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Mint Mobile Has Revolutionized the Family Wireless Plan may receive financial compensation from affiliate and advertising partnerships on this page and/or when you make a purchase after clicking through partnership links.

AT&T and Verizon seem to think they know an awful lot about your family. We’re going to assume you haven’t had them over for dinner lately, but why else would they think everyone uses their wireless devices the same way? 

The fact is, all families are different, and so are their wireless needs and habits. For every person who seldom, if ever, uses their mobile device for internet access, there’s someone else who’s streaming constantly and bleeding the communal data dry.

Your father-in-law who carries his cellphone just for emergencies isn’t going to need nearly as much data as your Fortnite-obsessed teenager. So why would you sign up for a family plan that doles out the same data and perks across the board?

Mint Mobile knows that tech habits, much like dietary preferences and sleep schedules, aren’t universal within bloodlines. That’s why they offer the Mint Modern Family Plan. Rather than a one-size-fits-all plan that may, in fact, not fit all, it gives individual members the chance to choose from Mint Mobile’s individual phone plans and Frankensteins them together to save you money. Each family member enjoys the liberation of choice as well as premium service built on the nation’s largest 5G network. 

Shop Mint Mobile’s Modern Family Plan

What’s a Family, Anyway?

You tell us. In the case of Mint Mobile, the definition is loose on purpose. It could be a couple looking to save money, a parent with four kids looking to consolidate mobile bills, you and your favorite aunt, or even just you if you have multiple phone lines. 

Where Big Wireless tries to nickel and dime, Mint Mobile offers flexibility. You can choose up to five lines and decide on different amounts of data for each one depending on needs and preferences. There are no data overage fees and you buy service for up to three months at a time to save.

Enjoy the Full Menu

You wouldn’t take your whole family out to eat and order the same for each person around the table. That is unless you want to waste a lot of food, time, and money. Mint Mobile applies the same principle to wireless coverage. 

Each member of the Mint Modern Family Plan chooses the Mint Mobile individual wireless plan they want, from the 5-gigabyte-per-month one that costs just $15 per month up to the Unlimited plan. All of Mint Mobile’s plans come with unlimited text & talk, and nationwide coverage via the largest 5G network in the U.S. 

Shop Mint Mobile’s Modern Family Plan

Come As You Are

It’s amazing how easy it is to get locked into an overpriced family plan, especially if you’re in one of those installment payment plans for your device. One of the best parts about Mint Mobile’s individual plans — the lack of commitments and hidden fees — carries over to the Mint Modern Family Plan. 

Any member of the plan can leave at any time, with no effect on the cost of the plan for the other members. And you can loop active Mint members underneath your umbrella at any time. Everyone making the switch to Mint Mobile also gets to keep their own device and phone number if they so choose, but new devices are available at lucrative prices as well. It also doesn’t matter if you joined Mint Mobile as part of a bundle deal with a new device — any current Mint member can join a family plan, and if they aren’t yet members, signing up is quick and easy.

Family Plan Aside, Why Switch to Mint?

So many reasons! Mint Mobile is the first online-only mobile provider, which means the high costs of maintaining a large retail staff and brick-and-mortar physical locations do not get passed down to you. And even with costs as low as Mint Mobile’s, you get great perks like a free mobile hotspot, free calling to Canada and Mexico, free 5G, unlimited talk and text across all of Mint Mobile’s plans, and no commitments or hidden fees. 

Mint Mobile is the ideal provider for anyone looking to save money on their wireless bill and have the flexibility that comes with a prepaid provider. It’s built on the T-Mobile network, which is the nation’s largest 5G network, so you’re not sacrificing anything in the way of quality or coverage. Mint Mobile also offers a 7-day risk-free trial and a 7-day money-back guarantee. Try it out now — choosing your plan is quick and easy, and there are live chat agents online Monday to Sunday from 8 am to 6 pm Eastern to help you along the way. 

Shop Mint Mobile’s Modern Family Plan

Mike Fazioli


Mike Fazioli is an experienced e-commerce editor and writer and a long-time contributor to SPY. In addition to writing about the latest deals and covering weekend news in the e-commerce world, Mike…
