Europa The Last Battle Activism
13.7K subscribers
685 photos
454 videos
183 files
487 links Official Website Channel.

Make your own Blu-Ray Europa The Last Battle Copies and other legal activism materials.

We are not the creator of Europa The Last Battle.
Tobias B is the creator of the documentary.
Download Telegram
Here is the spaces I spoke in today with IanMalcolm84 on Twitter along with Simon Krimms and Zwood. I spoke about our fantastic Team Europa project and what we are trying to achieve. The talk expanded into many different great subjects. 1475 people listened in.

Thank you all for joining. Here is the recording.

Be sure to follow IanMalcom84, Zwood and Simon Krimms on twitter for great content.
Every type of group/person in the movement is naturally getting better at something specific.

Active Clubs have a system that works.
Activist Groups have a system that works.
Europa Activism works.
White Lives Matter works.
Twitter Activism works.
Tik Tok works.
Book Waffen Works.

Telegram = Conquered
GAB = Conquered

Everything we do builds upon each other...  Now let's win over the rest of our people and get them active.
Our Team has a VERY important task to complete so we can share clips all over the internet.

We need help. Can you all find your favorite 2 to 5 or up to 7 minute clips of Europa The Last Battle and post them here?
We will take all submissions of clips and add our website link at the end of the videos so we can share these everywhere. This has been one of the most requested things we do on twitter.

Try to post them in as high quality as you can so send them as uncompressed files in the comments if you can.

Thanks Team!
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“QAnon” May Have Been an FBI Psyop

A recent Reuters investigation may indicate that “QAnon” was in fact an FBI cyber psyop.

Given the recent revelations by British investigator David J. Blake—who for the first time was able to show, at the technical level, that the “Russian hacking” operation was likely a cyber psyop run by the FBI and FBI cyber security contractor CrowdStrike—the Reuters report may in fact indicate that “QAnon” was neither a hoax nor “Russian," but another FBI psychological cyber operation.

If the “QAnon” persona—similar to the Guccifer2.0 “Russian hacker” persona played by an FBI cyber security contractor—was indeed an FBI psychological operation, its goal may have been to take control of, discredit and ultimately derail the supporter base of US President Trump. In this case, the “QAnon” movement may have been a modern version of the original FBI COINTELPRO program. @G3News SOURCE
Europa The Last Battle Activism
“QAnon” May Have Been an FBI Psyop A recent Reuters investigation may indicate that “QAnon” was in fact an FBI cyber psyop. Given the recent revelations by British investigator David J. Blake—who for the first time was able to show, at the technical level…
Completely agree and this is why we made Episode 11 of Europa as an addition to Tobias B's work.  This article doesn't mention everything from an NS perspective either.

Q lied about Hitler multiple times... it's goal was also designed to keep people focused on the show without anyone seeing the real jewish factor behind everything (people were waking up to hitler and then one day Q appeared).

The goal probably was to ultimately make people demoralized and give up on ever doing research again knowing they've been conned.

It was a double edged sword however... everyone started waking up anyway... thank God because of Ghost Ezra (a channel that used to have 320k subscribers) because he woke up... that was the straw that broke the camels back...

Other Q tard influencers like praying medic and x22 (probably a jew) and many others with 220k subs tried to denounce ghost ezra sharing Europa The Last Battle.

All of us as a community had woken up Ghost Ezra and we won him over...

The Qtard psyop channels couldn't keep up and our movement beat them and we conquered telegram... GAB was simultaneously conquered... then now Twitter is being conquered thanks to Impartial Truth and many others.

Influencers have woken up.

Now we must ultimately pick through the weeds and find influencers that are good and not subversive.

We can't let our people be conned into an "Operation Trust" or "Operation trust 3.0" again.

Ghost Ezra was probably the biggest hero of 2021. I hope you all congratulate that person.

It is even possible he may have known the whole time and sabotaged the psyop.