lindsay that he wants to get back together with her, so she must choose between him and Ryan. The girls hold a slumber party to help Lindsay decide. Tommy borrows some high-tech communication equipment that Screech has bought for the school and he plans to bug Lindsay's room. Ryan has the same idea, though, and he gets R.J. to help. Eventually all the boys end up hiding in Lindsay's closet or under her bed. A few more misunderstandings occur until Lindsay finally decides to go to the show with Maria.
Driving School September 16, 1995 42 Maria is getting a car for her 16th birthday, but she's failing Driver's Education. She pleads with Screech to pass her, and he agrees against his better judgment. Meanwhile Ryan needs a car to compete with Tommy for Lindsay. He gets the idea of pooling money to buy one and he recruits Rachel, R.J. and various nerds, jocks and band members to join in with him. When he's still $600 short, he gets a rich kid named Arthur to go in on the deal by using Rachel as bait. Rachel can't stand Arthur and gets mad at the boys for using her.

Later, Maria is out driving with her friends when she hits Mr. Belding's parked car. Ryan and the gang use their money to buy an identical car while Mr. B's is being fixed. But the other partners show up and demand to have their turn in the new car. When Mr. Belding shows up and sees all the students piled into what he thinks is his car, he demands to know what's going on. Maria and Screech both own up to their mistakes.

What's the Problem? September 16, 1995 43 Lindsay is nominated for Homecoming Queen, and so is Maria, even though she really doesn't want it, but she soon becomes competitive. Mr. B asks Rachel to help tutor star football player Todd Green to keep him eligible. She finds that Todd can grasp things she tells him very well, but he has great difficulty reading. An attraction develops between Todd and Rachel.

Meanwhile, the Homecoming Queen campaign has gotten heated with Ryan and Tommy working for Lindsay and R.J. becoming Maria's manager. The campaign gets dirty when Maria is accused of being a Valley High "traitor." Todd fails to complete the test he's been studying for. Rachel tells Mr. B. about Todd's problems. The principal suspects Todd might have a form of dyslexia. Todd is mad at Rachel at first but things get straightened out and Todd passes a verbal makeup test. Lindsay and Maria stop the dirty campaigning and vow that whoever wins will give the crown to the other girl. Who wins? Rachel, as a write-in!

Air Screech September 30, 1995 44 The gang are all working at Palisades Mall; even Screech and Belding are working at Mr. B.'s brother's sporting goods store. Tommy gets an expensive watch as a gift for Lindsay. Ryan can't afford that kind of competition. R.J. mistakenly spray-paints some athletic shoes at the sporting goods store, but surprisingly, customers like them and want to buy more. Ryan sees the opportunity to make money and soon he has the gang working on making more "Air Screech" sneakers to sell. Ryan makes his move on Lindsay. When Mr. Belding finds out about the "Air Screech" fraud, he finds a way to teach Ryan and the others a lesson. Tommy goes out with Lindsay while Ryan is stuck at the mall in a chicken costume!
Big Screech on Campus September 30, 1995 45 Screech takes the gang on a tour of his alma mater, Cal U., where it seems his old fraternity brothers aren't very interested in him, but are interested in the girls. One of the guys, Michael, make plays for both Maria and Rachel. Tommy, Lindsay and Ryan sit in on a psych class and get hypnotized, which results in Lindsay and Ryan being attracted to R.J. and Rachel, respectively, while Tommy goes for...Mr. B!

Screech is down about being forgotten by his old buddies, so Ryan concocts a plan to make him popular by pretending that R.J. is a star football recruit. The guys buy this and try to get R.J. to join their fraternity. When R.J. tells them his hero is Screech, they plan to make Screech fraternity president. Screech is so impressed he wants to quit his Bayside job and return to Cal U. But everything is revealed at a phony ceremony for Screech, including Michael's two-timing of Maria and Rachel.

Maria's Movie Star October 7, 1995 46 Maria waits on her heartthrob, actor Justin Wells, at the Rockin' Rice Japanese restaurant where she works at the mall. He's come there hoping to see his new movie with a regular audience. Maria vows to keep his secret and he asks her to go to the movie with him. She and Justin have fun spending the day together—he even works in the restaurant! At the movie that night, Justin kisses Maria. He plans to spend another day with Maria, but Ryan overhears the conversation and arranges a personal appearance for the movie star at the Splash Video store without his approval. When Justin finds out he thinks Maria has betrayed him, but it all gets straightened out. Sadly, Justin departs after receiving a call from his agent, giving Maria one last kiss.
Acting Jealous October 7, 1995 47 Lindsay and Ryan are celebrating one month together and they can't keep apart. But a problem arises when they audition for Screech's production of the play "Cinderella." Ryan gets the part of the prince, but it's Rachel rather than Lindsay who lands the role of Cinderella. Rachel and Ryan have to take extra rehearsals and Lindsay can't help but be troubled. She suspects a romance is going on behind her back even though Maria tries to set her straight. But later Maria sees Ryan give Rachel a necklace and she reports this back to Lindsay. What the girls don't know is that the necklace is really for Lindsay, not Rachel. Ryan and Rachel have to work on the kissing scene due to their height difference. When Lindsay and Maria see them, they think the worst.

Meanwhile the play is having troubles. R.J. is hamming it up in his bit parts, trying to turn the play into a musical. Mr. Belding, the director, doesn't like that but Screech does, so Mr. B. quits the play. All the cast members are getting mad at each other and are on the verge of quitting, too, but Mr. B. gives a "show must go on" speech and everyone reluctantly continues. Rachel tells Lindsay the truth about what really has happened and reworks the play so that Ryan puts the slipper on Lindsay's foot instead.

Boundaries October 14, 1995 48 Rachel goes on a date with a college boy but feels guilty when she becomes the victim of abuse. Meanwhile, Screech is being pursued by Mabel, a crazy lunch lady who adores him and won't leave him alone.
Hollywood, Here He Is October 14, 1995 49 Bayside joins the High School Television Network and the gang produces a show with Screech as faculty advisor and director. Unfortunately, the first edition of "Bayside Live" is a disaster. Mr. B. gives the group one more chance and they come up with a concept based on the show "Tough Copy," which Mr. Belding likes.

R.J. catches the eye of a talent agent, Gavin Malone, who promises to make him a big star. But R.J. is the one forking out the money, giving the agent hundreds of dollars for photos and "expenses." Maria is suspicious of the agent and goes snooping in his office, where she finds that Malone is bilking other clients, too. Meanwhile Mr. B. and Screech find out the TV show is planning to fake an earthquake on the air and they pull the plug. Ryan plans to expose the agent. He has R.J. tells Malone that he's dumping him for a new agent, "Hal E. Wood," who is in reality Screech. Malone tells "Wood" that the two should combine their talents to exploit more young clients, thereby revealing himself as a fraud.

Ryan's Worst Nightmare October 21, 1995 50 The dreaded teacher "Wicked Witch" Hurst is giving one last killer physics test before leaving the school. Tommy breaks a date with Lindsay to study, so Ryan jumps in and takes her out instead. Later he spends half the night talking to her on the phone. The result is that Ryan has done no studying of his own, so he convinces Screech that it's "National Fire Drill Day" in order to get out of taking the test. The sprinkler system goes off and all the Homecoming floats in the gym are ruined. A new teacher, Mrs. Rumplemeyer, takes over the class, and she's even tougher than Miss Hearst. It turns out to be Mr. Belding in drag, trying to teach Ryan a lesson. Ryan works to repair the damaged floats and when Lindsay asks him out, he declines—he has to study.
Prom Dates October 21, 1995 51 The Prom is coming up and the scramble is on for dates. Lindsay is asked to go by both Tommy and Ryan. Maria is turning down dates, hoping to be asked out by the perfect guy. Rachel hasn't been asked out yet; all the guys think she's unapproachable. R.J. asks pretty and popular Valerie Butler to go, and she surprises him by saying yes. But Carl, Valerie's older (and bigger!) brother, threatens to pound R.J. if he gets out of line with his sister.

Lindsay decides to go to the Prom with Tommy and breaks the news to Ryan. But later on a date, it seems to Tommy that all Lindsay wants to talk about is Ryan. Later Tommy overhears Lindsay talking about going to the Prom with Ryan instead. Meanwhile, Screech tries to get someone to ask out Rachel—geeky Fuzzy Hammersley, who faints when he tries to do it. Maria is now desperate for a date; she may have waited too long.

When Ryan hears Maria is dateless, he asks her out. Rachel is at home on Prom Night, but Screech arrives in a tux and takes her to the dance. R.J. goes with Valerie and stands up to Carl, who is working at the dance. Carl respects him for it and leaves him alone. Tommy is moody and upset. He tells Lindsay that maybe they should part as a couple but remain friends. Tommy and Maria give Lindsay and Ryan the OK to dance together. Tommy and Maria also dance together.

Thomas D. October 28, 1995 52 Tommy has fallen for a girl named Nicole, but he's afraid she's too classy and cultured for him. He confides to Rachel that he's trying to write poetry for Nicole. Tommy reads a poem of Rachel's in class and gets an "A." Nicole is impressed, and Tommy makes a date with her—at the opera! Ryan schemes along with R.J. to make Tommy appear cultured, hoping to impress Nicole's father so that they can get Boyz II Men tickets from him (he's the manager of the L.A. Amphitheatre) and take out Lindsay and Maria. Tommy is now nervous about meeting Mr. Miller and feels like a phony.

Nicole tells Rachel and Lindsay how cultured "Thomas" is, which causes the girls to bust out laughing. When Nicole finds out from them that Tommy didn't write the poem, she's mad at him for deceiving and using her and doesn't want to see him. Meanwhile a school ballet production is called off, disappointing Nicole. Tommy volunteers to dance in the production so Nicole's father can see her perform, and he recruits the others to help. At the show, Screech tearfully dedicates the performance to Mr. Belding, who he mistakenly thinks is dying! The ballet starts off well enough when the girls perform, but the guys turn it into a disaster when they hit the stage. Nevertheless, Mr. Miller likes the "comic ballet" and gives the kids tickets—to the "Franciscan Follies!"

Fear of Falling October 28, 1995 53 The girls' gymnastic team, featuring star performer Lindsay, should be going to the state finals, but they don't have the money and the coach has quit. Ryan's schemes to pump up attendance and generate money include letting it "slip" on R.J.'s radio show that Michael Jordan will attend the girls' next meet! (Mr. B. make him refund the money.) In practice, Lindsay sprains her ankle. When it comes to rehabilitation, she's afraid to put herself through a full workout. Lindsay tells Ryan that she doesn't want to take any risks and she won't compete in the finals. Tommy leads the football players on strike in support of the girls' team. Screech talks to Lindsay and he tries to straighten her out.

At the semi-final meet, the stands are full. Maria and Rachel both get excellent scores for their routines, then just in the nick of time, Lindsay arrives in uniform. She scores a "10" in her event. Bayside wins the meet and will go to the state finals.

The Principal's Principles November 4, 1995 54 Belding and Tommy switch places. Tommy is the student principal but when he lets everyone goof off, he realizes that being a principal is a serious job.
Screech's Millions November 4, 1995 55 Screech thinks he's won the lottery.
My Best Friends November 11, 1995 56 Rachel feels left out when Lindsay and Maria spend time without her.
Lindsay's Dilemma November 11, 1995 57 The gang arrives at Sleepy Mountain ski lodge, run by Screech's grandpa Ernie. Business is very slow at the lodge because of competition from a big new resort, plus there's no snow for skiing. Ryan shows R.J. a charm he plans to give Lindsay during the trip to mark their relationship. Rachel and Maria are too nervous to talk to the lodge's handsome waiter Greg, so Lindsay speaks to him first. They seem to hit it off well. Customers are leaving Ernie's lodge, and even with a busload coming in the next day, he decides it's time to give up and close the business. The kids decide to help Ernie out by being his staff for the rest of their vacation and the lodge stays open. Ryan suggests Lindsay help out in the kitchen, where Greg works. Working closely together, Greg tells Lindsay he's attracted to her; she confesses she feels likewise. They kiss but Lindsay feels guilty. Later, Ryan gives her his gift.

The new guests are ready to desert Sleepy Mountain when they hear the competing lodge has a snow machine, but by using fake snow on the windows and barricading the front door, Ryan and the guys fool the guests into thinking they're snowed in, at least until the real snowstorm comes in a couple of days. Lindsay tells the other girls about her dilemma and that she might choose Greg. The guests find out about the snow scam, but the kids plead with them to stay, saying they were doing it all for Ernie. The guests have been so entertained by the kids that they agree to stay and wait for the real snow. A troubled Lindsay tells Ryan about Greg and gives him back his charm. Ryan is hurt and angry.

Screech's Dream November 18, 1995 58 Screech feels that he's not important until he has a dream about the future that shows how important he is at Bayside.
R.J.'s Handicap November 18, 1995 59 The gang goes on a class field trip on a cruise. R.J. learns a lesson in respect when he falls for a disabled girl.
Casino ID's November 25, 1995 60 During a semester-at-sea, the gang attempt to get into the ship's casino to gamble.
Green Card November 25, 1995 61 Near the end of the students' "semester at sea," there is a shipboard contest to find $500 in hidden gold coins. Screech is distraught when he receives a "Dear John" letter from his girlfriend Alison. The gang wants to find another woman for Screech to take his mind of his breakup. They convince a beautiful German model named Inga that Screech is an eccentric millionaire and set the couple up on a date. When Screech is giving a description of the size of Bayside High, Inga thinks he's talking about his second house! After the date, Screech comes by the kids' cabin with the news that he and Inga are engaged.

After Mr. Belding finds out about the marriage plans, the kids confess their set-up to Inga. Surprisingly, she says she still wants to marry Screech. Belding tries to dissuade Screech from marrying. Inga tells her boyfriend Rolf that she's only marrying Screech to get a green card to work in the U.S. and will divorce him afterward. The gang sees Inga kiss Rolf. They try to tell Screech about it, but he won't listen. Inga claims Rolf is her brother. Screech wants to get married right away and he and Inga go looking for the ship's captain. The kids go to Inga's cabin looking for proof that she's being dishonest and they find an application for a green card and letters from modeling agencies offering her jobs if she can legally work in the U.S. Rolf locks the gang in Inga's room and the wedding ceremony starts without them. Lindsay slithers out the porthole and unlocks the door. The gang arrive just in time to stop Screech from saying "I do." He is depressed but bumps into the podium and discovers the hidden gold coins

No Smoking December 2, 1995 62 Lindsay and Rachel are helping to organize the fashion show at Pallisades Mall, and they hope to model in it also. During a break, they and the rest of the gang are dismayed when Tommy D lights up a cigarette. At the Sweet Tooth, Mr. Belding orders Screech to get rid of the various kinds of trick and novelty candy he's stocked up on. Rachel and Lindsay meet a couple of the models who will be in the show. The girls are disappointed they won't be in it themselves, but Lindsay accepts a cigarette when one of the models offers it. Ryan and R.J. come up with a scheme to get the girls hired on as models for the show. When it works, Lindsay kisses Ryan. He smells the smoke on her, but she says she just bummed the one cigarette from the model.

Lindsay continues to smoke and hides it from Ryan. Tommy D. is dropped from an athletic team because of performance difficulties related to his smoking. Screech suggests he try candy as an alternative. When he tries some from the Sweet Tooth, he finds that it's fiery hot, some of the trick candy that should have been gotten rid of, but that the customers have been buying thinking it was real. At the mall's dance club, Lindsay lights up. Everyone gets on her case about it, so she leaves. At a fashion show rehearsal, Lindsay burns and expensive dress and is fired from the show by Mr. Hugo and replaced by Maria. Now she considers breaking up with Ryan, who is critical of her smoking. Lindsay finally quits after she imagines a scene 25 years in the future where the gang recalling her death ten years before. She apologizes to Ryan.

The Fallout December 2, 1995 63 Lindsay and Ryan break up after Lindsay finds another guy. Ryan can't take he and Lindsay not being together anymore and he tries to make her jealous by giving her old necklace to Sonya. Meanwhile, Screech and Mr. Belding attempt to join the Spotted Hoot Owls.
The Christmas Gift December 9, 1995 64 Tommy helps out a homeless girl who's working at the ski lodge. Meanwhile, Screech feels bad that Mr. Belding has to spend Christmas away from his wife and child, so he arranges for them to visit the lodge, which backfires when Belding decides to go back home.
New Year's Resolution December 9, 1995 65 The gang all help Screech come up with a New Year's resolution by sharing their own resolutions