9-1-1 Season 4 Episode 6, "Jinx"

9-1-1 Review: Jinx (Season 4 Episode 6)

9-1-1, Reviews

For an episode full of emergency calls, not a lot actually happens on 9-1-1 Season 4 Episode 6, “Jinx.”

It’s good that the show decides to lean into the humor of some of these situations because it creates moments that stick with you. Otherwise, this episode has no redeeming qualities to it.

It’s difficult to follow up two very stellar, story-heavy episodes with anything worth remembering. However, “Jinx” doesn’t appear to even try to live up to previous hype. 


Honestly, if I could get back the hour I have wasted watching this episode, I would be thrilled. There is nothing that happens in this episode that adds to any of the characters or their current storylines. 

In short, this filler episode is full of hot air and holes. There is barely any mention of ongoing issues with the characters such as Chim’s baby and Buck’s parents — which is extremely disappointing.

Yes, the man impersonating a firefighter is compelling, but his story leaves us feeling cheated out of something more satisfying. Is there some way that his story could be expanded on to better understand his motives? What about creating a situation where he could return for more later on.

One somewhat thrilling joy ride later and he adds his name to the long list of characters that are introduced on this show and never given their full due.

It’s hard to feel for him because we have no connection to him or even a snippet of information about why he desperately wants to pretend to be a hero.

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9-1-1 Season 4 Episode 6, "Jinx"

Diaz shows that he can relate to this man, but the emotion surrounding it falls short because of the lack of reasoning behind their connection. The burden of care falls on the shoulders of the viewers and that’s a burden that is way heavier than necessary.

Honestly, get rid of some ridiculous calls, drop the whole superstition schtick behind the whole episode (it adds nothing), and give Brian a bit more meat on his character. Then maybe we can talk about this being a better episode. 

This is an issue that has been a consistent problem for me with 9-1-1. The show constantly struggles with writing compelling enough emergencies that we care about the people in the emergencies. 

When it comes to story arcs for the core cast, there are hardly any issues. It’s when it moves toward the periphery that things get dicey and inconsistent. 


Considering this entire episode is filled with periphery characters, that is not a problem you want to have. If there are no core character arcs to back up the lackluster side hustles then the episodes flop worse than a fish out of water. 

Four seasons in, 9-1-1 shouldn’t still be having this problem. The balance should be mellowed out a bit more by now, but since it’s not, there isn’t a likelihood that anything will change. 

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This means it’s going to get harder and harder to take this show seriously because the writing continues to be inconsistent and at times a waste.

If all it makes us care about are the main characters and nothing else then the foundation crumbles with each passing episode to the point where not even the main characters are enough to carry the show anymore.

9-1-1 Season 4 Episode 6, "Jinx"

Apart from the call involving helium gas where everyone sounded hilarious and ultimately made us roll in laughter, the only scene worth remembering is when Bobby goes all mentor father on Diaz.

It’s always nice to see Bobby take on that fatherly role with his teammates and this conversation is no different.

He admits to Diaz that grief is a complicated beast to work past but that moving forward is the only way you survive. I don’t think Diaz would’ve listened if anyone but Bobby had told him to work harder at moving forward instead of living in the past with his dead wife. 

Hopefully, this marks a change for the better in Diaz. If anyone deserves happiness it is him. 

Minor Emergencies:
  • Bobby and Athena continue to be relationship goals. I love them.
  • Perfect use of “Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen.
  • “Are you wearing anything underneath?” “No, why?” “You may regret that later” KILLER DELIVERY OLIVER STARK!
  • Seriously, Oliver Stark killed it with the humorous lines on this episode. “Notice how no one ever says wham bam thank you, sir?” “That doesn’t rhyme.”
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9-1-1 airs Mondays at 8/7c on FOX.

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Where’s the Emergency? ‘9-1-1’ Has a Glaring Issue with Follow-Through

Mads is a part-time entertainment journalist and full-time marketing content creator. They love any and all TV Dramas with a few sitcoms mixed in. Join in the fun talking about TV by following them on Twitter: @dorothynyc89.

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