
9-1-1: Lone Star Review: Everyone and Their Brother (Season 2 Episode 6)

9-1-1: Lone Star, Reviews

While the title of 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 6, “Everyone and Their Brother,” implies there will be lots of family ties throughout the episode, there is only one family moment we care about.

I am, of course, talking about the introduction of Mama and Naomi Strickland — Paul’s family. 

Aside from T.K. we really don’t know a whole lot about the families and backgrounds of our other 126 family members. Sure, we hear Mateo talk about cousins on occasion and we are always on board for some Judd and Grace love, but Marjan and Paul are especially unknown to us. 

This all changes with “Everyone and Their Brother,” when Mama and Naomi show up in town on their trek to the South Pole. It’s obvious from the get-go that Paul loves his mama and they share a very special bond.

9-1-1 Lonestar Season 2 Episode 6, "Everyone and Their Brother"

Unfortunately, that same courtesy has not been afforded to the relationship between Paul and his sister. She clearly has an axe to grind from the way she looks at him and argues with his opinions at every turn.

It’s great to see this type of family story be approached so authentically by 9-1-1: Lone Star. This strained dynamic between Paul and his sister stems from his transition which is always a tough subject to tackle gracefully and respectfully.

However, the show clearly knows what it is doing because the topic is approached from both sides. First Paul gets to speak his truth and then Naomi reveals hers. 

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Neither character is shown to be disrespectful of each other’s experience despite both of them feeling unsupported by the other. It’s a complicated dynamic to convey properly and 9-1-1: Lone Star knocks it out of the park. 

9-1-1 Lonestar Season 2 Episode 6, "Everyone and Their Brother"

Naomi was wrong to use her hurt at her brother to prevent him from finding out she has MS, but she is willing to be better by telling him when she has a flair up. Sure, there is skepticism surrounding whether the revelation would’ve happened had she not had a flair up.

However, the important element to focus on is that she does open up to Paul and that starts them on the road towards healing. We all love a great tearful family reunion and the Stricklands definitely give us that.

Another major family moment is T.K.’s decision to join the 126’s EMT team. It kind of comes out of the left-field. Yet, at the same time, it makes complete sense. 

T.K. wants to make a difference in the lives of others and he already knows the role of a paramedic. So it only seems right that when Tim died his position be filled by someone who is already a part of the team. 

9-1-1 Lonestar Season 2 Episode 6, "Everyone and Their Brother"

While Tommy is screening potential candidates my heart kept hoping someone who is already part of the firehouse will step in and take the position. So when Tommy goes to Owen, I knew whose name was going to be on that list. 

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This move could be a great one for T.K. as he navigates his new life role as big brother. Like he told his father, his life is stressful and he’s trying to be proactive by coping positively.

That is pure character growth for T.K. and we are all so proud. He is finally recognizing that some of his old behaviors were a bad idea. 

Too bad we didn’t get to see a Tarlos moment there at the end where T.K. tells Carlos his plans and his boyfriend supports him. It’s the only thing that could make this major step even better — the cherry on the ice cream sundae if you will.

9-1-1 Lonestar Season 2 Episode 6, "Everyone and Their Brother"

Watching Owen approach him and get a read on his headspace is something else we love to see with the Strands. He knows his son’s past habits and he is subtly checking in to see that he isn’t falling into old patterns by making rash decisions. 

There is a level of love and respect there that not many people pick up on, but it’s the only thing I hear. Owen is so deeply proud of the man his son has become in such a short amount of time. 

It also probably doesn’t hurt that they’d just saved the lives of two brothers in a minefield by relying heavily on the trust they have for each other. 

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Ultimately, this episode sets our little family bonding hearts on fire. We love a good heartwarming episode and “Everyone and Their Brother” is one such episode. 

What did you think of this episode of 9-1-1: Lone Star? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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9-1-1: Lone Star airs Mondays at 9/8c on FOX.

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Mads is a part-time entertainment journalist and full-time marketing content creator. They love any and all TV Dramas with a few sitcoms mixed in. Join in the fun talking about TV by following them on Twitter: @dorothynyc89.

One thought on “9-1-1: Lone Star Review: Everyone and Their Brother (Season 2 Episode 6)

  • Does somebody else feel annoyed by how the sexualised-from-get-go in reticent-Captain Vega is quite dismissive of martyred EMT Tim and the memory of his sacrifice?

    I mean..

    I get it that she never got to knew him, and their only interactions were based on mistrust and “who is the boss” based hostility. But why does she has to be( for the lack of better word) such a stone-cold bitch about it? And this, after she got to realise very soon that she’s just as flawed herself, in spite of being senior — if not more. Forget about the fact that just not knowing him enough was somehow enough to get his sacrifice, sounds like a behavioural-pattern of a self-centred sociopath to me.

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