Do not let it go unnoticed that foreign leaders are watching the USA President give a national address shouting about a need to “save democracy” while simultaneously trying to jail his political opposition.   These are not just odd hypocrisies that make good fodder to intellectually beat leftists in western social media battles; these are actual realities with real world consequences for billions of people living in it.

Decrying the lack of constraints on executive power while expecting us to forget how the same executive office holder mandated gene therapy for all workers under threat of government punishment, seems a little odd.  However, this is the era of Great Pretending, and I’m here to underline the bold examples of it.

Joe Biden has the audacity, the nerve, the political tone deafness which can only come from an echo-chamber of ideological idiots, to use his official office to protest against his political opposition under the guise of a Supreme Court ruling the entirety of his leftist tribe doesn’t like.  It really is pathetic how low-grade and unintellectual our republican form of government has become.  WATCH:

