In the media

Emergent Liberation Collective podcast

In this collaboration with Aisha Edwards of the Emergent Liberation Collective podcast we talk about the grief and validation of a late autism diagnosis, masking and unmasking, attracting our neurokin and the impact of intergenerational autism.

This was recorded as a dual release – this recording mirrors Episode 80 of Squarepeg, with an introduction and editing by Aisha Edwards.

{August 2022}

Neurodivergence & Mental Health podcast

I chatted with Sally Nilsson on the Neurodivergence and Mental Health Podcast.

Sally’s guests share their life stories, what it’s like to be neurodivergent, and how their mental health has been impacted by being wired differently.

{November 2021}

The Collective Wisdom podcast

I chatted with Cat Preston on Collective Wisdom, the podcast that explores how to be a wiser version of yourself and helps you tap into your own inner wisdom and find the answers within you for how to live your best life.

{April 2021}

The Cardiffian
(MA journalism student newspaper)

The Cardiffian - Cardiff podcast Squarepeg autism

I was interviewed by Lauren Haughey for The Cardiffian, a news website produced by trainee journalists studying for their News Journalism MA at Cardiff University’s School of Journalism, Media and Culture.

{February 2022}

Ask Autistic Advocates blog

I was interviewed for We Work With Autism’s ‘Ask Autistic Advocates’ blog, an interview series that celebrates autism and how it enhances our lives.

{January 2021}

I’m keen to talk to more people about being an autistic adult, and help shine a light on the autistic community and what matters to us. Sharing our stories is so important in promoting acceptance – both self acceptance, and acceptance and support in the wider world.

If you’d like to interview me for your podcast or blog, or have me write a guest post, you can get in touch here:

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