A podcast and community for autistic adults, by autistic adults.


“Each episode brings a new revelation. I relate so much to your discussions… it’s amazing to find something that speaks so directly to where I’m at.”

{Squarepeg listener, via email}

“Your podcast is like hearing myself in ten different accents. I LOVE it. This has helped me more than talking to doctors or autism counsellors.”

{Fern Brady, Comedian}

“This podcast has made me both laugh and cry with recognition and validation and I couldn’t be more grateful for it.”

{QuietAnne, Review on Apple Podcasts}

Enjoying the Squarepeg podcast?
Support the podcast on Patreon
(and get your invitation to our community group!)

A podcast for autistic adults by autistic adults.


“Each episode brings a new revelation. I relate so much to your discussions… it’s amazing to find something that speaks so directly to where I’m at.”

{Squarepeg listener, via email}

“Your podcast is like hearing myself in ten different accents. I LOVE it. This has helped me more than talking to doctors or autism counsellors.”

{Fern Brady, Comedian}

“This podcast has made me both laugh and cry with recognition and validation and I couldn’t be more grateful for it.”

{QuietAnne, Review on Apple Podcasts}

Enjoying the Squarepeg podcast?
Support the podcast on Patreon
(and get your invitation to our community group!)

We promise to keep your information safe. You can unsubscribe at any time. 

You’ve discovered you’re autistic. Now what?

Getting an autism diagnosis as an adult (especially if you’re in a marginalised group) can be a challenge.

And in my experience, once you do get that diagnosis (or you self-identify/self-diagnose – as many people do when they’re not able to access an ‘official’ diagnosis), it can feel like a huge anti-climax.

You feel like a question that’s been bugging you your whole life has finally been answered…

… but now what? 

You’re given a diagnosis and sent on your way. And no one seems as interested in your moments of revelation as you are. You have possibly decades of masking to unpick, but there’s no real support offered. Nothing quite seems like a good fit.

My vision is to amplify the voices of autistic women* nonbinary and autigender people and create a sense of community.

This is why I created SquarePeg – starting with the SquarePeg podcast, which launched in October 2020, the Patreon (that now includes our community chat group – new for 2024) and the THRIVE program, which began as a series of workshops in March 2022 and is now a 12-week self-study, group and 1:1 program.

It’s my goal to build a resource to help other autistic adults like you find a sense of community, navigate diagnosis, discover your true self again afterwards, and imagine and create a life which fits around being autistic, rather than being at odds with it.

Lives in which we can be our true selves, without feeling we have to fit ourselves into boxes shaped by society’s expectations.

*Trans women are women

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