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Who then has legal standing to sue?

Podcast may be a bit late tonight, having some technical issues.
We'll have EMJ on in about 10-15 min.
The article failed to mention the Jewish angle. The prosecutor Barry Krishner was given an award by the ADL.

Kiss your country good-bye, Canadians.

After escaping impeachment, lawfare, and assassination, Trump has shown that he is the man appointed by providence to preside over the demise of the American Empire. He is the Weltgeist in a golf cart. This does not mean that he is a saint, anymore than other providential men like Napoleon and Alexander the Great were saints. It means that he has been assigned a role in human history, which he can screw up because God has granted him free will. He can only fulfill God's plan for America if he addresses the fundamental political issue of our age, which is Jewish control of our Congress, as Rep. Massie pointed out in his interview with Tucker Carlson. God is presenting him with an opportunity to address this issue within a matter of days when Binyamin Netanyahu shows up to address our congress once again. House Speaker Johnson, the same man who said Hamas roasted babies in ovens, has promised to break the previous record of 25 standing ovations, in an ever more degrading spectacle than what Congress did the last time around. Netanyahu betrayed Trump by recognizing Biden as president when that crooked stolen election hung in the balance. It is now time for Trump to even the score and declare America's independence from the Israeli lobby. Trump needs to show the world that when they tried to kill him they fucked with the wrong nigga.
The big question is whether the Secret Service acted alone.
Just when you thought Logos was rising at Crisis Magazine, Eric Sammons gets it wrong again:

"Like many ethnic groups, Jews are disproportionately represented in certain industries. One example of this is the widely-recognized outsized influence of Jews in Hollywood. Because of this influence, some people posit that there is a Jewish plot to undermine our culture through that industry. That conclusion doesn’t follow from the evidence. All that can be said is that some Jews are involved in promoting degeneracy, not 'the Jews."' https://crisismagazine.com/editors-desk/antisemite-a-now-meaningless-term-that-should-mean-something

Is St. Paul wrong when he said that "the Jews" are the people who killed Christ and are enemies of the entire human race?

"The Jews" believe that abortion is a fundamental Jewish value.

Eric needs to learn that "the Jews" does not mean "all Jews" but as St. John and St. Paul use the term, "the Jews" refers to the political entity that killed Christ then and is for the killing of the unborn now.

By the way, it was the Catholic bishops who understood that there was "a Jewish plot to undermine our culture through that industry" i.e. Hollywood. That is why the Catholic bishops created the Hollywood production code and the Legion of Decency to enforce it. This is also why Joe Breen referred to the Jews who ran Hollywood as "the scum of the earth."

Once again, Crisis is a day late and a dollar short. It can't seem to break with its neocon past. Learn a little Catholic history before you write your next article, Eric.
"Vance has become one of the leading political avatars of an emergent populist-intellectual persuasion that tacks right on culture and left on economics." https://wapo.st/3LmVWqP

Sounds good to me. Now he needs to name the Sackler family as the cause of the Opioid crisis, and then link their ethnic group with the leveraged buyouts and outsourcing that destroyed the domestic steel industry in places like Steubenville and Pittsburgh, and then he needs to share the news with Donald Trump, so that he can identify the enemy.
God has saved Donald Trump's life so that he can address the fundamental political problem of our age, which is Jewish control of our congress and culture. God's anointing does not abrogate free will.

Trump can fail to accomplish this mission. The train of history can leave the station without him. The same is true of J.D. Vance, who showed an openness to God's will when he became a Catholic. It's now time to think and act like a Catholic and get rid of obsolete categories of the mind like Zionism.