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Gemini—Your December Horoscope Says Mercury Retrograde Is Exposing Your Desires

If it's so bad, why does it feel so good?
StyleCaster | Gemini 2023 Horoscope
Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

Love and partnerships are a big theme for you this month, so your Gemini horoscope for December 2023 might have you feeling ready to lock down a cuffing season fling. But beware, because Mercury retrograde is coming in hot, and it brings potential for miscommunications and mixed feelings. Right now, it’s especially important for Mercurial signs like you to take things slow!

Mercury—your communicative cosmic ruler—immediately dives into your complicated eighth house as the month begins, so the first week of December is an ideal time to make good on any unkept promises and pay off lingering debts. When Mercury connects with expansive Jupiter soon after, financial entanglements may surface, or joint business opportunities could arise—but don’t sign onto anything too binding. This planetary connection will repeat two more times over the course of Mercury’s retrograde cycle, so trust that there are details that have yet to emerge.

An exciting new moon in Sagittarius rises in your partnerships sector on December 12, so set an end-of-year intention related to love and romance. Just remember that Mercury retrograde officially begins later that night, so some unspoken desires or deep secrets could very well come bubbling to the surface over the coming weeks. Take things slow and don’t commit to anything you don’t think you’ll want to stick with for the long haul.

StyleCaster | Weekly Love Horoscope For Every Zodiac Sign
Image: Unsplash; Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster Image: Unsplash; Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

The winter solstice hits on December 21, and this darker time of year tends to be more introspective for you, Gemini. Allow yourself to explore what lies beneath the surface of your feelings. This fresh season also gives way to a powerful Mercury cazimi in down-to-business Capricorn on December 22. Relationship dynamics might feel messy, but this alignment brings a moment of clarity that can help you figure out how to untangle things in a grounded way.

A few days later, the full moon in Cancer on December 26 brings money matters to light. Go ahead and treat yourself by splurging on a post-holiday sale, so long as you save your receipt and get clear on the return policy—you know, Mercury retrograde stuff. Heart-eyed Venus hits your partnerships sector on December 29, sprinkling some sweetness and romance into your love life and smoothing over any retrograde-fueled miscommunications. You may very well be getting that New Year’s kiss!
