Supergirl Season 4 Episode 12 - Menagerie

Supergirl Review: Menagerie (Season 4 Episode 12)

Reviews, Supergirl

There are a number significant developments on Supergirl Season 4 Episode 12, “Menagerie,” but perhaps most exciting is Nia Nal finally putting on a mask and taking on the mantle of Dreamer.

“Menagerie” is a solid episode in its own right and the villain of the week (who it turns out will be around for longer than a week) is by far one of the best of the season. But, it also feels like a transition episode setting up a number of important plot points and reminding us of storylines we might have forgotten that are about to become important.

A lot happened on “Menagerie” but there are two things in particular that make me a bit nervous for the rest of the season; the return of Ben Lockwood and whatever is going on with Lena Luthor. 

Supergirl Season 4 Episode 12 - Menagerie
Supergirl — “Menagerie” — Pictured: Melissa Benoist as Kara/Supergirl — Photo: Diyah Pera/The CW — © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

The first half of season 4 centered on Ben Lockwood way too much and pushed so many more interesting stories and characters to the sidelines. By the time Supergirl went on its winter hiatus, the season just felt boring and cliched despite the fact that almost everything that didn’t have to do with Agent Liberty was actually really good.

None of the other stories were given the space to breathe and develop in a way that felt satisfying because so much time was focused on Lockwood’s perspective. 

It was obvious when they arrested Lockwood at the end of Supergirl Season 4 Episode 8, “Bunker Hill” that he would be back. Still, after two stellar episodes without him, Supergirl Season 4 Episode 10, ‘Suspicious Minds” and Supergirl Season 4 Episode 11, “Blood Memory,” I was hoping we were going to have a bit of a longer break.

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There’s nothing specifically wrong with Lockwood or the Children of Liberty’s role on this episode. In fact, if moving forward the focus is on Kara finally confronting what they represent in a meaningful way it could be the compelling story it had the potential to be from the beginning but for now, it’s a bit of a drag that Agent Liberty is already back as a main focus.

Supergirl Season 4 Episode 12 - Menagerie
Supergirl — “Menagerie”  — Pictured (L-R): Melissa Benoist as Kara/Supergirl and Nicole Maines as Nia Nal — Photo: Kailey Schwerman/The CW — © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

And then there’s Lena Luther. Lena is one of the best characters on Supergirl and Katie McGrath brings unexpected warmth and vulnerability to a character that could have easily been a one-note cliche.

But I have absolutely no idea what was happening with her on “Menagerie.” Nothing she did was in character and her change in mood and demeanor seemed to come out of nowhere. My hope is that the oddness of this shift is the point and that what seems like a turn towards Lena becoming a villain, is just a red herring.

I love that Lena lives in morally gray areas while still working so hard to be a good person. She presents an interesting contrast to Kara’s more narrow view of morality that can at times be too black and white.

What I don’t want is a gender-swapped version of the Lex Luthor/Superman friends to enemies story. We’ve seen that before. There are much more interesting and creative things to do with a character like Lena than rehash a story we all already know.

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Supergirl Season 4 Episode 12 - Menagerie
Supergirl — “Menagerie” — Pictured (L-R): Chyler Leigh as Alex Danvers, David Harewood as Hank Henshaw/JÕonn JÕonzz, Jesse Rath as Brainiac-5, Melissa Benoist as Kara/Supergirl and Jessica Meraz as Pamela Ferrar/Menagerie — Photo: Kailey Schwerman/The CW — © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

As nervous as I am about where they’re going with Lena, I am actually more hopeful about this storyline than I am about the reappearance of Agent Liberty. Something is clearly bothering Lena throughout the episode and her behavior is so obviously off that it there’s no way it’s as simple as Lena turning evil.

The much more likely answer is whatever had Lena constantly looking at her phone (I’m guessing something related to her brother Lex who we know will be making an appearance soon) rattled her and she is pushing people away and putting up walls.

My hope is that this turns out to be a story about Lena persevering and overcoming her doubts and insecurities rather than giving into them.

One of the things I was happy to see in “Menagerie” with no caveats or hesitations is the reintroduction of Alex’s love life. Alex was mostly sidelined for the first half of season 4 and it’s been great to see her have more to do since the season returned from hiatus. It’s even better knowing that she’ll finally have a storyline of her own too.

Supergirl Season 4 Episode 12 - Menagerie
Supergirl — “Menagerie” — Pictured: Chyler Leigh as Alex Danvers — Photo: Kailey Schwerman/The CW — © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Ultimately though, “Menagerie” will be remembered as the episode Nia Nal became Dreamer.

Whatever problems season 4 has had, Nia’s story, whether it be her journey to becoming Dreamer; her relationship with Kara; or her budding romance with Brainy, has been just about perfect. Finally seeing Nia as Dreamer is both a satisfying conclusion to Dreamer’s prologue and an exciting start for the Arrowverse’s newest superhero.

Nia has been one of my favorite things about season 4 and whatever trepidation I have about Ben Lockwood or where they’re going with Lena Luthor, right now I am more excited to see where Dreamer’s story takes us.

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Supergirl airs Sundays at 8/7c on The CW.

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Sarah is an obsessive geek who likes to get into the weeds and over think things. She is passionate about Sci-Fi and comics and is a giant classic film nerd. Sarah cares deeply about media representation and the power of telling diverse stories. When she's not writing or watching her favorite shows she spends her days working in the non-profit world trying to make life a little better for those that need some extra help.

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