
The recent news that the U.S. Air Force may suspend its sixth generation Next-Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) program fighter aircraft system due to “intensifying budget pressures” is concerning at a time when America is facing building challenges from the People’s Republic…

Over the past two years, reports of generative AI (GenAI) abuse have become commonplace. It’s rather less common for these reports to come from Google, whose GenAI Gemini has repeatedly earned notoriety. To its credit, though, the software giant has…

Donald Trump nearly died and one onlooker was killed due to a failure in tactics by the Secret Service. This does not detract from the bravery of the immediate members of the protective detail, but it does point to a…

Summer does not exist without a boat. Those who go to the mountains think they are on summer vacation, but they are actually just extending a very long Christmas vacation. Summer requires sun, sea, beach, and boat. Ideally, you would…

The news is that Goldsmiths College, a subsidiary of the University of London, has cut its Queer Studies Program. The college is facing what is now a common enough crisis, running in the red because enrollments are down, with no…

Paul Kengor and Grace Reilly release new episodes every Saturday. “Fight, Fight, Fight.” That was the iconic shout of President Donald Trump as he rose, fist raised, from the assassination attempt. It’s a moment that still hasn’t quite sunk in,…

HAVANA, CUBA — Three years ago this month, Cuba erupted in its first widespread anti-government protests in decades, as thousands of Cubans took to the streets to express their frustration with the country’s spiraling economy and deepening political dysfunction. In…

It was a remarkable week, destined for the history books on so many levels: The Republican National Convention of 2024. Six months earlier, the Democrats were salivating. They truly had mastered the “science” of political science. Judges in Maine and…

California’s 2014 “Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act,” so named by then-Attorney General Kamala Harris, transformed a number of felonies into misdemeanors, including thefts of property valued at under $950. Sacramento’s city attorney has warned Target that the retail chain could…

I think it was 2019 when I first interacted with Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio). I had just finished my judicial clerkship and begun my career in media. J.D., just a few years older than me, was already a bestselling author…

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