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Your 2024 Horoscope Predicts Major Breakthroughs For Every Zodiac Sign This Year

The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction will spark new beginnings.
StyleCaster | Your 2024 Horoscope for Every Zodiac Sign
Image: Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

If you’re ready for 2023 to finally come to an end, I don’t blame you. This year was full of trials and tribulations, allowing you to clear away baggage that no longer serves you. Now, your 2024 horoscope for each zodiac sign is here to paint a brighter picture for how you can replace all that you’ve sacrificed in order to get to where you are today. There’s plenty of room to create something infinitely better.

2024 is marked by abundance, power, success, but also hard work. After all, 2+0+2+4 adds up to an 8, and in numerology, the number 8 is considered the most transformative number of them all. This year, you have the potential to manifest something you’ve always wanted, but that doesn’t mean it won’t require plenty of discipline in order to bring your vision into fruition. Luckily, you have the promise of passion, motivation, and inspiration on your side, as Mercury will retrograde through fire signs this year and increase your desire to win, forcing you to push even harder on that gas pedal.

With Mercury stationing direct on January 1 at 10:07 p.m. ET, the cosmos are making it clear—2024 is a year that starts off strong and brings tons of forward momentum. This is a stark contrast to 2023, which was an introspective year filled with learning from mistakes and letting go of the past. With red-hot Mars entering Capricorn—its zodiac sign of exaltation—on January 4, you’re starting off the year with your head held high and your intuition sharpened to a scorching degree.

This year represents a major turning point for the collective and the reasons behind this are endless. However, the biggest one is Pluto—planet of generational growth and rebirth—entering Aquarius on January 20. You had a taste of Pluto in Aquarius last year, as it began in March 2023, but this cold and distant planet retrograded back into Capricorn on June 11, where it spent the remainder of the year tying off loose ends in a chapter of our history that still has unfinished business. Pluto will remain in Aquarius until it retrogrades back into Capricorn again on September 1. During this 9-month-long period, Pluto will be encouraging us to fight for Aquarian themes such as humanitarianism, social justice, and community endeavors. Pluto may be dipping in and out of Aquarius, but this slow-moving outer planet is gearing all of us up for a major shift, rearranging the social hierarchies that structure our society. Make no mistake—revolutions are underway. And once it re-enters Aquarius for good as of November 19, power will be gradually taken away from our authoritarian overlords, only to be slowly—but surely—returned to the people.

Pluto re-enters Aquarius on January 20 and on November 19.

The North Node of Destiny continues its tour through passionate, motivated, and highly independent Aries, driving you to fight for your dreams, leave behind unfulfilling partnerships, and stand up for yourself. With the South Node of Karma continuing to shed away the past in Libra, this year is about letting go of the instinct to compromise your values for the sake of keeping the peace. No more Mr. Nice Guy!

When the North Node joins forces with Chiron in Aries on February 19, it will hasten the healing process, helping you come to terms with all the changes that have unfolded and continue to unfold. Not only are you demanding more of what you deserve, but you’re healing the wounds of your childhood by being the leader and protector you’ve always needed. Stop expecting something from the guardians that let you down and start becoming your own guardian. With a full moon lunar eclipse in Libra taking place on March 25 and a total solar eclipse in Aries landing on April 8, the beginning of spring not only brings fresh flowers, but also new beginnings in love, life, career, and money.

On April 20, something beautiful and brimming with prosperity will begin to unfold. This is when Jupiter—planet of faith and expansion—will join forces with Uranus—planet of sudden changes and innovation—at exactly 21 degrees of Taurus. This alignment will skyrocket you toward the future, prompting you to say “yes” to surprise opportunities that could potentially take you all the way to the top. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is the most pivotal moment of 2024, bringing unexpected and exciting developments like financial windfalls, career promotions, and new relationships that take shape over the course of the next 14 years. In 2024, you’re stepping into a pair of shoes you were born to fill. Blessings are on their way. Claim them with all your heart.

Jupiter enters Gemini on May 25 at 7:15 p.m. ET.

Jupiter spreads its wings into Gemini on May 25, which will sharpen your social skills, expand your mind, cultivate new friendships, and bring game-changing ideas. For the rest of the year, Jupiter will radiate positive reinforcement that is tinged with the inquisitive aura of this mutable air sign, making it a beautiful time to read more books, engage in stimulating conversations, and above all, speak your mind without fear or hesitation. 2024 is all about loosening up your convictions and letting go of limiting mindsets, because Gemini is nothing if not curious, open-minded, and eager to learn. Forming a trine with transformative Pluto in Aquarius on June 2, this era will drive you to ask deeper questions that lead to even more useful answers. However, as it squares off with restrictive Saturn in Pisces on August 19, you may be forced to be more realistic about what you’re capable of accomplishing.

The end of summer brings the first eclipse on the Virgo-Pisces axis, as the North Node will be gearing up for its foray into Pisces at the beginning of 2025. Taking place on September 17, a lunar eclipse will rise at 25 degrees Pisces, bringing abrupt new beginnings as well as harsh and unexpected endings for every zodiac sign. This eclipse will be the start of a brand new chapter of your life, so pay attention to what happens in the first few pages of this exciting new story you’re beginning to write. However, you’re still finishing up the journey you began on the Aries-Libra axis, as a solar eclipse takes place at 10 degrees Libra on October 2, encouraging you to further let go of relationships that no longer connect with your needs and embrace opportunities that are more aligned with your ultimate destiny.

Mars stations retrograde at 6 degrees of Leo on December 6 at 6:33 p.m. ET.

2024 is marked by fast-paced momentum, but the end of the year encourages you to slow down. On December 6, the cosmos will slam on the breaks as Mars stations retrograde at 6 degrees of Leo, forcing you to deal with lingering and unresolved conflicts. It will also allow you to reckon with the aspects of your pride and ego that continue to hold you back. This retrograde wants you to accept your shortcomings and form a healthier relationship with your desire to be in—or out—of the spotlight. As Jupiter in Gemini squares off with inhibiting Saturn in Pisces once again on December 24, it will lay down the law, exposing some of the lies or falsities you may have spread throughout the year. Mark my words—saying what you don’t mean during 2024 will eventually catch up with you later. If you haven’t done the necessary work to support your claims, it could come back to haunt you by the end of 2024.

Your 2024 Yearly Horoscope for Each Zodiac Sign

Here’s what you can expect from the year of 2024, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):
