Saved By The Bell Wiki
Title Original Airdate # Description
Desperately Seeking Work September 13, 1997 92 Everyone except for Ryan has found a job for the upcoming school year. Ryan finally gets a job at the computer store with Nicky until Nicky fires him. With Rachel in Boston, Maria feels left out when Katie starts hanging out with new student Liz Miller. The Max is revamped and now re-opened for business. Katie is desperate to find a job, even if it means lying on a resume which leads her into trouble.
Suddenly Ryan September 13, 1997 93 Ryan has to deal with Rachel staying in Boston and later breaking up with him. Liz is bothered by Maria and Katie constantly comparing her to Rachel.
Note: Features the first appearance of the newly rebuilt and renovated Max.
It's Not About Winning September 20, 1997 94 The Bayside girls swim team is undefeated thanks to nationally ranked team captain Liz and new recruit Katie, but the boys team featuring Nicky and team captain Ryan is sinking fast. Eric has his eye on Shauna Elliot, a member of the girls team.

After losing a meet against Westwood, The boys think they have no chance of beating Valley. So Eric decides to switch places with Maria so both can cover the swim teams for the school radio station. With the state finals coming up, Liz asks Screech for extra time in the pool. Screech tells the boys that their practice time will be cut to give the girls have a better chance of beating Valley. Katie has an idea on how to solve this conflict and Screech presents it to the girls team.

At the other end, Maria is covering the boys team while Eric covers the girls. Ryan and Nicky play a phone prank on the girls, pretending that NBC Sports is doing a story on the girls. The prank ends up with Liz, Katie and the rest of the girls getting detention while the boys team practices in the pool. Katie and Liz are both mad at Ryan for his sneaky way of manipulating the teams, so both team captains meet in a one-on-one race to see who gets the practice time. Eric tries to get Shauna to take swimming lessons and which she turns down. Mr. Belding finds out the truth about the race and Ryan quits the Team.

Along with Screech, Mr. Belding settles the dispute between the boys and girls teams and both make amends. The girls give the boys a pep rally and Ryan and Liz apologize to each other. At the big swim meet, Liz introduces Ryan to four-Time Olympic Gold medalist Janet Evans, who gives him some advice. Ryan wins his race for Bayside.

Guest starring: Brooke Kerr as Shauna Elliot

Football & Physics September 20, 1997 95 Football season is coming up and Eric has been training hard to become the starting wide receiver. Coach Wagner stresses to the team to the importance of keeping their grades up. Eric is proud and happy when the coach tells him he's starting against Central High. But when Coach Wagner finds out Eric is taking a physics course he tells him to play it safe and drop that class.

Eric is ready to quit the class when he has a conversation with his teammate Perkins who tells him the coach hasn't said a thing to him about dropping physics. Eric feels that the coach assumes that because he's black, he will have more trouble with a tough academic course than a white player would. He later tells Coach Wagner that he thinks his attitude toward black players is unfair, and he complains to his friends Ryan and Nicky too.

During the game against Central, Coach Wagner talks to Eric about respect, but Eric doesn't respond and he sits out the rest of the game. The next day Eric goes to see Screech about re-enrolling for physics and learns about standing up to an adult. Later he apologizes to Coach Wagner for his actions and tells him about all the things he did to make a better grade. The coach promises to make things up to him.

Also, Katie and Maria try to turn Liz into something she's not, a mall shopper and an advice-giver. Screech demands his own office from Mr. Belding.

Highs and Lows September 27, 1997 96 Maria starts smoking marijuana and Screech is fearing for his job as Eric fills in for him while he's sick. Maria and Nicky are looking at the end of their relationship when he finds out what Maria is doing.
Letting Go September 27, 1997 97 Katie and Eric begin taking all-natural herbal stimulants to help them keep up with the long hours they've been working, but after offering the herbs to a customer who passes out from over-exhaustion, they quickly learn about the little-known side effects of the drugs.

Meanwhile, Maria becomes jealous when her ex-boyfriend Nicky starts dating Courtney, But she goes too far when convinces mall security guard Screech that Courtney is the thief that Screech has been looking for.

Guest starring: Annie McElwain as Courtney

The Great Stain Robbery October 4, 1997 98 Eric and Maria invent a spray that will help restore the life in shirts. Eric decides to sell it without testing for side effects that the spray causes.
Boy II Man October 4, 1997 99 Eric wins an Open Mic Night at the Teen Machine and a record company executive, Teddy Edwards, offers him a contract. Edwards decides to change Eric's image and lyrics and turns his client into Thug Dawg Little. Eric does a rap about giving up on school and life that stuns everybody. Eric decides that he doesn't want the contract if it means telling people to give up.
Big Sister Blues October 11, 1997 100 Katie is troubled by Bayside High School's plans to honor her scholarly sister, Robin.

Guest starring: Marnette Patterson as Robin and Ian Reichbach as Student #1

Her Brother's Keeper October 11, 1997 101 Maria will do anything, and does practically everything, to find her younger brother Tino - a lazy klutz whose only interests are girls and Gilligan's Island - a job at the mall. Because he keeps botching the interviews (even wearing jeans and a red t-shirt to one!), she has to do all the work for him. Even that doesn't help because, if there's a way to get himself fired, he always finds it before the day is up. Finally, Maria goes over her boss's head to get Tino a job with her at the Teen Machine club. There, being Tino, he costs Maria her job (to say nothing of his own)...and may cost the boss her license to boot. Meanwhile, Screech finds it difficult to hold down two jobs—mall security guard and assistant to Mr. Belding—and is forced to give up one. Also, Ryan and Eric enter a contest to win a jet ski, but realize the only way for them to win is by cheating.Guest starring: Harley Rodriguez (Sweet Valley High) as Tino Lopez
Friends Behaving Badly October 18, 1997 102 Nicky ends up doing all the work for a fundraiser fair. After Liz convinces the others to help out, Nicky starts to have feelings for her, which doesn't sit well with Ryan who is also attracted to Liz.
Secrets & Liz October 18, 1997 103 A producer from the tabloid TV show "Cool TV" is coming to Bayside to see the next filming of Maria's talk show. Screech tells Maria that Mr. Belding will be her guest on the next show. Maria meets the producer Shannon Stewart, who wants her to change her format to an exploitation-type show where she finds out secrets from the rest of the gang to air on the next episode. Screech is concerned about the direction Maria's show is going in.

The next day, Ryan and Liz are being interviewed on the show when secrets about their dating get revealed, causing Nicky to get in on the action. Shannon and her boss love the new show and think Maria is terrific. But the gang are all mad at her for airing their private business, and when Mr. Belding find out what Maria has been doing, he cancels the show. At "Cool TV," vice-president Brian Blair tells Maria about the plans they have for her and signs her to do a weekly show on their channel. Shannon and Brian suggested that Maria should do her first promo at the Max. When she tells the audience about what she did, Maria rejects the offer from "Cool TV" and apologizes to everyone. Liz still has no idea who she has to choose to date, Nicky or Ryan.

Also, Nicky has a plan to get tickets to see the Smashing Pumpkins concert and enlists a fan named Bongo to help him.

A Tale of Two Siblings October 25, 1997 104 Ryan and Nicky still don't know which of them will wind up as Liz's boyfriend. When Ryan brings Liz lunch, Nicky interrupts them, and when Nicky takes ballet lessons with Liz, Ryan does the same thing. The stepbrothers continue to fight it out and Liz still can't decide between the two. Meanwhile, Katie and Eric plan to throw Maria a surprise birthday party for Maria, but the surprise is blown when Maria finds out that Screech and Mr. Belding are going.
Liz's Choice October 25, 1997 105 Eric gets dragged to the Bayside Formal by Maria and Katie as the date for both of them. Meanwhile, the stepbrothers await Liz's reply after both of them ask her to the Formal. She chooses Ryan.
State Champs November 1, 1997 106 The Bayside Swim Team has won the State Championship. While Katie's head swells (threatening her friendship with Maria, among other things), Liz's father wants her to cut out her entire social she can train hard enough for the Olympic tryouts. For Liz, that means not only seeing much less of Ryan...but, worse, skipping Bayside's annual Masquerade Ball. Or does it?
Screech and the Substitute November 1, 1997 107 A beautiful new substitute teacher, Claire Martin, comes to teach at Bayside, and Screech totally falls for her. He shows her around the school, and asks her out on a date. To everyone's amazement, she says yes. The couple is getting along great, but the entire gang (except for Liz) feels that Claire may have an ulterior motive of using Screech to get a permanent job at Bayside, since he's close to Mr. Belding. They tell Screech their suspicion, and he believes it. He tells Claire off and breaks up with her, despite her pleading that she wouldn't use him like that. Once Claire gets a job at Willowbrook Academy, but is still unhappy, the gang realizes Liz was right and they made a huge mistake. They come up with a plan to get Screech and Claire back together.

Guest starring: Christina Moore as Claire Martin

Love, Bayside Style November 8, 1997 108 At the Palisades Mall, Ryan and Liz have a fight after one month together; through flashbacks, and the guys getting stuck in the elevator, their friends help them realize they both need to compromise and work out their differences. Meanwhile, Screech is trying to fix the elevator with some help from Mr. Belding, but they keep screwing it up until Bob, the elevator repairman, comes to fix it [and does], but not before Screech insults his intellect. Finally, the guys get out of the elevator; Ryan and Liz apologize simultaneously to each other and agree to compromise.
Foreign Behavior November 8, 1997 109 The gang goes to France for three weeks. Eric is homesick and Maria, Nicky and Katie almost get the class sent back home after walking out on a bill. They did not intend to do it, but they received fake money from a man.
Thanks for Giving November 15, 1997 110 As the gang continues to help with Habitat For Humanity, Ryan, Eric and Nicky neglect their duties to see a football game
Foreign Affairs November 15, 1997 111 Eric gets over being homesick after meeting the class's tour guide, Danielle. But when he fakes showing an interest in the culture of France to impress Danielle, he almost jeopardizes the relationship. Liz is worried that Ryan is becoming attracted to a female photographer. To get back at Ryan, she goes out with another guy. When the guy attempts to overly flirt with Liz, Ryan arrives to stop it.

Guest starring: Denielle Fisher as Danielle, John Chaidez as Franco and Amelia Barrett as Maggie.

Putting Up Walls November 22, 1997 112 The gang help with Habitat For Humanity to build a house for a local family. Maria is interested in one person there and discovers the house is being built for Mike and his family.

Guest starring: Michael Strickland as Mike

Goodbye Paris November 22, 1997 113 During the gang's last days in Paris, Eric decides to stay so he can work and be with Danielle. But when his parents disapprove, he must end their romance. Meanwhile Katie, Liz and Ryan buy a fake Picasso sketch from a con artist.
Private Peterson November 29, 1997 114 Katie tries out for the school's ROTC program and is eightballed by the all-male team. She tries to turn to Eric for help, but he is stuck between supporting her or fitting in with the guys. Meanwhile, Screech believes he has contracted a rare tropical disease.
Into the Woods November 29, 1997 115 Ryan and Maria get lost while hiking. But things get worse when Ryan breaks his leg.
Mission: Control December 6, 1997 116 After a river rafting trip, Nicky and Katie develop feelings for each other. Katie develops a fear of losing him that alters her behavior.
Forget and Forgive December 6, 1997 117 Screech is left behind on the gang's return home and he begins to think about the various times that he has helped his friends.