Sunni kalām and theological controversies

J Pavlin�- History of Islamic philosophy, 2013 -
J Pavlin
History of Islamic philosophy,
The issue of kaldm is extensive and encompasses many subject matters. Accordingly, the
orthodox reaction to kaldm is complex and varied. In order to focus on the heart of the
orthodox reaction, its methodology and goals, we need to focus on some of the major
theological controversies in Islam. In general, these revolve around the nature of God and
His Attributes. This topic includes concepts such as God's Speech, which relates to the belief
in the uncreatedness of the Qur'an, and God's Will, which relates to the belief in the�…
The issue of kaldm is extensive and encompasses many subject matters. Accordingly, the orthodox reaction to kaldm is complex and varied. In order to focus on the heart of the orthodox reaction, its methodology and goals, we need to focus on some of the major theological controversies in Islam. In general, these revolve around the nature of God and His Attributes. This topic includes concepts such as God's Speech, which relates to the belief in the uncreatedness of the Qur'an, and God's Will, which relates to the belief in the createdness of the world. An intricate part of these controversies is the methodology used to explain the nature of God. The mutakallimun believe that the verses of the Qur'an related to God's Attributes need to be interpreted through argument based on logical proofs. This view takes the form of upholding the denial of a reality for the Attributes, as in the case of the Mu'tazilah, or of defending a restricted meaning of them, as in the case of the Ash'ariyyah. The traditionalists, on the other hand, attempt to discredit the use of kaldm and to refute many of the conclusions of the Mu'tazilah and the Ash'ariyyah. In this chapter we shall trace the differing beliefs connected to the Attributes of God in order to understand some of the various issues concerning the opposition to kaldm in certain schools of orthodox Islamic thought.
The orthodox scholars of Islam, starting with the Companions of the Prophet, have maintained a belief in the clarity of the Qur'an based on the seventh verse of the third surah. This verse states that the Qur'an contains clear verses of legislation, which the believers follow, and obscure or allegorical verses, which the believers accept without questioning. The verse further states that only those who have deviation in their hearts and desire controversy attempt to interpret these allegorical verses. When we