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Pisces, Your 2024 Horoscope Says You’re Healing Your Relationship With Money

And learning how to make more.
"Pisces" laid over a starry sky
Design: Sasha Purdy/StyleCaster

If you’ve been struggling to feel worthy or proud, then you have every reason to look forward to your Pisces 2024 horoscope. Not only are you rebuilding your self-esteem this year, but you’re also learning that you’re not only more than enough, but you’re also infinite.

You’ve been diving deep into your own psyche throughout 2023, but you’ve barely even scratched the surface of what your intuition is capable of knowing. Now that Pluto is re-entering Aquarius from January 20 to September 1—and again on November 19—you’re becoming fully entrenched in a process of reflection, introspection, meditation, forgiveness, and psychic activation. For the next 20 years, the Pluto in Aquarius transit will activate and transform your 12th house of spirituality and subliminal energies, paving the way for you to become more powerful than ever before. You’re sense of inner knowing is bound to get stronger and stronger as time goes on, but in 2024, you may have eye-opening epiphanies that let you know you’re on the right track.

If you’ve been struggling to get your finances in order, the tides will turn in your favor this year. On February 19, the North Node of Destiny will join forces with healing Chiron in your second house of money and self-esteem, which could send a life-saving deposit straight to your bank account or bring you the funds you need if you’ve been living check to check. However, it could also help you appreciate what you’ve always had, especially if it has never felt like it’s been enough. When a lunar eclipse lands in your eighth house of investments and energetic exchanges on March 25, a transformation could unfold, especially when it comes to your emotional and financial unions. Is it time for your sacrifices to finally pay off? A total solar eclipse in Aries on April 8 is soon to follow, laying down the groundwork for a new beginning in your money sector.

StyleCaster | Weekly Horoscope For Every Zodiac Signs
Image: Getty; Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster Image: Getty; Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

You have the power to pioneer a world-altering idea this year, so don’t discount your intelligence. As Jupiter forms a conjunction with Uranus in your third house of communication on April 20, you’re tapping into a wealth of knowledge and information that will allow you to accomplish something truly game-changing. Prepare to become a scholar within your own field (or to simply realize that you’re so much smarter than you ever knew you were). Jupiter later slides into Gemini on May 25, where it will remain for the rest of the year, you’ll discover a whole new meaning of the word “home”. As Jupiter sends luck and nurturing your fourth house of home and family, your roots will grow stronger and your heart will grow even bigger as you reconnect with close kin and design the sacred space you’ve always needed.

An earth-shattering change could arrive during fall. When a lunar eclipse in Pisces shakes things up in your first house of the self on September 17, you may suddenly feel the need to prioritize your own independence and sense of self above all things. This could lead to shifts in your relationships, especially if you’ve been compromising your own needs for the sake of keeping the peace. Make no mistake—you’re in charge of your own world. By the time a solar eclipse in Libra kicks into gear on November 25, you may find yourself placing your trust in something (or someone). Taking place in your eighth house of intimacy and shared resources, this eclipse will further inspire you to put your money—or your heart—into something that has potential for longterm growth.

However, your productivity could experience a few speed bumps as the year comes to an end. When Mars stations retrograde in your sixth house of work, health, and service as of December 6, you may struggle to keep up with your routine and take care of yourself the way you deserve. Remember—you are not a machine and you are not made to work with the click of a button. Let the end of 2024 come with a good amount of rest, because you’ll need to recharge.
