Saved By The Bell Wiki
Title Original Airdate # Description
Show Me the Money September 11, 1999 131 Nicky, Eric, and Tony try to raise money for the Senior class trip by investing it in the stock market, but the stock crashes and the boys are forced to raise the money back by washing cars; Mr. Belding is sick and bedridden, leaving Screech to run the school.
Prescription for Trouble September 18, 1999 132 Katie injures her shoulder in practice before a big swim meet, prompting her to take painkillers. She takes Liz's leftover painkillers from a previous prescription when hers run out. Katie eventually injures her shoulder even more during the swim meet and Nicky has to dive into the pool to save her; Tony buys Maria a fake diamond for her birthday; Screech opens a massage parlor in Mr. Belding's office.
ME TV October 2, 1999 133 Maria, Nicky, Tony, and Katie enter a contest to make a video about Bayside, but Eric uses them to make a music video. They lose their chance to win the contest, and Eric makes a video to apologize; Liz is left to do her and Eric's science project all by herself while he is making the music video; Mr. Belding sprains his ankle and must then use a wheelchair.
The Captain and Maria October 9, 1999 134 The gang enters the police/fire cadet training academy, where Maria hopes she can spend time with her dad who is the Captain there. She throws a party in her room just to get his attention. Rather than giving an acceptance speech for a coveted award, Maria's dad takes her outside and they reconcile; Nicky, Tony, and Eric end up stuck in kitchen duty; Mr. Belding and Screech become handcuffed together as part of a magic act.
Liz Burns Eric October 16, 1999 135 Liz changes the scores on the test of a boy she likes, giving him a spot on the Honor Corps instead of Eric. When Eric finds out that Liz changed the scores, she turns herself in. She is stripped of her leadership duties and dumped by her love interest, and Eric is rightfully placed in the Honor Corps; Tony tries to prematurely discover what Maria got him for his birthday; Screech befriends a dog who is in K-9 unit training.
The X-Friends Files October 23, 1999 136 Katie and Maria are planning a party together, but Katie reads Maria's journal and finds a scournful entry about her. After not speaking to one another for a couple of days, Maria reveals that she made that entry when Katie chose to go to a concert with Liz instead of her; Mr. Belding and Screech enter a wrestling match to promote their store.
Don't Follow the Leader October 30, 1999 137 Eric, Nicky, and Katie are encouraged by their commanding officer to cheat in order to win a cadet competition. He pressures them to take advantage of Tony's injured ankle. They finally seek the help of Captain Lopez, who catches the commanding officer as he is continuing to pressure Eric, Nicky, and Katie to injure Tony; Liz becomes addicted to candy; Mr. Belding and Screech enter a chili cook-off.
A Mall Shook Up November 6, 1999 138 An earthquake strikes while the gang is in the mall. Nicky saves a child from the movie theater before a support beam collapses, but wants none of the accolades. Katie introduces Nicky to a firefighter who tells Nicky that he was also afraid when he rescued people out of a collapsed elevator. Nicky accepts an award for his heroics; Maria accidentally teaches a Macau to insult her boss; Screech wonders if he should tell Mr. Belding he spilled soup onto a jukebox in the shop, damaging it just before the earthquake.
Party Animals November 13, 1999 139 The gang decides to have a drinking party at the beach after semester finals. It is Liz's first time drinking, and Katie is forced into drinking by Nicky. In a drunken stupor, Katie insults Liz and kisses another guy just as cops arrive at the scene. Tony injures his arm running from the police. Maria spends the night in jail. Eric is arrested but bailed out by his parents. Liz was not arrested because she was puking in a bush. Nicky realizes that Katie's actions are his fault because he pressured her, and he and Katie decide not to drink anymore; Eric puts down Tony and Maria because he did better on the History final; Screech and Mr. Belding believe that students from Valley are trying to vandalize the school.
The Last Prom November 20, 1999 140 Maria begins to have second thoughts about continuing her relationship with Tony when she is at UCLA and he is at SDSU. She wants to break up with him but he buys her an expensive bracelet. While talking to Eric about her problems at the prom, the two kiss as Tony walks in. This forces Maria to tell Tony that she no longer wants to be together; Liz's prom date gets injured on the day of the prom; Nicky and Katie become overly stressed about the preparations for the prom; Screech accidentally gives Mr. Belding an overdose of allergy medicine.
Mr. B Goes to College November 27, 1999 141 Mr. Belding's old college fraternity brother, who is now the President of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, stops by to visit Bayside while he is in town recruiting for an open position for the Dean of Students. After hearing about Mr. Belding's relationship with the students, he offers him the job instead. The gang wonders whether they should push Mr. Belding to take the position or stay at Bayside. Mr. Belding says he will reveal his decision next week at graduation.
The Bell Tolls December 4, 1999 142 Mr. Belding has chosen to accept the new job in Tennessee, and Screech is in denial. He eventually musters up the courage to present Mr. Belding with an oil painting at graduation which will be hung at Bayside. Tony and Eric ruin the graduation gowns in the school washing machine. Liz announces that she is going to Stanford. Eric announces that he is going to the School of the Arts in Chicago. Katie must withdraw from Columbia because they do not offer her a full scholarship. Nicky contemplates remaining in California with Katie but she convinces him to go to NYU, although they have no idea if their relationship will last. The Bayside school song is once again sung at the end of graduation, led by Eric.
A Repair to Remember January 8, 2000 143 Maria is tricked by a repairman who performs unnecessary repairs on her car in order to get more money out of her. Liz disguises herself to trick the repairmen into running the same scam while a reporter is secretly taping; The gang needs a chaperone for their field trip to Lake Tahoe; Screech goes on strike after being denied a raise.