In Print – Spring 2024

Nestled among the three thousand or so engraved slabs and columns that make up the city of Xi’an’s sprawling Stele Forest, in the second of the seven galleries devoted to Confucian, calligraphic, poetic, and all other manner of ancient stelae,…

One of the largest cultural shifts in the last hundred years has occurred in the world of American religion. In the early 1970s, just one in twenty adults in the United States told survey administrators that they had no religious…

Eight-thousand souls are deployed in a single carrier strike group. The multitude is spread across the aircraft carrier as well as its satellite submarines and destroyers. Every night afloat, the 1MC, the announcement system, sounds. These speakers — which would…

The Lies of Our Time By Anthony Esolen (Sophia Institute Press, 224 pages, $19) Catholic scholar Anthony Esolen refutes the lie that there is no God and disproves seven other popular falsehoods widely disseminated by today’s progressive ideology in his…

I grew up in the 1960s as an Orthodox Jew in a semi-parochial community in Brooklyn, New York, a neighborhood tucked between Flatbush, Flatlands, and Canarsie. Although very few of our neighbors were Orthodox, the community must have been 95…

On March 13, 2013, I stood among the thousands gathered in Saint Peter’s Square who witnessed the moment when Jorge Bergoglio, the Jesuit cardinal archbishop of Buenos Aires, walked out onto the balcony following his election as the 265th successor…

I just saw a typical protest march in some Arab country on the news. I think it was Jordan, but it could have been Tunisia; I tend to get them all mixed up. I was late to the report, so…

As humanity descends into digital madness, the air crackles with strange prophecies. We’re told “godlike” artificial intelligence will soon arrive. Techno-cultists assure us that artificial intelligence will solve the world’s problems, such as writer’s block and climate change. AI may…

Recently in my humanities class at Thales College, we read selections from Pascal’s Pensées, including that famous and mysterious assertion of his that the heart has its reasons whereof the head knows not. I explained to the students that by…

In June 2022, the Supreme Court decided three blockbuster constitutional cases. The ones you have surely heard about are Dobbs and Bruen, which, respectively, reversed Roe v. Wade and dramatically expanded Second Amendment gun rights. The third was an establishment…

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