Saved By The Bell Wiki
Title Original Airdate # Description
Maria's Revenge September 12, 1998 118 Maria is reunited with her former Valley High classmate Tony Dillon, four years after he stood her up (she thinks) at their middle school prom. Although he would love to patch things up with her, she makes this impossible by spreading vicious lies and rumors about him; this not only costs him his job at The Max, but drives his own football teammates to seriously injure him during practice. Finally, the truth comes out: Tony ditched her at the prom because he couldn't afford a tuxedo, and for a more recent date because his interview for the Max job (from which she got him fired) ran overtime...Meanwhile, Liz handles Ryan's departure so well that Eric and Nicky and Katie believe she's in denial. Their efforts to make her open up succeed only in worsening the situation for all involved...Elsewhere, Screech tries to convince Mr. Belding's son Zack that his dad is cool - by staging scenarios that will make Mr. B seem strong and/or tough. Basketball legend Kareem Abdul-Jabaar guest stars.
Do the Write Thing September 19, 1998 119 Katie writes a story in the school newspaper about the leeway that is granted to the football team. This upsets Nicky, who he has just joined the team. Mr. Belding reads the article and removes Katie as the school newspaper's editor, prompting her to re-write the story.
The Lyin' King September 26, 1998 120 Nicky becomes upset when Eric tries to date his cousin. Eric is angry that Nicky is trying to take girls away from him; Screech tries to chase away Mr. Belding's employees so he can work in the store.
The Young and the Sleepless October 3, 1998 121 Eric battles sleep deprivation and becomes very moody when he is reminded of his responsibilities. He eventually falls asleep at the wheel of his car and crashes; Katie, Liz, and Nicky set Maria and Tony up on a blind date; An old bully returns and picks on Mr. Belding.
Cigar Wars October 10, 1998 122 Tony tries to get the gang to start smoking cigars. The gang quits when they learn of the side effects but Tony is caught and suspended from school; It is revealed that Mr. Belding was one credit short of graduating high school and he must take Drama class with the gang.
Win, Lose or Cheat October 17, 1998 123 Maria and Tony are pitted on a dating game show versus Katie and Nicky and are given the questions ahead of time by the show's hosts. Maria and Tony then expose the hosts during the show when they see that Katie and Nicky are fighting; Liz becomes an assistant to the show's director; Mr. Belding and Screech share a motorcycle.
Hands Off October 24, 1998 124 Katie is being sexually harassed by her new manager at work but remains quiet in order to keep her job. Maria's mother, a lawyer, helps Katie to report him; Tony attempts to overcome his fear of hamsters; Mr. Belding and Screech create a commercial for their store.
Guess Who's Running the Max October 31, 1998 125 Maria is promoted to temporary manager of The Max over Tony, and Tony refuses to follow her orders, causing a strain in their relationship; Eric is ridiculed when his real name is revealed; Mr. Belding and Screech enter "couple therapy."
Mind Games November 7, 1998 126 Liz's new boyfriend convinces her to do whatever he wants, including skipping out on her responsibilities to the gang; Eric and Tony think Nicky is withholding money from them; Screech attends an efficiency seminar.
Free for All November 14, 1998 127 Nicky is promoted to manager of the movie theater and hires Tony. The two begin to let their friends into movies for free and it gets out of hand, prompting their boss to fire both of them. They win their jobs back by filling movie theater with paid customers; Liz must chaperone a group of senior citizens; Mr. Belding gives Screech dating advice.
Loser November 21, 1998 128 Katie wins a place in the state swimming championship over Liz, who was heavily favored. Liz becomes so depressed at the loss she wants to leave Bayside but she is convinced to stay by Mr. Belding; Nicky, Eric, and Tony fight over the theme of the school dance; Mr. Belding and Screech attempt to fire the custodian.
Bye-Bye Tony November 28, 1998 129 The gang tries to help Tony tell his Dad that he does not want to move with him to San Diego. They recap the good memories they've had together.
Seasons Greed-ings December 5, 1998 130 The gang competes over who can garner the most donations to a children's charity and win a cash prize. Their greed convinces the charity to back out of the deal. They eventually collect toys for the children without the promise of a cash prize; Screech becomes attached to a chess computer in the store.