Cmdr. Rayner stands on the bridge of the U.S.S. Discovery while wearing his red Starfleet uniform on Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Episode 9, "Lagrange Point."

Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Episode 9 Review: Lagrange Point

Reviews, Star Trek: Discovery

Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Episode 9, “Lagrange Point,” finds our crew infiltrating the Breen and Moll’s ship to retrieve the Progenitors’ tech. It’s the series’ penultimate outing and a solid entry at that. Of course, you know you’re in for a good time whenever Jonathan Frakes is at the helm. 

Lagrange Point 

The end of last week’s “Labyrinths” saw Burnham finding the final clue to unlock the location of the Progenitors’ tech. “Lagrange Point” (Here’s an intriguing article if you’re curious about what Lagrange points are.) wastes no time picking up where we left off. Thankfully, the stakes are tangibly higher this time. We feel a sense of urgency in the narrative. 

In fact, “Lagrange Point” is the strongest episode this season, along with “Face the Strange.” It feels more like Star Trek: Discovery in its first and second seasons, where the series seemed more sure of itself. 

Captain Burnham wears her red Starfleet uniform while standing on the U.S.S. Discovery on Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Episode 9, "Lagrange Point."
Sonequa Martin-Green as Burnham in Star Trek: Discovery, episode 9, season 5, “Lagrange Point,” streaming on Paramount+, 2023. Photo Credit: Michael Gibson/Paramount+
The Ensemble 

Part of the reason this outing shines is the return to a more ensemble-centric structure. The team works together, everyone a crucial element to success, as they race against time to seize the Progenitors’ technology from the Breen. Perhaps this is Captain Burnham learning to rely on her team more, as evidenced when she reassures Commander Rayner that she trusts his decision-making. 

Regardless, it’s wonderful to see this ensemble dynamic play out in “Lagrange Point.” It feels in line with the heart of Star Trek as a franchise. 

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Additionally, the episode marks Saru’s long-awaited return. Doug Jones has been sorely missed this season (his chemistry with Tara Rosling’s T’Rina is so sweet). This reviewer would 100 percent watch a spin-off with Saru and his adventures as a Federation ambassador. Despite not interacting with the Discovery crew outside of Burnham, it feels like Saru never left. 

Saru wears blue Starfleet ambassador robes while standing in the Federation headquarters on Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Episode 9, "Lagrange Point."
Doug Jones as Saru in Star Trek: Discovery, episode 9, season 5, “Lagrange Point,” streaming on Paramount+, 2023. Photo Credit: Michael Gibson/Paramount+
Characters and Dynamics 

Admittedly, one of the highlights of this episode is watching Rayner regain his self-confidence as a leader. His sitting in the captain’s chair at the end offers a nice button for the episodic narrative. Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 isn’t perfect, but what little focus we’ve had on Rayner has been enjoyable. 

Plus, Callum Keith Rennie is a gem, and his dynamic with Mary Wiseman is a blast. It makes one wish we had more Rayner/Tilly scenes. Rayner asking Tilly to be his Number One while Burnham’s away drives home how far they’ve come as a pair. 

Sonequa Martin-Green and David Ajala let off steam this week, injecting levity into the narrative with a few lighthearted scenes. Season 5 has allowed Burnham to have some fun, which is a welcome change. Of course, Martin-Green still knows how to tug on the heartstrings—that final moment before Burnham jumps into the structure, into the unknown, is so beautifully acted. 

Moll stands on a Breen dreadnought with Breen soldiers behind her on Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Episode 9, "Lagrange Point."
Eve Harlow as Moll in Star Trek: Discovery, episode 9, season 5, “Lagrange Point,” streaming on Paramount+, 2023. Photo Credit: Michael Gibson/Paramount+
Barreling Toward the End 

“Lagrange Point” certainly sets the stage for what’ll hopefully be an action-packed, high-octane farewell to Star Trek: Discovery. It’s one of the most polarizing Trek shows out there. However, one can’t deny that it didn’t try to do something different.

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When this series flies, it soars. When it falls, it crashes and burns. As a whole, Season 5 is mostly composed of lukewarm, so-so episodes, but ones like “Lagrange Point” and “Face the Strange” remind us of this show’s potential. 

Stray Observations: 
  • I’d love to see Patrick Kwok-Choon appear in another Trek property sometime down the line. Rhys is a fun character who didn’t get enough time to shine on Star Trek: Discovery
  • It’s become so normal to watch characters deliver emotionally impactful moments during action sequences in this series that it’s almost charming. Sure, it disrupts the narrative flow, but when you’re a crewmember of the U.S.S. Discovery, there’s never a right time to have a sensitive conversation. 
  • Well, Burnham might not make it to Saru’s wedding after all. Just kidding, I assume next week’s series finale will end with Saru and T’Rina’s nuptials after our heroes destroy and/or lock up the Progenitors’ tech. 
  • Watching Rayner sit in the captain’s chair is satisfying. As we speak, I’m manifesting a spin-off or prequel series with Rayner at the helm of his own ship. 
  • Adira feels like a character who hasn’t had much to work with lately, so seeing their development is nice, even though we might not see them again after next week. Their newfound confidence and willingness to embark on this mission are refreshing to see. 
  • Owosekun, Detmer, and Bryce had better be in the series finale, or I’ll riot. 
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Hello! My name is Melody and I love TV! Maybe too much. I'm the Managing Editor for a small entertainment site called Geek Girl Authority and an Independent Contractor for Sideshow Collectibles. Additionally, I have bylines in Culturess, Widget, and inkMend on Medium. I love cheese. I love lamp.

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