The wahhabi mission and Saudi Arabia

D Commins - 2005 -
D Commins
What is the Wahhabi mission? 1 To answer that question is to risk taking a position on a
controversy that has divided Muslims for more than two centuries. A neutral observer could
define the Wahhabi mission as the religious reform movement associated with the teachings
of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (1703–1792). He and his followers believe that they have
a religious obligation to spread the call (in Arabic, da'wa) for a restoration of pure
monotheistic worship. Thus, the mission's devotees contend that 'Wahhabism'is a misnomer�…
What is the Wahhabi mission? 1 To answer that question is to risk taking a position on a controversy that has divided Muslims for more than two centuries. A neutral observer could define the Wahhabi mission as the religious reform movement associated with the teachings of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (1703–1792). He and his followers believe that they have a religious obligation to spread the call (in Arabic, da’wa) for a restoration of pure monotheistic worship. Thus, the mission’s devotees contend that ‘Wahhabism’is a misnomer for their efforts to revive correct Islamic belief and practice. Instead of the Wahhabi label, they prefer either salafi, one who follows the ways of the first Muslim ancestors (salaf), or muwahhid, one who professes God’s unity. On the other hand, a Muslim critic would say that Wahhabism is a deviant sectarian movement started by an ambitious, misguided religious leader from a remote part of Arabia that has spawned heretical movements since early Islam. Muslims sharply disagree on this question of definition because the pivotal idea in Ibn Abd al-Wahhab’s teaching determines whether one is a Muslim or an infidel. In his opinion, Muslims who disagreed with his definition of monotheism were not heretics, that is to say, misguided Muslims, but outside the pale of Islam altogether. Therefore, Wahhabi